I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1091

Obviously the current situation looks like a monster named Evolto is blaming Kiryu Sentu for bringing hopeless disasters to people, but everyone is believing Kiryu Sentu!

Because they believed that Kiryu Zhantu would never do such a thing!

Then, Kiryu Zhantu also responded to their trust.

Facing Mr. E's sarcasm, Kiryu Zhantu looked calm and said, "Why do I merge so many worlds into one?"

Mr. E was taken aback by this answer, but before he could say anything again, Jon stretched out a finger and tapped his forehead, pretending to say helplessly.

"It seems that you, Evolto, still don't realize one thing, that is, War Rabbit didn't activate the white metal plate to create a new world."

As he said that, Jon clapped his hands, imitating Mr. E's previous expression and tone, and said, "Could it be that after seeing me appear, he stubbornly believes that the activation of the white metal plate must be used to create a new world? But it's normal, because just like you said, this is the only possibility for you to succeed."

Isn't it used to create new worlds? Jon's taunt made Mr. E have a bad feeling. At this moment, he even felt that this strange space absorbed more energy in his body.

Boss E originally thought that Kiryu Sentu felt that he and Killbus could not be completely killed, so he wanted to integrate more parallel worlds, so he used such words to anger Kiryu Sentu, but the situation is not the case now!

When the feeling of panic reappeared in Boss E's mind, it could not dissipate, and the face that mimicked Ishido Soichi was also constantly twisting.

If... if the purpose of Kiryu Sentu is not to merge so many parallel worlds into a new world, then what is he going to do?

"It is to pass on hope to other worlds." Jon looked up at the gap, and said calmly: "In order to resurrect those who died because of you, Evolto, in other worlds, in order for people to transfer the spirit that is condensed in themselves now." Hope to pass on to other worlds."

"That's right! The world will not merge, it will only let the hope continue to pass on! Because the earth that appears now is the spiritual world of people! The phenomenon that surpasses the laws of physics connects the spirits of people from different worlds together!


Kiryu Zhantu stood beside Jon, and his fingers brushed the part with the dragon element on the visor lightly, "That's why I said from the beginning, the law of victory...has been determined!"

These words made the expression on Mr. E's face uncertain, and then he changed back to a weird figure.

"It seems that I underestimated you, but don't forget... now I have absorbed the power of Killbus."

General E's tone gradually turned cold.

"You guys are already exhausted from dealing with Killbus, what can you do next?"

He admitted that he underestimated Kiryu Sentu and was calculated by such a method, but as he said, he has absorbed Killbus' power!

As long as he can kill these damn guys in front of him, then...he is still the ruler of the universe!

E always thought so, but what responded to him was Jon's light words.

"There's a lot that can be done, and..."

While speaking, another white metal plate appeared in Jon's hand.

It was the white metal plate inlaid with ten white evolution bottles.

"What gave you the illusion that I had used all my strength?"

Mr. E was taken aback by Jon's words, and then even the ugly face in the eccentric state began to twist.

In Mr. E's eyes, his plan is obviously perfect!

He has clearly calculated everything, successfully absorbed the power of Killbus, and let Kiryu Sentu open the door to a new world, but...


An angry roar erupted from Mr. E's mouth, followed by scarlet energy that instantly enveloped the space. Such energy was constantly rushing towards everyone, but Jon, who was standing at the forefront, He regarded Mr. E's anger as nothing, only the skirt around his waist was constantly swinging.

"Now you should regret it."

Looking at Boss E who was already rushing towards him, Jon let out a chuckle.

"Evolto's destiny begins with this world and ends with this world, begins with me and ends with me."

[Over-Over the Revolution! 】

It looks like a simple battle, but it is not a battle they can intervene in.

Whether it's Jon or Evolto, the force they bring in every punch is enough to tear a planet completely apart, but such force is perfectly borne by their bodies, and time and time again Standing up quickly, he bombarded the opponent with his fists and feet again.

It didn't even cause any damage to the environment here!


Why does such a battle make them feel uncomfortable? Make them want to stop?

"Because that's what he needs." Katoyashi said while playing with the knight card in his hand, under Kiryu Sentu's astonished gaze.

"No matter who you are, you are looking for your own world, where there is no falsehood, and it is a place where only the sun shines... People continue to travel just to get there, and they are not afraid to travel! I am not saying that Wrong, Wanzhang."

"Mr. Reporter..." Wanzhang Ryuwo's ​​voice sounded from Kiryu Sentu's body, and then he looked at Jon who was fighting with Mr. E again.

This time, he understood a lot, although he couldn't express it in words, but he really understood it in his heart.

"So after he really finds his own world, he will definitely shout that sentence again."


Dark golden flames burned on Jon's faceplate, and the Kuuga coat of arms in the black hole on his forehead was also emitting golden brilliance.

Both the knights and the people in the world they belonged to were responding to Jon's will, making Mr. E scream in pain with every punch he made.


The unwilling roar sounded from Mr. E's mouth again.

He was angry, angry that he was close to success, but all of this was destroyed by Jon again!

Such a gap made President E want to tear Jon into pieces!

But none of his attacks could defeat the figure in front of him, and he couldn't even make him take another step back!

Obviously he could do it in the beginning!

He tried his best to punch Jon's body again, but even with such a force, he couldn't make Jon's body bend down at all, as if Jon was experiencing a Metamorphosis, and eventually grow to such an extent that Mr. E, who has absorbed Killbus's power, cannot be shaken at all!

Mr. E understood what fear was for the first time, but the words that came out of Jon's mouth in the next second made him angry again.

"So what am I struggling with? Isn't this something that can be done easily?"

Jon's words didn't sound like the frighteningly calm tone when he responded to Mr. E's roar before, but it was mixed with a trace of helplessness.

Stretching out his palm, Jon grabbed President E's wrist.

In front of his current strength, Boss E doesn't even have the ability to resist at all.

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