I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1197

If he is such a king, then he can definitely create the best future!


Meanwhile, the other side.

Ola opened her eyes.

After being rescued by Swaruz, she fell into a coma, and when she woke up, she felt cold when she recalled the last scene.

If Swaruz hadn't rescued her at that time, she would have died without a doubt!

Looking around, Ola found that Swaruz and Kakogawa Feiliu had returned, but what made her angry was that after Kakogawa Feiliu saw her wake up, an undisguised expression of disdain flashed across his face.

"I finally woke up, and I was stunned by that level of enemies. I said you might as well give me that strange meter to use." Kakogawa Feiliu sarcastically sneered at Aura.

And Swaruz didn't smooth things over, as if he had acquiesced in Kakogawa Hiryu's idea.

This made Aura clenched her fists unwillingly. Aura was very unwilling.

She didn't think this guy named Kakogawa Hiryu could do better than her in the face of Blood Diving and Fifth Generation Yusuke.

She will never hand over the power she has obtained!

Standing up silently, Aura endured the pain from all over the body and left here, and then took out the watch head that contained a part of the singularity power.

The idea of ​​controlling a different kind of knight to become a puppet king, and then hiding himself behind the scenes is obviously no longer feasible.

The fear she felt from Jon and Yusuke Godai made Ora understand that now is her last chance!

Once she gave up, she would lose everything, and even her own life would not be in her hands.


Isn't the answer obvious?

Aura gritted her teeth and put the special meter in her hand into her body.

But what she didn't know was that when she made this choice, a smile appeared on the face of Swaruz, who had previously tacitly agreed that Kakogawa Hiryu asked for a different kind of Kuuga header.

In the next second, the smile disappeared, and then Swaruz spoke calmly towards Kakogawa Feiliu.

"Although the Kamen Rider Kuuga reappears, it will not have a great impact on our plan. As long as Kakogawa Hiryu tortures Tokiwa Shogo well, breaks his will, and then kills him on the day when the day of encountering the devil comes." Tokiwa Sogo, you can take away his power and replace him as the real Demon King."

Kakogawa Feiliu didn't answer, but looked at the strange Zi-O meter in his hand.

After a long time, he said, "This power will evolve again by then, right?"

"That's right." Swaruz nodded and said, "Because the time and space in this world have become more and more distorted, the power that chose Sougo Tokiwa has also become unstable. This is why our plan can be successful." The premise is also our only chance."

This answer made the corners of Kakogawa Hiryu's mouth twitch slightly.

"So I will never let go of this opportunity. I will take away everything from Sogo Tokiwa, just like he once took everything from me."



Not long after Sogo Tokiwa and Heywards came back, Ur rushed in sweating profusely with an unbelievable expression on his face. Sogo Tokiwa was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly asked what was going on.

After seeing Sougo Tokiwa, Ur's face became serious, and he asked directly: "Zi-O, do you remember those two dolls you went to investigate with W earlier?"

"Ul, you mean Kamen Rider Decade and another unknown Kamen Rider doll?" Tokiwa Shogo asked, remembering what he had seen in Matsuno Haruka's house.

"Hmm." Ur swallowed, and then announced a date.

"August 26, 2018, that's when the two dolls appeared, and they appeared without any warning. They were not there one second ago, but they appeared in that room the next second."

Thinking of the weird scene where the two dolls appeared at the same time, Ur felt his scalp tingle.

When Tokiwa Shogo went back to the past and handed over the Kuuga driving watch to the five generations of Yusuke, and returned to the present to deal with the alien Zi-O, Ur was not idle, but followed the previous interruption after the singularity appeared. The clues continue to be explored.

Ur didn't think these two Kamen Rider dolls would be so simple, so he found the time when Matsuno Haruto first posted that photo, and then went back to that time point to find clues.

This process took him a lot of time, but he got such information.

Just like what he said, the two Kamen Rider dolls appeared suddenly without any warning!

So something definitely happened that day!

Ur wanted to tell Sogo Tokiwa his guess, but...

"I didn't expect you to spend your energy on such a boring thing."

The person who spoke was Menyashi, who was leaning against the door frame at the moment, staring at Ur with a look of 'you are boring'.

This expression gave Ur a feeling that his efforts were ignored, and he directly retorted: "This is not a boring thing, but very important information!"

Tokiwa Sogo frowned and looked at Monyashi.

"Mr. Moya, do you really not know that Kamen Rider?"

From Wuer's mouth, I learned that the doll representing the Kamen Rider Decade and another doll of Kamen Rider who does not know the identity appeared at the same time, so Tokiwa Shogo thought that Kamen Yashi should know something, but...

"I don't know...Maybe it's just a coincidence." Katoyashi wiped the lens of the camera without raising his head and said, "Probably the girl with the singularity just made these two dolls at that time. .”

Men Yashi seems to want to use this method to perfunctory the past, but Ur will not let Men Yashi expose this topic so easily.

"Decade, you definitely know!" Ur interrupted Monyashi, and said, "That's Kamen Rider Evol, right?"

Kamen Rider Evol?

Both Tokiwa Shogo and Ur have heard this name several times, but they don't know each other's existence.

The only person who knows about this Kamen Rider is Kamen Yashi!

"Decade, you used the power of Kamen Rider Evol before and said that you destroyed the world of Kamen Rider Evol. Is this true?"

Ur remembered the awesomeness that Menyashi once boasted in front of Swaruz, but...

"Who knows? Maybe it was destroyed, maybe it wasn't. This kind of problem is not something worth caring about."

Men Yashi still looked unwilling to continue on this topic, but Ur shook his head and said, "I probably know the purpose of Swaruz and Bloodlurk."

After saying this, Ur didn't give Monyashi a chance to change the subject, looked at Sogo Tokiwa, and said, "Zi-O, what do you think of Swaruz finding the singularity and bringing it to this era?" something?"

Tokiwa Shogo thought about it for a few seconds, and now he naturally would not answer that the purpose of Swaruz's doing this was to make the driving meter he had obtained lose power.

"That's right, I don't want to weaken your power Zi-O, but just like Blood Dive, I want to force you to keep collecting other driving meters to gain stronger power." Ur gave such an answer, and then continued:

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