I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1198

"So Swaruz gave the singularity to the blood diver without hesitation, because the two of them have the same purpose in this matter, but Zi-O, have you ever thought about it, since even the blood diver feels The singularity being controlled by others may affect his ability to get all the driving meters, so wouldn't Swaruz think so?"

Wouldn't Swaruz think so?

When Ur's words sounded, Tokiwa Sogo felt that some clues suddenly appeared in his head, but he couldn't catch them for a while.

If the goals of Swaruz and Blood Diver are the same, then no matter who controls the Singularity, it is destined to be threatened by the other party, but Swaruz did not hesitate to hand over the Singularity to Blood Diver.

Could it be that although their goals seem to be the same on the surface, they are actually different?

Blood Diver simply and neatly showed his greed for the driving watch, but Swaruz has been creating strange knights, using this method to force him to get the driving watch.

But if you think about it from another angle, is it possible that Swaruz himself handed over the singularity to the blood diver not because he was forced, but on purpose?

Maybe the singularity doesn't have much effect on Swaruz, even if it is handed over to the blood diver, it will be beneficial to Swaruz's plan?

Swaruz was forcing him to collect the driving meters, and so was Blooddiver and then took them all at the last minute.

The emergence of the singularity exposed the purpose of the blood sneak, making the blood sneak the most difficult enemy on his face, and Swaruz...

Thinking of this, Tokiwa Sogo's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Especially when he played against Swaruz in 2000, it also told him that Swaruz's strength should not be underestimated, that is to say...

"Swaruz did it on purpose!" Tokiwa Sogo said under Heyworth's astonished gaze:

"He used the singularity to expose the blood sneak's conspiracy, so we have to focus part of our energy on the blood sneak, and at the same time reduce the possibility of the driving meter being taken away by the blood sneak. The blood sneak must know this, but forced For some reason he had to fall into Swaruz's trap again!"

"But Your Majesty the Demon King, what is the reason why the blood sneak has to be recruited? I don't think the blood sneak can't see such a problem." Heyworth asked doubtfully.

"Of course the answer is to control the watch head." Tokiwa Sogo said excitedly in the expression of "you continue to talk, I will listen slowly" by Kato Yashi:

"Whether it's Swaruz or Blood Diver, their purpose is related to controlling the meter!"

"Your Majesty the Demon King, we are all...wrong with this question..." Heyworth just wanted to say that everyone knew about it, but before he finished speaking, he realized something, widened his eyes, and asked, "The Demon King Your Majesty, do you mean that they want to obtain the power and history of Kamen Rider Evol in this way?"

"That's right!" Sogo Tokiwa clapped his hands and explained: "According to Mr. Menya, a singularity is someone who can record history and restore history to a certain extent, so now the only one who remembers the history of Kamen Rider Evol Humans only have that singularity! This is why the blood dive has to take action!"

Ur nodded, he thought so too, but not as detailed as Tokiwa Shogo said.

Immediately afterwards, Ur looked at Men Yashi.

"Then it's time to tell us the news about Kamen Rider Evol! Not only Blood Dive, Swaruz seems to be coveting the power of this Kamen Rider!"

Ur's words made Sougo Tokiwa firm in his mind. He felt that Swaruz had concealed his peek at the power of Kamen Rider Evol, so he forced the blood diver to reveal his identity and seize the singularity.

"Mr. Kamenya, please tell us about Kamen Rider Evol." Sogo Tokiwa stared at Kamenya seriously.

Although he has been repeatedly jumping on both sides of him and the time robber, the attitude of Shotaro senior towards Monyashi and the dolls that appeared at Matsuno Haruka Doujia have restored Tokiwa Shogo's trust in Monyashi.

He hoped to get a way to break the game from Menyashi, but...

"You don't want to see that guy appear in front of you." Mon Yashi stopped acting stupid and said calmly:

"That guy is not a nice guy."

This answer was unexpected by Tokiwa Shogo, but before he could continue to say something, Monyashi's next sentence caught him by surprise.

"Moreover, you missed a possibility, Demon King, that is, the reason why Swaruz gave the Singularity to the Blood Diver so reassuringly is that he has already tampered with the Singularity. I don't think that guy will give such an important All the things are handed over to the blood diver in its entirety."

After leaving these words, Monyashi stood up and left, leaving Tokiwa Shogo standing there alone in deep thought.

And not long after Monyashi left, Tokiwa Sogo suddenly thought of something.

yes! Although the first Kamen Rider has appeared now, the driving meter has not yet regained its power!

"I see! It's Ola!"


At the same time, Jon was looking at the cold tea in front of him in a daze, as if he had maintained this posture unmoved after Godai Yusuke left.

Mina obediently hugged the gift given to her by Yusuke Godai, and lay down on the sofa on the right side of Jon to sleep.

She looked a little restless sleeping at the moment, and seemed a little uncomfortable.

Jon knew what was going on.

"Has it finally been used? It's really a guy who has been squeezed out of all the value of use."

Jon touched Mina's face, which woke Mina up and opened her eyes slightly.

"Big brother, it's hard..."

Mina felt dizzy and uncomfortable, and even Jon's appearance appeared double in her eyes.

"Maybe I ate too much lunch." Jon comforted with a smile, "Have a good sleep, and you should be able to find Mina your home when you wake up."

The comforting voice from Jon made Mina feel more comfortable, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Jon stood up and disappeared into the villa.


At the same time, at the location of Time Robber, Ola propped one hand on the wall, and covered her mouth with the other hand, retching constantly.

After putting the meter with part of the singularity power into his body, Ola felt that his body became extremely chaotic.

The dizzying feeling made her stagger even if she was leaning on the wall, as if she might fall into her own vomit at any moment.

Moreover, this situation is still mild, and what is even more frightening is the messy images that keep pouring into her head. In these images, Ola saw many things that made her feel inexplicable, as if they were things that happened all over the world. But there is no correlation.

For example, what appeared in her mind one second was the inauguration ceremony of a country's president, but the next second flashed a picture of an earthquake somewhere.

"What the hell is this...?" Ola covered her mouth in pain, and her doubts were answered.

"That's history, Orla." "That's history, Orla."

Swaruz's voice rang in Aura's ears, making Aura, who was retching, stiffen, and then looked at Swaruz in disbelief.

"History? What... mean?"

Aura shook her head vigorously, trying to get the feeling of confusion out of her head, but not only failed, but made her thinking even more confused.

Swaruz didn't care about Ola's chaotic state at the moment, but explained calmly: "Theoretically, the existence of the singularity will not be affected by historical changes, Ola, don't you wonder why the singularity of this era will disappear? ?”

"Swaruz, you... didn't you say you were replaced?" Ola panted and leaned against the wall, recalling Swaruz's explanation before, and replied.

"It was indeed replaced, the singularity in the past replaced the singularity in the present, but Ola, where do you think the missing part of history went?"

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