I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 302

Although he doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

"In the beginning, I was very scared." Xia Bei nodded honestly, "but then I thought that if the people rescued by Uncle Ren were all afraid of Uncle Ren, then it would be too unfair to Uncle Ren."

"Only children who haven't grown up care about fairness..." Jin Yingshan smiled.

"But if you don't care about fairness when you are young, then no one will care about fairness when you grow up!" Xia Bei looked serious, and then continued: "Even if many people don't care about such things when they grow up, they must There will also be some people who care about fairness since they were young, so they will think so when they grow up!"

This answer was somewhat beyond Ying Shanren's expectations. He didn't expect such a young child in Xia Bei to have such a cognition.

This made him look at this child differently, but it was a pity that he was no longer qualified for such happiness.

Because of his fault, he even caused the world to suffer unnecessarily, so he needs to continue to atone for his sins and kill all the Amazon clones that appeared in this world.


On the other side, Jon heard the news of the appearance of another Amazon in the choked voice of the dragon girl.

This time, it was still the type of ordinary people infected.

So how did the other party do it?

And what is the purpose?

If the current situation is the outbreak of the maddened Amazon, it can also be understood that the protozoa who came to this world is blackened like the mole Amazon in the original work, and wants to convert humans into Amazons, but the current situation is not Not so.

Judging from the time interval between the appearance of the spider Amazon and the stag beetle Amazon and their activity areas, they should not be the same group of people infected with lysogenic cells.

"I remember that if you just accidentally ingested lysogenic cells through water sources, it would take a certain amount of time to be transformed into Amazons. Even the 4C fighters who inadvertently ingested protozoan body fluids in the original work mutated after a period of time. Time, and the countermeasure team has already started to check the bodies of other people near the two people's residences, if there is any abnormality, it should have been discovered long ago."

On the way back, Jon pondered this question.

At present, all the remains of the bodies of the missing people due to Amazon have been found, as if there are only a few man-eating monsters in Gui City so far.

"So... what's the problem?"

Jon opened the door, and saw that Matou Ying was already standing at the door waiting for him, and stretched out his hands when he came back.

"Welcome back."

Chapter 284: The Mystery Has Been Revealed (4W Recommendation Ticket Plus Update)

"That is to say..." Ba Mami showed a shocked look after learning about this from Jon, "A source of infection that can transform ordinary people into man-eating monsters appeared in this city ?”

Matou Sakura held Jon's hand and sat next to him, her calf dangling in the air and swaying slightly, her eyes turned back and forth on Jon and Ba Mami, and looked at Sakura Kyoko from time to time, she didn't know what she was thinking .

"Yes." Jon nodded, "Once infected with lysogenic cells, human beings will become Amazonized. The only good thing is that these cells do not have the ability to infect again, and they will die immediately once they lose water. .”

"This is really bad news." Ba Mamei frowned, she knew very well how bad the source of infection that Jon said could bring to this world.

It was like the middle-aged man who was originally an ordinary person, but was infected by this lysogenic cell and turned into a monster.

"Jon, are you in trouble?" Matou Sakura looked at Jon's face and asked.

"Yeah, it's a terrible trouble." Jon rubbed her head and smiled.

"Then, can I help?" Matou Sakura asked.

"As long as Sakura is happy every day, she can be of great help."

This answer made Matou Sakura a little disappointed, but she still said seriously: "Then I will seriously help."

The cute appearance almost melted Ba Mamei's heart, she held her face and looked at Matou Ying's face with fascination, and then cast a disgusted glance at the red-haired one who looked like a salted fish lying on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone.

After Ba Mami looked over, Sakura Kyoko scratched her navel, looked away from the phone, and looked at Jon.

"Does that mean there is a pathogen-like monster active in Master Kyoko's territory?"

"Probably can be understood in this way." Jon replied while pinching his chin, and then saw the red hair pick up the coat that was put aside and turn it over from the sofa with a whoosh.

"Kyoko, are you going out?" Matou Sakura was attracted by Sakura Kyoko's movements, tilted her head, and asked.

In Matou Sakura's observations these days, Sakura Kyoko has undoubtedly been classified by her as the non-threatening type. She knows how to eat, drink, play games and sleep every day, and she doesn't study. Kyoko was about to go out suddenly, Matou Sakura was a little curious.

"Of course!" After getting dressed, Sakura Kyoko groped around every corner of the sofa, and then found a pack of pocky with a crushed shell in the gap and put it in her pocket, "Now Someone is acting wild on Lord Xingzi's territory, after all, he must be taught a lesson."

Jon: "..."

Well, it looks like he'll have to go again, too.

Under Matou Sakura's reluctant eyes, Jon stood up, ready to go out with Sakura Kyoko.

"I'll bring back a gift for Sakura!" Jon pinched Matou Sakura's soft face and said with a smile.

If he did this kind of action to another cub, he would probably be bitten. How could it be like Sakura who would take the initiative to come over and rub on his hand.

Although the expressionless appearance is still a bit regrettable.


"If you don't hurry up, I won't be waiting for you!" The red-haired voice came from the entrance, making Jon regretfully stop what he was doing.

When he came to the entrance, Jon saw that Sakura Kyoko was already ready and was looking at him impatiently.

This made Jon couldn't help but want to laugh. After going out, he stretched out his hand to hold the red-haired armpit and raised her high as before, and asked:

"Then, did Kyoko-sama become good friends with Sakura?"

"Whispering!" Sakura Kyoko blushed, but she didn't break free from Jon's hand like before.

"Then it seems to be there." After putting the cub down, Jon rubbed her head and said with a smile, "I'm relieved now."

"Hmph!" Sakura Kyoko turned her head angrily, and then took the lead to walk in front.

"I don't care what you idiot think! Tell Kyoko-sama where that guy is."

As she spoke, she slowed down again and patted Jon's waist.

"It's a bit embarrassing for me." Jon showed a distressed expression.

At present, he can only confirm the existence of the protozoa, but cannot confirm the trace of the other party. Even telling Long that the middle-aged man may have been infected at the workplace is just a simple speculation.

But if that's the case...

Seeming to have thought of some key clue, Jon called the dragon girl and asked about some things.

Although the red hair was still in a state of arrogance, after seeing Jon's serious gaze, he still sensibly did not bother him, but silently tore open the pocky he brought out from home just now.

The pocky that was originally complete has been crushed quite a bit, and Hongmao rummaged around before finding a complete one.

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