I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 303

It just so happened that Jon also finished his phone call, so Sakura Kyoko handed the only intact one to Jon.

"Did you find something else?"

Sakura Kyoko doesn't know anything about this matter. The reason why she is so interested is to see if Jon will come out with her. Judging from the results now, she is quite satisfied, and of course she wants her to show on the bright side It is not easy to come out.

"Yeah, it suddenly occurred to me that I had overlooked an important detail." Jon put back his phone with a serious expression.

He ignored a very important issue, that is, if the protozoa appeared in this city, then there would be at least four ogres in Gui City now!

According to the clues mentioned by Jon before, the countermeasure team has searched for various suspicious places, and found the body parts of many victims in these places, which is roughly the same as the number of missing persons, including several missing children Even only some hair tissue is left.

"The target that was taken to hidden warehouses and eaten was made by the spider Amazon, and the one that was killed at home was made by the leech Amazon, and the Amazon that ate people at home, so the protozoa has always been Didn't you make a move?"

Jon showed a puzzled expression.

He didn't think that the Amazons, the protozoa that came to this world, could suppress the desire to eat people, so it didn't make sense that only two Amazons would do it all the time.

So what is the problem?

Jon frowned and began to think, he felt as if he had missed a question that he had thought of before.

what is it?

Jon subconsciously looked at the red hair, and just happened to see the scene where she thought it was troublesome one by one, and poured all the broken pocky into his mouth.

Then, he understood!

"It's really helpful! Xingzi." Under Xingzi's inexplicable gaze, Jon picked her up and turned her around.

"The answer is...wasting food!"

"Huh?" The red-haired man who was being hugged and circling looked at Jon with a troubled expression, "Have you lost your mind, you idiot? Food shouldn't be wasted, right?"

Chapter 285: Scavenger-eating Amazon

"Yeah, food shouldn't be wasted."

After turning enough, Jon put Sakura Kyoko's body down, took her by the palm and walked outside.

"Since the spider Amazon is so cautious that he came up with such a way to hide his tracks, then he shouldn't have left such a loophole."

The flaw in Jon's mouth refers to the tissue left by the other party at the place where they ate.

The way the spider Amazon eats is to use digestive juices to dissolve its prey into liquid food and then eat. Logically speaking, he should be able to leave no traces like the leech Amazon, but he did.

Is it because you can't eat it?

If you really can't eat it, it's impossible to leave only a small amount.

Reminiscent of the fact that only the missing children had only some hair left, Jon thought of a possibility.

"Is this the desire to survive?" Jon couldn't help but sighed. If it was him, he probably wouldn't be able to do what the other party did.

"Huh? What strange things are you talking about?" Sakura Kyoko asked Jon's palm with one hand and kicked it in her pocket with the other, with a puzzled expression on her face.


"Master Kyoko!"

"Okay..." Jon was a little helpless, and then changed his words: "What will Master Kyoko do if he sees other people eating half of the food and throwing it away?"

"Of course I will teach that guy a lesson!" Sakura Kyoko said without hesitation.

"Would you ever think about picking up the food thrown away by the other party and eating it?"

As soon as these words came out, Jon emptied his palm, and then found that Sakura Kyoko had let go of his hand and took a few steps back, looking at him with disgust.

"You're disgusting, idiot!"

Jon: "..."

He just asked casually.

He complained in his heart, and then Jon found that Sakura Kyoko held his palm again.

"In other words, do you suspect that the monster that was the source of infection picked up the leftover food from the spider monster?"

"Very likely, unless he can suppress his cannibalism."

This answer made Sakura Kyoko grin.

"It's a terrible move, but Lord Kyoko will not spare him just because he is a scavenging monster." Sakura Kyoko shook her head unhappily, "Since he has transformed an ordinary person into a man-eating monster The monster is gone, wouldn't it be superfluous to eat scavenger again?"

"Who knows? Maybe he has some strange persistence." Jon sighed, and then told the dragon girl this clue.


"Scavenging monster?" The dragon girl who hadn't recovered from the spider Amazon incident covered her mouth in disbelief when she learned of Jon's conclusion.

She can't imagine the reason why a monster converts ordinary people into cannibal monsters, just to pick up the food left by the other party.

This made her retch subconsciously, and then told Ning Wu about it.

"Although it sounds unbelievable, judging from the current situation, it seems that this is really possible." Ning Wu frowned.

Indeed, since most of the victim's body has disappeared, it would be a little strange to leave some leftovers.

Now that most of it has been eaten, it should not be difficult to eat up the rest.

Ning Wu recognized Jon's judgment, but a new problem came up again.

What exactly drove that monster to do such a thing?

While thinking about this matter, Ning Wu once again asked the intelligence personnel to review the monitoring of the place where the victim's body tissue appeared, but unfortunately...

Still did not find any abnormalities!

This gave Ning Wu a headache.

In this case, can we only rely on the man who calls himself Ying Shanren? Can it really be successful?

But at this moment, intelligence personnel put forward a conjecture.

"Since the two monsters that have been solved now have the ability to move in the drainage pipe and the ability to spit out silk threads like a spider, does the source of infection also have special abilities?"

"You mean..." Ning Wu was taken aback, and then said a possible result, "It is possible that the other party also acted in a special way to avoid all the cameras?"

This conclusion is very possible. Since the two monsters that have been dealt with now have biological characteristics, it is impossible for the monster that is the source of infection to not have similar abilities and be able to move in so many places without being observed. ..

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