I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 305

His mother saved him at the last moment and brought him to this world where his father didn't exist, so he would listen to his mother.

His mother doesn't want him to kill, so he won't kill humans, but in this case, he can only eat the leftover food by picking up other Amazons.

He doesn't want to die!

He wants to live!

No matter how humble the method is, he still wants to live!


I really want to see Yuiyu...

Qianyi leaned against the wall and slowly fell asleep.


On the other side, under the leadership of Wuma Youxiang, Ying Shanren, who was in a state of despair, went to the place where the countermeasure team found the armband.

After entering the sewer, regardless of the slippery sludge on the ground exuding the unique smell of the sewer, Ying Shanren lay down on the ground and sniffed hard.

Under the cover of the strong smell of the sewer, it is obviously not easy to find the smell of the target, but Yingshan Ren found it. On the face and body, and this scene also made Wuma Youxiang silent.

In the original plan, she just came to the other party with that strange armband, and then got some information about the monster from the other party, but she didn't expect the other party to have such a reaction.

Wuma Youxiang suddenly felt sorry for the man in front of her.

In the past, she was almost reduced to the situation of becoming a real monster. At that time, she chose to give up. If the dragon hadn't pulled her back at the last moment, she might have chosen to end her life.

So what happened to this man in front of him?

Obviously, he became more like a monster than a monster before, but he still didn't care even if it aroused the fear of others, and continued to walk on his own path.

Why did he do this?

Could it be that such monsters had special meaning to him, so that he didn't mind at all that he had fallen to such a point and wanted to kill them all.

Seeing the opponent's foot slipping and almost falling into the sewage in the middle of the sewer, Wuma Youxiang hastily stepped forward to hold him back.

"Mr. Yingshan Jin, our countermeasure team can help you, you..."

"Go away!" Ying Shanren shook off Wuma Youxiang's palm without hesitation, and then walked slowly forward while supporting the wall of the sewer.

"I found it...I found it..."

Ying Shanjin walked and stopped in the sewer, and then sniffed the air vigorously, as if the stench in the air was like the smell from delicious delicacies to him, while Wuma Youxiang was Follow each other nervously.

By this time they had traveled a long distance in the sewer system.

Then, she saw the other party lying on the ground, grabbing a lump of mud from the sink in his hand.


Ying Shanren kept chanting these words, and then stretched out his fingers to gently touch the mud, peeling it off gently.


Jin Yingshan cried.

"It's a lie...it's a lie..."

The silt in his hand became smaller and smaller, leaving only a small spot in the palm of his hand. Under the illumination of the flashlight, Wuma Youxiang saw a pale green substance buried in the silt, the size of the fingernail of a little finger. .

"It must be a lie! Why are you... you are obviously dead... you are a lie... you must be a lie..."

Are they all dead? When Wuma Youxiang heard the words that came out of Yingshanren's mouth, a trace of doubt flashed across her face, and then what made her feel a little sick was that Yingshanren put the strange substance in his hand together with the mud Stuffed it into his mouth, then moved his throat and swallowed it.

Chapter 287

"But going to and from the place where the spider Amazon eats without being discovered, could it be Quan Qiyu?" Jon sighed.

He felt that things were getting more and more troublesome!

"Are you worried that after that spider is killed, that source of infection will look for new targets and turn it into a man-eating monster?" Sakura Kyoko couldn't help asking.

Jon nodded.

Lysogenic cells can spread through the water source, so Jon is a little worried that the other party will tamper with the water source. Even though the waterworks have strict monitoring, the water pipes along the road cannot be monitored everywhere.

So he wanted to find out what the other party's purpose was.

If the other party was really affected by the desire to eat people and started to attack people, it would be much easier to find the other party's whereabouts, but now the other party's strange behavior made Jon puzzled.

At this moment, the clues have been completely interrupted!

"Is it the only way to go to him for help?" Jon sighed again, obviously he couldn't find the protozoa before Ying Shanren.

But at this moment, the dragon girl called him and told him a news.

Jin Yingshan, smelling something from the things he found in the work site of the spider Amazon, rushed towards the sewer like crazy!

"Have you discovered it..." Jon's face was complicated, and then his palm was pinched by Sakura Kyoko.

"Are you okay?" Sakura Kyoko asked, "If you have any troubles, just tell Master Kyoko."

"It's a terrible trouble..." Jon looked at Sakura Kyoko's serious expression, sighed, then tightened her hand, and walked towards the location provided by the dragon girl.

"Kyoko, if one day I become a man-eating monster, will you choose to kill me?"

"Huh?" Sakura Kyoko showed a strange expression, "Why did you kill you?"

"Don't you think, Kyoko, that such a monster is disgusting? Especially seeing one's own family become like this, how to deal with it is a test of one's will."

"That's right." Sakura Kyoko thought about it carefully, and then answered Jon: "But if you hurt the most important person to yourself for the sake of strangers..."

Sakura Kyoko tried hard to think about what to say next, but she realized her slip of the tongue before she finished speaking.

"Bah bah bah! It's not someone important, I mean...I mean..."

Sakura Kyoko's face was flushed red, and then she found a reason to leave her foot in desperation.

"Master Kyoko meant to hurt her capable subordinates for the sake of strangers, isn't it strange?!" Sakura Kyoko explained loudly.

This made Jon couldn't help but smile, and then squatted down to look at Sakura Kyoko's dodgy eyes.

"But wouldn't Kyoko-sama feel uncomfortable watching her capable subordinates turn into such monsters?"

"Of course it will be uncomfortable..." Sakura Kyoko kicked the patrol robot that just passed by, and whispered: "In this case, let Jon eat me, anyway, I won't die .”

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