I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 306

This answer stunned Jon, and then he rubbed the red-haired head vigorously.

"Don't think about it so seriously, I'm just making an analogy."

"Master Kyoko didn't think about it seriously!" Sakura Kyoko looked upset. In order to prove the credibility of her words, she stretched out her index finger and thumb to sign a 'little bit' finger, "Master Kyoko just It’s just using such a little bit of brain power to think about this strange problem!”

"Really? I don't believe it."

"Ahhhhhh! You idiot! Pervert! I just don't think there is any need for Mami's two obtrusive things to exist! If you, an idiot, become a man-eating monster, go and remove those two things first. Eat it!"

"If it's that, I don't think I need to become..."

"Huh?" Sakura Kyoko tilted her head and looked at Jon.

"It's nothing." Jon, who was about to say a yellow accent to a fourteen-year-old girl, changed his words in time, took Sakura Kyoko's hand and continued walking.

"Ms. Kyoko's answer makes me very happy." Jon showed a gentle smile towards Sakura Kyoko, and then his expression became serious, "However, some people think completely opposite to you, Kyoko. He thinks everything is wrong. It was his fault, so he has been 'atonement' all the time, even in the face of his own wife and children, he would choose to kill them."

Quan Qiyu's problem cannot be solved by abortion during pregnancy.

During the period when Ying Shanren lost his mind, Quan Qiyu had buried the root of the disaster when he was pregnant. After all, the fetus will exchange nutrients in the blood with the mother through the umbilical cord, and it is said that it will not be affected by the original reason. The influence of the living body Thousand Wings is impossible.

"Then, did people who were already dead reappear in this world?" Sakura Kyoko asked.

Jon nodded, and then felt his palms being clenched again.

Taking Sakura Kyoko to the area under martial law, Jon happened to see Jin Yingshan coming out of the sewer with a broken face, his body was covered with sewage and silt, and his whole body smelled stinky, but he did not He didn't care about his own image, but staggered towards one direction, still muttering the words 'you're lying...you're lying...'.

Then, a smile appeared on his face as if he was crying.

"But... smells don't fool you..."

At some point, the transformation belt appeared in his hand, and after being put on his waist, he twisted the handle.


"Wait! Mr. Ying Shanren!" Wuma Youxiang who followed the other party subconsciously wanted to calm the other party down, but it was obviously too late!


Following the roar of a wild beast, a terrifying explosion appeared in front of Wuma Youxiang again!

And this time when the other party transforms, the movement that erupts is far more than before!

Even though Wuma Youxiang was well prepared, she still felt the painful burning sensation from her lungs when facing the scorching air wave caused by the explosion.

When she opened her eyes, she found that Ying Shanren had disappeared in place, and only a red figure that disappeared from the sky could be vaguely seen.

This scene gave Wuma Youxiang an ominous premonition, but just when she subconsciously wanted to report what happened here to the countermeasure team, a palm stretched out to stop her.

"Although it's a bit sudden, can I ask Miss Wuma not to tell other people about this for the time being?"

Wuma Youxiang looked back, then was taken aback for a moment.

"Blood dive!"

Chapter 288 Beware of Danger (Form)!

"Can you tell me the reason why you did this, Blood Diver?"

Seeing the palm grabbing her wrist, Wuma Youxiang looked serious.

She couldn't understand the reason why the other party made such a choice. After all, judging from the previous series of performances of the other party, there was no need for the blood potential to be an enemy of the countermeasure team because of this kind of thing.

"The reason?" Jon showed a distressed expression on his face, "Maybe it's just because he doesn't want to see a man's scars displayed in front of people."

Wuma Youxiang couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but it didn't mean that she would believe whatever Jon said.

Although the person in front of her was Long's trusted person, every time she heard Long talk about the blood dive with her in an adoring tone, she felt slightly uncomfortable, as if Long was about to be taken away by the other party.

"What if I don't want to?" She said vigilantly, she was ready to be attacked, but what surprised her was...

"Forget it then." Jon let go of Wuma Youxiang's wrist, and shrugged.

This reaction made Wuma Youxiang a little astonished, but just when she thought that the other party was teasing her, she saw that Jon had turned and left.

"But if you must do this, remember to be careful of the danger."


"Xiaobei, I will send you back." Li Xiu, who has transformed into a night bully, said to Xia Bei. It is dangerous enough to bring Xia Bei here. After such a crazy gesture, it was impossible for him to continue to lead Xia Bei.

But Xia Bei shook his head.

Although he was shocked that Li Xiu was the Yeba Transformer that was spread on the Internet, Xia Bei was most concerned about Ying Shanren's expression before.

"Uncle Ren is actually crying." Xia Bei said to Li Xiu who was about to leave, making him slightly taken aback.

Then, Xia Bei continued:

"I don't know what happened to Uncle Ren, but he is in great pain now! Maybe the monster that Uncle Ren smelled was the murderer who killed his family!"

His tone and expression are extremely serious, making it hard to imagine that he is just a thirteen-year-old child.

But this was not the reason why Li Xiu agreed to take him to the scene.

But just when Li Xiu was about to leave, his thigh was hugged.

"I want to help Uncle Ren! This has already been agreed!"

"Too dangerous."

Xia Bei didn't intend to let go, and he looked like he wouldn't let go unless he took him there.

Regarding this, Li Xiu could only helplessly say: "Then if there is danger, I will not bring you too close."

Xia Bei agreed.


At the same time, the countermeasure team started to mobilize immediately after receiving that Ying Shanren had fallen into a state similar to a runaway.

Through the monitoring network throughout the city, they easily found the trajectory of Ying Shanren, and then found him constantly leaping on the top of the densely populated buildings, heading towards the outskirts of the city.

According to Ying Shanren's performance when he was looking for the worm, it was obvious that this man had discovered something, and what attracted the attention of the other party was probably the unknown source of infection!

Ning Wu was also very nervous, he didn't expect that he just wanted to use this man's help, but it would lead to such a result.

Jin Yingshan's reaction was too extreme! In this way, there is not much preparation time left for the countermeasure team.

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