I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 312

Although the voice sounded like crying, the sharp blade in Qian Yi's hand stabbed mercilessly.

At this moment, there was no hesitation in his heart.

He wants to live!

And if he wanted to survive, he had to kill his father!

But just when the sharp blade in his hand was about to pierce Ying Shanren's head, a long spear was thrown from the side, hitting Qian Yi's blade and sending it flying.

Along with that came Sakura Kyoko's troubled voice.

"Although the story sounds very interesting, but ah..." Sakura Kyoko showed a nasty smile on her face, "You are the guy who caused trouble in Master Kyoko's territory, right?"

In response to Sakura Kyoko, it was...

【Claw Loading...】

The sharp hooked claws attacked Sakura Kyoko, but Sakura Kyoko waved the spear to block it, but was entangled in the gun body.

The terrifying force transmitted from above brought Sakura Kyoko's body towards Qianyi's position, and what greeted her was the blade on Qianyi's arm.

But Sakura Kyoko didn't panic at all.

The Wudan suit appeared behind her, and then a large number of chain guns shot out from the cuffs, binding Qianyi's limbs and hoisting her up.

But just when the three-pointed two-edged knife in Sakura Kyoko's hand was about to stab Qian Yi's body, the chain gun that bound Qian Yi's limbs began to crack, and then the claws and Sakura had already returned to the arms. Kyoko's spear points collided.

"You too... came here to kill me? Obviously we don't know each other...Aren't you willing to let me live?"

A sound like a wild animal crying came from Qianyi's mouth full of fangs.

"Yes." Sakura Kyoko said without hesitation, and her tone remained unchanged, "Someone wanted you dead, and then I came here."

These words made Qianyi even more painful.

【Needle Loading...】

The weapon on Qianyi's right hand began to change again, from a claw that could be fired into a strange firearm. Judging from the sharp needle protruding from the muzzle, the bullets it fired were not regular bullets but steel needle.

Pointing the gun at Sakura Kyoko, Chitsuba shouted in a strange voice that had become hoarse.

"You guys... don't you think you would kill your family in such a cold-blooded way when you see your family members encounter such misfortune?!"

"Huh?" Sakura Kyoko scratched her head, "You are not my family, why can't I kill you."

This sentence made Qianyi startled.

"Did your family become Amazon, would you still accept him?"

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Sakura Kyoko showed a provocative smile, "If that idiot wants to eat people, then come and eat me. If I let him eat someone's meat, I will Angry, how about it? I don't think there is anyone who loves my family more than me. "

Sakura Kyoko wanted to use this to irritate the monster in front of her by habitually letting out trash talk, but what she didn't expect was that after she said those words, Qian Yi suddenly fell silent.

It wasn't until several seconds later that he spoke again.

"Really... will there be such a family?"

"Oh, oh, are you envious of that idiot having a family like Kyoko-sama?" Sakura Kyoko smirked and mocked.

"Hmm..." Qian Yi nodded earnestly, and then stared at Sakura Kyoko with his yellow compound eyes, even though he looked like a monster, his eyes seemed to be able to reveal a begging body.

"Then, can I be part of Kyoko-sama's family?"

"Unfortunately, it can't be done." Sakura Kyoko refused without hesitation.

"Why?!" Qianyi waved her hands wildly, "I can guarantee that I won't eat Master Kyoko, I just want to live a good life!"

"Isn't the reason very simple..." Sakura Kyoko glanced at Jin Yingshan who was slowly getting up from the ground, "Your real family is over there."

"Qianyi...you are dead...don't insult your mother's will anymore..." Yingshan Ren stood up unsteadily, aimed those white compound eyes at Qianyi, and used his A voice that seemed to come from an abyss slowly said.

These words caused Qian Yi to collapse again, and pointed the needle gun on his right hand at Ying Shanren.


A sharp long needle shot out from the muzzle of the gun, but Jin Yingshan dodged it staggeringly.


Another shot, this shot tore apart the biological armor on Ying Shanren's arm and the muscles underneath, causing his arm to bleed profusely!

"The damned person is you!"

Long needles shot out from the muzzle of the gun, but Ying Shanren had disappeared in place at this moment.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared on Qianyi's right hand, and cut off the black blade on Qianyi's arm.

Qianyi wanted to fight back, but was pierced through the abdomen by the chain gun of Wudan uniform, and even the syringe on the driver was penetrated.


With a squeak, Qianyi's blood spurted out from his broken arm, and then he clutched his broken arm in pain and fell to the ground.

The joint blow from Sakura Kyoko and Takayama Jin directly knocked Chiwa out of her transformation state.

"Why...why..." Qian Yi grabbed Ying Shanren's ankle with the only remaining palm, even though the palm was scratched by the sharp point on the armor and started to ooze blood, he didn't care.

He held his head up with difficulty...

"I really... am I not qualified to live in this world...Father...Obviously my mother has saved me in this world...Obviously I didn't kill people in this world..."

Hearing these words, Ying Shanren knelt down, grabbed Qian Yi's hair, and grabbed his head.

"You are already dead, Qianyi... together with that corpse, Yuu and I killed you."

"Is that so..." Qianyi's lips were trembling, "If I'm dead...that is to say, now...I'm no longer the original me...But... ..”

Qianyi grabbed Jin Yingshan's wrist with his left hand.

"But even so, I...I want to live until the last moment!"

In the next second, white steam began to emerge in the air.

Chapter 294 People Don't Want to See You!

After seeing Qianyi start to Amazonize, Jon also knew that it was time for him to act.

Although he looks like a big boy, Qian Yi, who is actually only five years old, can't control his Amazon posture at all.

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