I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 313

Just as everyone in the countermeasure team had imagined, Qianyi's Kamen Rider form is only used to restrain Qianyi's more violent and terrifying prison. If this prison is broken, even more terrifying monsters will come!

When Qian Yi was still sane, Jon did not make a move, but let Ying Shanren and the other party complete the final farewell.

He didn't feel that Ying Shanren didn't feel any guilt towards Qian Yi, especially when he regarded himself as the source of all disasters.

Ying Shanjin must expel Qian Yi, who is an Amazon and a proto-body, but the pain in his heart is definitely not as calm as it seems on the surface!

"Uncle Blood Potential..." The dragon girl who had completed her transformation said in a serious tone, "Now that child named Qianyi has turned into a real monster, right?"

Hot steam had emerged from Qian Yi's body, and the dragon girl knew exactly what it meant.

The same scene also made the countermeasures team look serious.

Obviously, whether it is Jin Yingshan or his son Qianyi, even if they can transform into Kamen Riders, they are still monsters!

Like the knight system in the world of Kamen Rider Build, which needs to pass the nebula gas experiment to reach a certain level of danger, it also belongs to the same power system as the enemy and the enemy!

And unlike the nebula gas transformation experiment, Jin Yingshan really transformed his body into a monster!

Then why does he keep chasing and killing the same monster, even his wife and children!

And... in the end, will he drive himself out?

The terrible explosion appeared again, but this time it was not accompanied by flames, but like an invisible shock wave, flying Ying Shanren in front of him.

Under the illumination of the surrounding fire, Qianyi's position was already filled with a large amount of white steam, but something could still be vaguely seen wriggling in the steam.

Scary red eyes lit up in the steam, and then the wriggling thing pierced the steam and stabbed towards Ying Shanren's position.

It's tentacles!

The dark blue slender tentacles shot out from the steam, easily piercing through the biological armor on Jin Yingshan's body under the terrified eyes of people!

Immediately afterwards...

It is a transparent tentacles exuding a faint colorful halo.

The colorful tentacles look beautiful against the backdrop of white steam, but they are sickles that can easily harvest people's lives!

The seemingly soft tentacles easily cut through the biological armor on Ying Shanren's body, and even the thick steel bars were cut directly as soft as cream in front of these tentacles.

Qian Yi's sudden violent rise broke the original situation, and even Sakura Kyoko didn't react, and when she controlled the Wudan uniform and wanted to cut off these weird tentacles with a chain gun, she was surprised to find that the regeneration speed of these tentacles Far exceeded her estimate!

Although the chain gun was enough to cut off these tentacles, new tentacles regrown at the break the moment they were cut off!

Coupled with the tentacles that have almost occupied the entire line of sight, it seems to indicate that the prey they are staring at cannot escape.

Sakura Kyoko's actions also attracted the attention of Qian Yi, who had already entered Amazon Neo's body state. When she cut off a few tentacles, these densely entangled tentacles rushed towards her like a torrential rain.


Accompanied by the sound of the chain gun being torn apart, Sakura Kyoko was blown away.

Even though she had already controlled the Wudan uniform to wrap her body in time, and used chain guns to form a shield in front of her to defend herself, the power Qian Yi possessed in this state was really terrifying! Not to mention it was a fusion of Qianyi and Quan Qiyu!

"Damn it!" Sakura Kyoko gritted her teeth and looked at the monster slowly coming out of the steam not far away, as if she was angry at the other party for making her such a big fool.

But in the next second, a palm appeared on her head and rubbed it.

"If you are angry with a five-year-old kid, you will lose your reputation."

"Master Kyoko is not angry!" Sakura Kyoko slapped Jon's palm on her head, puffed her face and asked, "Is the matter over there settled?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to come over and help Master Kyoko as soon as I've dealt with it."

The dangerous trigger was constantly spinning in his hand, and Jon watched Qianyi, who had gradually revealed his true appearance.

Before that, he never thought that Qianyi and Quan Qiyu would come into this world as one body. Is it because the lysogenic cells in the two of them came from one body?

The tentacles dancing in the air dispersed the steam surrounding Qian Yi's body, revealing his current appearance.

The scarlet compound eyes, the dark blue cuticle on the body surface are covered with ferocious spikes, spreading from his feet all the way to the top of his head.

On his arms and shoulders, such spikes turned into a forest of blades, making one have no doubt that once touched by such blades, his body would be split in two.

And such an arm...

There are even six of them!

After transforming into an Amazon Neo body, Qianyi's arm that was severed by Jin Yingshan has begun to grow back slowly. Although it is slightly thinner than the normal left arm, it is even more beautiful when combined with the other five arms It brings great fear to people.

But the most shocking thing is that behind Qian Yi's ugly body, there are three pairs of dreamlike wings trembling slightly in the air.

Those tentacles that exude a faint colorful halo grow out of these wings!

Ugly and beautiful...wild and quiet, the diametrically opposite images appeared together on Qian Yi's body at this moment, it was obviously so inconsistent, but on Qian Yi's body, it seemed that some kind of strange harmony had been achieved , It even makes people feel that no matter which part is missing, it will appear insufficient.

"Is that... Qianyi's mother?" Wuma Youxiang murmured subconsciously after seeing this scene.

"That's right... this is Sister Qiyu... she's so beautiful..." Ying Shanren, who was transformed by Qian Yi, stood up weakly from the ground, looking at the front of him with gray eyes. scene.

No matter what his eyes look at, there will be several layers of double images, but only when he looks at the opponent's wings, he seems to have come to heaven.


"Fortunately, sister Qiyu, you didn't take me away..." Yingshan Ren showed a smile on his blood-stained face, "It's because my responsibility has not been completed, but..."

He trumpeted his hands in front of his mouth like a child.

"People still don't want to see you~!"

Chapter 295 Ren: My body has...

"People still don't want to see you~!"

Ying Shanren said loudly to Qian Yi.

In the next second, countless tentacles rushed towards his position. In Ying Shanren's current state, once touched by these tentacles, he would be directly dismembered.


Wuma Youxiang exhaled cold air.

A thick ice wall appeared in front of her, trying to block the tentacles attacking them, but obviously this level of ice wall couldn't stop Qianyi's attack.

Just the next moment of the collision, the ice wall that Wuma Youxiang tried his best to create was torn into pieces by the tentacles, and then the overwhelming tentacles rushed towards them.

This scene made Wuma Youxiang's pupils shrink suddenly, she didn't expect her ability to be so weak in front of the monster in front of her, she couldn't even stop the monster for a second!

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