I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 318

"Just like what Qianyi said, if he didn't exist in the first place, he wouldn't feel such pain."

As he spoke, Jin Yingshan picked up the coffee that was set aside and drank it down.

Seeing this scene, Sakura Kyoko showed a disgusted expression.

"You can actually drink this kind of muddy water with bitterness added."

Ying Shanren's face remained unchanged, but he sipped the coffee in the cup carefully, then smashed his mouth and said: "After all, this is the worst coffee I've ever had. If I don't try it again, then maybe I will never drink it again. Can't drink it."

He held the coffee cup in his hands with a complicated expression on his face.

"What luck..."

able to come to this place.

After drinking all the remaining coffee in the cup in one gulp, Jin Jin closed his eyes and savored it carefully.

It would be great if such a taste could go deep into his soul and he could remember it even after he changed his past.

This process lasted for several minutes, and when Sakura Kyoko thought he was going to fall asleep, Jin Yingshan opened his eyes.

"Then, please help me, boss."

Jon nodded, stood up from behind the bar, and prepared to accompany Jin Yingshan to his world.

"Remember to come back early." Sakura Kyoko let out a sigh and put her face on the table, looking drowsy.

"Yes." Jon rubbed the red-haired head.

Seeing this, Ying Shanren showed nostalgia.

"That's great, boss, the relationship between you and your daughter, I used to kiss Sister Qiyu goodbye every time I went out."

These words made Jon subconsciously look at the red hair who was almost limp into a lump, and then just saw the red hair hanging his eyes looking at him.

"Why? I won't do anything strange to you." The red hair subconsciously said vigilantly after noticing Jon's strange eyes.

"It's a pity..." Jon looked regretful, "If it was Sakura, he would definitely give me a reward."

"Hey!" The red hair showed a disgusted expression, and moved to the side, as if seeing Jon getting too close would be infected by some terrible virus.

This made Jon shrug helplessly, and then left here with Jin Yingshan.

After the office was quiet again, Sakura Kyoko gently opened one eye, and closed it again after realizing that the person had left, as if she was really about to fall asleep.


"Boss, how do you feel?" After taking Jon back to his home when he was a homeless man, Ying Shanren rubbed his hands as if he was frozen.

The cabin was messy, but Jin Yingshan introduced it as if he was introducing a mansion.

But that's not what Jon cares about.

"The surrounding air makes me feel a little uncomfortable... Is it because of those people?" Jon glanced out the window and found soldiers with guns approaching slowly.

"4C?" Jon glanced at Jin Yingshan.

"Yeah..." Yingshan Jin showed a nostalgic smile after seeing the appearance of 4C, "It should be to catch me, so let me finish it completely."

Putting the Amazon drive aside, Jin Takayama stared at the Gatack Zecter and Hyper Zecter in his hand.

"It is also the power of the enemy, but it is different from this world. From the beginning, they were developed to deal with 'worms'..."

The coat was lifted, and Jin Yingshan exposed the knight belt around his waist, and then walked towards the outside of the hut.


"Hey...Zasen, this time you want to capture him alive, right?" Heiqiwu said calmly, holding an assault rifle in one hand. As the captain of one of the 4C deportation forces, the Kurosaki team, he also faced the target directly. Man, of course he knew how dangerous the target he was going to deal with next was.

"That's right, the director's order this time is to capture Jin Takayama alive." Ichiro Sassen, a civil servant in the Kurosaki team, replied, "According to the latest information, Jin Takayama should be..."

"There is no need to explain, because that guy has already come out." Takeshi Kurosaki interrupted Ichiro Sassen, pointing to Jin Yingshan who pushed open the door of the wooden house and walked out.

"What I didn't expect was that this guy has been living such a life after he left. You said that if we captured him alive, would it be helping him? Thinking about it, I haven't eaten meat for a long time. If it is a precious experimental subject, it is estimated that every meal is the top-level food."

As he said that, Takeshi Kurosaki made a gesture and asked the members of the deportation team to point their guns at Jin Yingshan.

At the same time, Takeshi Kurosaki smiled at Jin Yingshan and said, "Did you give up resistance? You didn't even bring out the belt."

"No...just because..." Ying Shanren stared at the Gatack Zecter in his hand, and calmly said: "I have already grasped the future... Next, I will change all these unfortunate fates."


Under the suspicious eyes of everyone in the Kurosaki team, Jin Takayama put Gatack Zecter in the knight belt.

In the next second, the thick blue armor began to appear on Ying Shanren's body.

At this time, Takeshi Kurosaki realized that something was wrong and ordered his subordinates to shoot at Jin Yingshan, and it was too late!

When the bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun hit Ying Shanren's body, they just wiped out a lot of sparks, and couldn't hurt Ying Shanren at all!

After seeing Jin Yingshan's completed appearance, everyone fell into a sluggish state.

Now Ying Shanren's appearance is completely different from what they have seen before!

"This... This is a new system? But how did it appear in his hands?"

Sassen Ichiro, who had heard something, said subconsciously.

"It's true that the new system is good...but it's a bit different from what you think." Jin Yingshan laughed, and then slightly opened Gatack's big jaw.

"Cast Off!"

【Cast Off! 】

The thick armor bounced out, revealing the knight armor inside, but this was far from over.

"Next is this."

Takayama put the uniquely shaped Hyper Zecter on the left side of the knight's belt, and then pulled down its horn.

"Hyper Cast Off!"

Chapter 299: Turned Back To A Handsome Uncle

[Hyper Cast Off! 】

When the golden electric current flickered on Ying Shanren's body, everyone in 4C finally realized that something was wrong.

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