I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 319

The Ying Shanjin in front of him was completely different from the monsters they had dealt with before, and he changed from his wild appearance after transforming into a knight in full technological armor!

And under this golden current, the armor on Ying Shanren's body ushered in a new round of changes!

The stag beetle mandibles on both sides of the head opened like a pair of golden scissors, and even the outer part has changed from a streamlined armor to a golden blade, making it impossible to suspect that once stabbed by such a weapon, Will the body end up being divided into two?

The blue armor on the chest bulges, and then opens to the sides, revealing a layer of red armor inside.

What surprised the 4C members even more was that when the elytra on Ying Shanren's back spread out, the elytra sprayed out from it...

It's a colorful particle flow!

[Change Hyper Stag Beetle! 】

This pair of colorful particle streams flickered behind Ying Shanren's back like wings, and then he twisted and disappeared on the spot.

"Be careful! That strange guy should have entered the ultra-high-speed movement mode in the information! It is recorded in the information that he used this ability to kill all the experimental subjects cultivated by Nozama Pharmaceuticals in one go, and destroyed all the materials! "

Takeshi Kurosaki subconsciously reminded the members of the combat team to be careful, but he didn't realize that at the last moment he still came to capture Jin Takayama who was carrying Amazon cells on his body, but after Jin Takayama disappeared, he The task was replaced with defeating the culprit who attacked Nozama Pharmaceuticals.


has been changed!

The members of the 4C team gathered together nervously, guarding against possible attacks that might appear around them at any time, but gradually, they felt something was wrong, that is, after Ying Shanren disappeared, he never appeared again , and did not attack them.

At this moment, the door of the cabin was opened, and Jon walked out from inside.

"Are you looking for someone?" Jon asked curiously.

This movement made the 4C team subconsciously point their guns at Jon, but they were relieved when they found that Jon was not the Ying Shanren they were looking for.

However, the necessary precautions still exist.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Takeshi Kurosaki questioned Jon.

"Me?" Jon pointed to himself, then smiled amidst the increasingly tense appearance of everyone in 4C, and said relaxedly: "I'm just waiting here, waiting for an old friend with whom I have an appointment I came here to look for it, but since seven years have passed, it is very likely that he has forgotten it."

seven years?

Sassen Ichiro savored Jon's words carefully, and then he suddenly realized something.

"Be careful! Seven years ago was exactly the time when Jin Takayama attacked Nozama Pharmaceuticals and let those Amazons escape from those prisons!"

These words made the members of 4C raise their vigilance against Jon again, but when they raised their guns to aim at Jon again, they found that their target had disappeared in place!

This scene terrified them, but when they looked around for Jon, they found that he had appeared behind Sassen Ichiro at some point, hooking his neck with a very familiar look, curious looking at the tablet in his hand.

"You said Jin Takayama attacked Nozama Pharmaceuticals seven years ago and released Amazon?"

Jon doesn't think that Ying Shanren will do such a thing, that is to say, even if Ying Shanren goes back to the past, he can't completely end the development of Amazon cells?

But it's normal to think about it. It's impossible for a big company like Nozama Pharmaceuticals not to be prepared for such a critical project, and there is that old man with a twisted mind.

It is very likely that in the original book, the accident that caused the Amazon test subjects to escape from Nozama Pharmaceuticals was caused by this old man, and after Jin Yingshan went back to the past and wiped out the batch of Amazon test subjects, Nozama Pharmaceuticals once again secretly cultivated A batch of experimental subjects were then released into the city, and the blame for the experimental subjects escaping from prison was pinned on Ying Shanren.

"What an incredible idea..." Jon patted the shoulder of Ichiro Sassen who was trembling nervously, "Don't be so afraid, I'm not the kind of monster that eats people, I just want to ask you some questions. "

Under the vigilant gaze of other 4C members, Jon asked again: "Then these monsters called Amazon, have you killed them all?"

Ichiro Sassen's throat moved, and then tremblingly said: "Already...have been expelled, so...that's why we are going to eliminate the culprit that caused this disaster."

Jon snorted, and then patted Ichiro Sassen on the shoulder.

"Thank you so much for answering this question."

After speaking, Jon was about to leave.

After feeling the arm on his shoulder move away, Ichiro Sassen's body went limp and he fell directly to the ground.

He found that just standing in front of the other party, he felt great pressure, as if he was just a bug that the other party could easily crush to death.

Then, he heard the other party's voice again.

"By the way, have you heard of Mizusawa Yuu?"

Yu Mizusawa?

The members of 4C looked at each other, as if wondering why Jon would suddenly ask such a person they didn't know at all.

But Fukuyama, who used to work for Nozama Pharmaceuticals, gave Jon an unexpected answer.

"I've heard of such a name, it seems to be Miss Nozama Pharmaceutical's lover." Fukuyama also looked puzzled, wondering why this man who showed terrifying speed would suddenly ask such an unrelated person.

Is there anything unusual about that person named Mizusawa Yuu?

However, Fukuyama did not get the answer from Jon, but saw the figure of the other party walking away gradually.

"Thank you!"

Jon waved his hand at them, then smiled.

He didn't expect that the changed timeline would merge together in such a way, Mizusawa Yu who was still alive was replaced by a brand new existence.

I don't know if my world will be affected by this kind of thing.

After leaving here, the palm stretched out to the sky.

In the next second, Gatack Zecter appeared from the air and was caught by Jon.

Immediately after, there is the Hyper Zecter.

After recovering the two Zecters, Jon showed a complicated smile.

Since Ying Shanren didn't come to look for him, it is very likely that he has truly integrated into his past self.


Just as Jon reached out to grab the two Zecters, a familiar voice rang in Jon's ear.

"Ah~! I finally found it...I left in such a hurry before, I forgot what day I came here with you, boss, and I can only wait for you to summon them. Now I really miss the taste of your coffee, boss. .”

Jon turned his head and saw Jin Yingshan, who was leaning against the wall, his hair dyed with bangs was no longer messy, and gave the impression of a handsome uncle. He was smiling at him with the corners of his mouth curled up, showing an unexpected surprise. expression.

Chapter 300 Ren Sheng Winner

For Jin Takayama, it has been seven years since he and Jon parted, but for Jon and Sakura Kyoko, it has only been more than ten minutes.

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