I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 320

After seeing Jon come back with Jin Takayama, whose appearance had changed drastically, and he could no longer see any vicissitudes or haggardness on his body, Sakura Kyoko widened her eyes and subconsciously asked:

"Did you go to the hair salon?"

"This is the hairstyle I've been preparing for seven years." Jin Yingshan smiled at Sakura Kyoko, then found the previous seat and sat down familiarly, and then patted his hands on the table.

"Manager, I want to eat eggs~!"

Jon: "..."

Ying Shanren himself has experienced seven years, but for him, in just over ten minutes, Ying Shanren seemed to have changed, which made him feel weird.

After taking out some boiled eggs for Ying Shanren, Jon couldn't help but ask.

"Is everything resolved?"

"That's right." Jin Yingshan began to carefully peel the eggs, "But I never thought that the accident that led to the escape of the experimental subject was planned by Nozama Pharmaceutical."

This conclusion is consistent with Jon's previous thoughts.

"And then, you started hunting the Amazon again?"

"Yeah, although I didn't participate in the subsequent development of Amazon cells after obtaining the memory of my future self through the contract, things like Amazon cells shouldn't exist in this world in the first place. I started hunting Amazon because I felt it was my responsibility, but after I really went back to the past... I could obviously stand on the sidelines after quitting the research, but I found that besides my responsibility, I also hope to protect human beings!"

Stuffing an egg into his mouth, Takayama Jin explained.

"So after killing the batch of Amazon subjects, but there was another Amazons escape incident, I noticed something was wrong, and then I started to investigate this matter."

Jon was a little puzzled and asked, "You don't mind if this black pot is pinned on you?"

"What do you care about?" Ying Shanren smiled freely, "The future self made this choice in order to change this fate. If I can't even accept this kind of thing, then let alone change my fate." , the result is bound to get worse.”

Ying Shanren said that he doesn't mind taking the blame. After all, after the memory of the two is completely fused, it is no longer possible to distinguish the past Ying Shanren from the future Ying Shanren. They are the same individual.

Their memory is common, so they will not hesitate to make this choice.

Peeling an egg again, Jin Yingshan took a bite and continued: "From then on, I found out the man behind the scenes through some clues, that is, the president of Nozama Pharmaceuticals."

"You killed him?" Jon asked curiously.

Jin Yingshan shook his head and said, "I just threw him to an Amazon, let him experience his sins for himself."

Jon nodded, and then asked the next question.

"Then you are alone now."

When Jon asked this question, Jin Yingshan was silent, and then stuffed the egg in his hand into his mouth and chewed slowly.

"Sorry, I seem to have asked a bad question."

"It's okay..." Ying Shanren raised his head silently, swallowed the egg in his mouth, and then...

He gave a grin of a successful plan.

"I was just thinking, if I tell the boss that I'm married to Sister Qiyu, but the boss fails to invite you to the wedding, will you want to beat me up?"

Jon: "..."

He really wanted to beat Takayama Jin.

You said that not long ago you were abandoned by the whole world and looked like a walking dead, why are you so skinny now?

But there is no need to be angry at him for not calling him at the wedding, and it is obviously a bad idea to make the woman wait five years because of a guest she doesn't know at all.

But just when Jon thought that this matter would end like this, Jin Yingshan put his hands together again and begged Jon.

"Boss, boss, please help me~!"

"What's the matter?" Jon said helplessly, stopping to wipe the cup.

"It's too much for Sister Qiyu to follow me, a wanted criminal, to live a life of hiding in Tibet, and also bring a naughty child like Qianyi with her, so please help the boss to take our family in."

As he said that, Ying Shanren tilted his head and opened one eye to show off his cuteness to Jon.

It's a pity that he won't accept the coquettishness that doesn't come from a beautiful girl, Jon wanted to say so, but finally sighed...

"Do you want to go back to that orphanage?"

"Yeah... I can't let go of that little guy..." Ying Shanjin said calmly, rubbing the coffee cup in his hand.

"I want to tell him the truth, whether he hates me or not, I will take care of him like my own child."

"That's it..." Jon's tone was also a bit complicated, "Then go back and prepare."

The communication between the two also ends here.

Seeing the figure of Ying Shanren leaving, Jon also sighed.

Then, he heard the door open, followed by a smaller hand grabbing his palm.

Jon looked down and found that it was Matou Sakura.

Bending down, he picked up Matou Sakura and let her sit on the bar in front of him. Jon pinched her little face.

"Why is Sakura here?"

"Jon, I haven't come back, I'm worried." While being pinched by Jon, Matou Sakura kept rubbing her face against Jon's palm, as if she wanted to leave her own scent on Jon's hand.

"But it won't be easy for me to prepare gifts for Sakura." Jon turned his palm gently, letting Matou Sakura act like a spoiled child.


"Jon's return is the best gift." Matou Sakura said seriously.

The cute appearance made Jon's heart almost melt, and then he glanced at the red-haired one sitting slumped aside with disgust.

This look was obviously noticed by the red hair.

With a slap, Sakura Kyoko slapped the table and said loudly, "You idiot, do you have any dissatisfaction with Master Kyoko?"

"No." Jon turned his head and continued to tease the lovely Sakura Matou.


At the same time, Guishi.

Jin Yingshan's practice of returning to his own world to change the past led to wonderful changes in his world, but it had little impact on this world.

Protozoa existed in this world.

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