I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 321

The people in the countermeasure team also remembered the battle that took place last night in the abandoned power station on the outskirts of the city, and they also knew how terrifying the monster that was dealt with there was, but...

They remembered that the monster seemed to be Ying Shanren's son, and they also remembered Ying Shanren's collapsed appearance at that time, but they couldn't remember the name of the monster! I can't even recall the appearance of the monster!

It seemed like a nightmare, and it did bring real fear to people, but after waking up, I couldn't remember some of the details.

This made everyone in the countermeasures team feel very strange, but no matter how they recalled it, or even searched through the combat videos at that time, they could only find a vague figure.

But for Ning Wu, it is the best result for the monster that can only transform ordinary people into a source of infection to die without leaving any traces, but the price of doing so is.

He was removed from office.

The reason is...he ignored the headquarters' orders and directly chose to compromise with the blood sneak.

This reason is very strange, and it also made Ning Wu think of a bad result.

That is...

Did those people give the order to catch the source of infection in the first place, just waiting for him to disobey the order?

At the same time, there was a knock on the door.

Chapter 301: Countermeasure Team for Change of Power

Long Maiden was also a little puzzled about what happened last night. She went home last night and cried for a long time holding Xiaoxuan, but now she couldn't remember who was the other person who made her want to cry.

So she couldn't help coming over to ask Ning Wu what was going on.

Knocking on the door, Miss Long found that the door of Ning Wu's office was ajar, she knocked on it directly, and then she was surprised to find that Ning Wu was packing his things inside, and the whole person looked old overnight Not a lot.

"Team leader, are you packing your things?"

Ning Wu was a little surprised by the dragon girl who opened the door, but...

"This should be the last time you called me team leader." Ning Wu forced a smile.

Ning Wu has always noticed the change in Long Maiden's attitude towards him. At the beginning, Long Maiden was still willing to call him Grandpa, the team leader, and it was always the same, but since he made those wrong choices At that time, her attitude began to change.

Become alienated, and become like a normal subordinate-subordinate relationship.

There is nothing to regret. Now that he has made such a choice, he can only choose to bear it, just like now, because he chose to ignore the order of the headquarters and was dismissed.

Strictly speaking, this kind of fault can be big or small, but judging from the eagerness of someone in the headquarters to deal with him, it is obvious that he has fallen into a trap, a trap that he must fall into!

Although he could continue to stay and work in a lower-level position, Ning Wu felt that it was time for him to retire.

This sentence also made the dragon girl's eyes widen.

"Team leader, are you going to change offices?"

"It's just been dismissed, and someone from the headquarters will take over here soon."

This makes Dragon Maiden even more unbelievable.

"Why?!" She complained for Ning Wu, "You obviously did nothing wrong, team leader."

The dragon girl didn't even know that the headquarters had ordered Ning Wu to capture the source of the infection. In her eyes, wasn't the incident stopped perfectly?

The horrible monster was killed, and the team leader also kept an eye on it during the follow-up disinfection operation?

Why was he dismissed?

"Some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface." Ning Wu patted the dragon girl on the shoulder, "The world of adults is sometimes so cruel."

While speaking, Ning Wu seemed to think of something, and whispered to the dragon girl.

"Because I haven't officially resigned yet, I will give you one last order, Long. Don't tell anyone about this matter."

"Isn't Uncle Blood Diving too good?" Long Maiden asked nervously.

"His words can definitely guess the reason directly." Ning Wu didn't even want to answer directly, "The last order is - we must maintain a good relationship with these people from different worlds! If it is you, you can definitely do it. "

"But I don't always..."

The dragon girl subconsciously opened her mouth, but she was interrupted by Ning Wu just after speaking.

"I mean, use your own identity, not the identity of a countermeasure team member."

This answer surprised the dragon girl. In her eyes, it was too abnormal for Ning Wu to say such words!

"Just remember what I said, and you don't need to think too much about the rest." Ning Wu patted the dragon girl on the shoulder again, comforting her.

He didn't tell Miss Long about his doubts about the top management of the countermeasure team, because he was afraid that this girl whose mind was getting worse and worse recently would not be able to hide what was on his mind.

Then, he heard the dragon girl's question.

"You Xiang's words, can't you?"

"Only you can do this kind of thing."

After giving such an answer, Ning Wu began to prepare for the follow-up handover.

Long Maiden left Ning Wu's office in a bewildered expression. After walking a long way, she remembered her initial doubts and forgot to ask, but she was still a little worried about Ning Wu's sudden dismissal.

However, other people seemed to be unclear about this matter, and the faces of the people that the dragon girl met along the road did not see any strangeness at all.

Then, she met Wuma Youxiang and told about Ning Wu's dismissal.

Wuma Youxiang's face was first surprised, and then a dignified expression appeared.

"You Xiang, did you find anything?" Long Maiden asked subconsciously after seeing the changing expression on Wuma Youxiang's face.

However, Wuma Youxiang didn't tell the dragon girl what she realized, but looked deeply at the dragon girl.

"I will protect you."

After saying this, she turned around coolly and left.

But the next moment when she turned her back to the dragon girl, Wuma Youxiang's complexion turned red instantly, and she was still muttering softly with a figure that only she could hear, 'I finally said it! Finally said it! ’ After saying these words, he quickened his pace and left.

"It's so strange!" The dragon girl scratched her head, she felt that after Wuma Yuka accepted the identity of Kamen Rider, it became even more strange!

"It's better to go back first."

The dragon girl glanced at the time, and then chose to go back.

She had a premonition that the world where Uncle Ying Shanren lived should be revealed tonight.

After returning home, she took a deep breath under Xiaoxuan's worried eyes, and then made a strong pose towards her.

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