I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 322

"The hero of justice——Kamen Rider Cross-Z Charge, is resurrected!"

Xiaoxuan applauded happily, and then the little girl remembered something, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Sister Long, I saw in the comments that the real identity of the purple Kamen Rider in the new episode came out! I was so scared I just turned it off!"

These words made the dragon girl's gaze suddenly serious.

In the last episode, the Eastern Capital and the Northern Capital had already started the war between the Kamen Riders, but Uncle Xuedi calculated to unite the Western Capital to control the Northern Capital, so that only the war between the Eastern Capital and the Western Capital remained.

At the end of the film, the purple Kamen Rider only showed up a little, but this is already something she is looking forward to!

Because the opponent's drive is also a squeeze drive! It's the third squeeze drive!

Instantly forgetting the strange things that happened in the countermeasure team today, the dragon girl picked up Xiaoxuan and ran towards her room, then turned on the computer.

"It's started!" Long Maiden watched a series of updated videos with a happy expression on her face, and the same was true for Xiaoxuan who was sitting in her arms.

However, before playing it, the dragon girl searched for it on purpose.

Sure enough, she found a TV series called Kamen Rider Amazons.

"Look at this first, how about it?" Long Maiden asked Xiaoxuan for her opinion.

Xiaoxuan nodded vigorously, and turned off the light by the way.

Then shortly after...

Xiaoxuan was frightened and cried!

Chapter 302 Homework for After-viewing Feedback! (4w3 recommendation ticket plus update)

The dark and bloody scene made Xiaoxuan startled and cried on the spot. Although the dragon girl was much better, when she saw those 'worms', she couldn't help but think of the monsters she met not long ago, which also made her mood change. Get heavy.

She saw those people with strange armbands lose their minds and turned into Amazons after the lights on the armbands turned red, and she also saw an Amazon in the deportation squad who maintained his rationality and fought for humans, and their team In the end, he also lost his mind and became a member of Amazon.

Although in the end, except for the dragonfly Amazon, all the crazy monsters were solved, the dark and depressive style still made the dragon girl very uncomfortable.

as well as...

"Is this what Uncle Ren originally looked like?" Long Maiden stared blankly at the frozen smile on the screen in front of her.

She only knew that the monster killed by Uncle Ren was his son, but she didn't know what happened in the process that made him look like before.

Then there is...

Sure enough, Uncle Blood Dive made the right choice!

From the part of the plot in the middle, the dragon girl can see that the cause of this disaster is definitely human factors!

While thinking about this matter, Miss Long felt her chest was pushed by two small hands. After lowering her head, she saw Xiaoxuan's little face with fear.

"Sister Long, can I sleep with you tonight?"


"Sure enough, it's a man-made creature." On a plane flying to Gui City, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes looked at the tablet in front of him seriously.

The incident that happened in Gui City this time can be said to have attracted the attention of all the top leaders of the countermeasure team, but this incident ended too quickly, and it ended before the countermeasure team formally intervened in this matter.

Although some information was obtained from the first few Amazon corpses obtained, it is obviously impossible to completely decipher the intelligence of these monsters through the corpses.

After death, the cells in those monsters died completely, and they couldn't get much information.

"That is to say, if you want to keep these creatures sane, do you need to inject some kind of inhibitor regularly?" He remembered the armband that appeared in the previous report.

"It's a simple guess that the man named Ying Shanren should have participated in this kind of thing, but judging from the other party's performance before, it is obviously impossible for him to cooperate with us."

"But isn't that what we are aiming for? Chao Kai... No, maybe I should call you Team Leader Shao Kai now." The young man lying on the sofa in front of the middle-aged man lifted the book covering his face , said calmly.

"Ning Wu's actions have already made many people dissatisfied. Although the previous words were good, after the appearance of these guests from different worlds, the results he gave were too poor."

Although he looks young, he seems to have a very high status in front of the middle-aged man who is about to be promoted to the leader of Gui City's countermeasure team. Even if he talks to him in this posture, Qiao Kai still shows no sign of anger, but nods in agreement .

"Indeed, Ning Wu has a chance to get more."

Qiao Kai thought of the girl in the report who got along well with those people from another world.

"I remember that she and that Wuma Youxiang are all students who graduated from the plan you vigorously promoted, right?"

The young man nodded.

"They are the first batch of students, and it can be said that they are the first batch of experimental subjects, but unfortunately they have recently become obsessed with other forces." The young man showed a distressed expression.

"It felt like saying all my hard work was useless."

"You have such an idea?" Qiao Kai looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

The young man smiled.

"I'm lying to you, I'm just happy for their growth, and then come to see those heroes from different worlds... It's too wasteful for a single Gui city to occupy such a good resource. Other cities The countermeasure team is very greedy for these guests, and if they are not allowed to form a group, we will be able to squeeze them better... well, I mean get help."

"Then who is your most important target now?"

"Blood dive!"

"Because he can show more abilities now?"

"No, it's because of the pattern!" The young man smiled, "Although the magical girl Madoka has shown a terrifying ability, that phenomenon cannot be replicated, so I am more optimistic about the value of the blood diver. I am very curious. What exactly did he see in that Pandora's Box."


[Danger! 】

[Crocodile! 】

"So handsome!"

In a dark room, as the squeeze driver was inserted into the screen, and after being squeezed, the bottle was filled with crocodile cracks with purple lines, Tao Su let out an exclamation.

Compared to dragon gel and robot gel, this bottle is much cooler!

She has watched this scene countless times, but she still feels amazing!

She didn't expect that Yeba, who was originally the boss of Faust in the Eastern Capital, would rebel in the Western Capital and become a Kamen Rider!

"Are you going to come back to stage a revenge scene? Sure enough, those idiots know what to do, saying that the Yeba form is the tears of the times, and it is clearly only the first form."

Tao Su complained.

"However, it will be difficult for the protagonist group in this way. The two gear warriors transformed using the Caesar system can already compete against the fried rabbit and the jelly dragon. How can we fight against such a fierce bully? Could it be that the blood Qian and Yeba are the real protagonists? One planned to solve Beidu, and the other came back for revenge."

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