I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 323

Thinking of this, Tao Su subconsciously put her palm on the keyboard.

She already felt a fighting spirit emanating from her body!

It's time to declare war on the magical girl group! Tao Su thought in this way, she felt that with the appearance of the new Kamen Rider and Kabuto's battle on a rainy day in the fourth episode, she should be able to convince those magical girls!

The key is...

And such a handsome Uncle Ren!

Tao Su didn't expect that Ying Shanren, who lived in an orphanage like a homeless man before, would have such a handsome side! Although the identity is not named in the play, the outline of the face and the appearance of the driver still prove his identity.

With so many Kamen Riders, let her win once!

Tao Su thought in this way, and then prepared to fight again, but after thinking about the experience of being mercilessly ridiculed by some people and even defeated in a shameful way, before Tao Su was ready to fight, she decided to watch the latest episode Magical Girl Madoka said something.

"Is this the end?" Tao Su was taken aback, "It's only twelve episodes!"

Although it was expected, Tao Su took a look at the 631 episodes of One Piece and felt that it was too fast.

"Let's take a look first."

Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle!

She clicked on the playback interface.

Twenty-four minutes later...

"Fight with the ball!" Tao Su looked at the principle of the ring that appeared in the universe, Tao Su decisively pushed the keyboard, and hid in the quilt, but soon, there was a slight sobbing sound from the quilt .

"Damn it...if you go to speak for them now, you'll be considered a teen again! But did Mami-senpai come to this world after being redeemed by Madoka in the end?"

Chapter 303 The Red Haired Man with the Lowest Status in the Family (2550 Monthly Pass)

Tao Su woke up early the next morning, but it didn't matter to a dead house like her. Looking at the computer that had been left open all night, Tao Su saw the number 99+ on the private message at a glance.

After clicking on it, it turned out that those people were mocking her.

As a famous person on the forum who has never won a hundred battles, and every time he joins QQ and fights each other, he ends up fighting with Tai Chi to block the black. Tao Su is also quite famous. Just like now, the private mailbox is full of people .

At a glance, they were all mocking her.

"Don't scold, don't scold..." Tao Su emptied all the private mailboxes with a face full of headaches, "You will be stupid if you curse again..."

She felt that she should have to play dead for a while recently, otherwise she would probably be chased and scolded.

However, before pretending to be dead, Tao Su browsed the forum again, but what caused her blood pressure to rise sharply was that some people had already started discussing how to disguise herself so as not to reveal her identity if she defected to the magical girl group.

"Damn twenty-five boy!"

Tao Su hated it for nothing, patted the table and closed the page directly out of sight and out of mind.

The weather outside is so good, she feels that she needs to go out and take a good look at this wonderful world. The online world is full of intrigues, which makes her feel tired even as a keyboard warrior.

"Today...is the first one to wake up!"

After Tao Su walked out of the room, she stretched herself, but just as she finished washing and was about to go for a walk in the yard, the doorbell of the orphanage rang.

"Strange, is someone here so early?" Tao Su looked puzzled, but she was ready to open the door at the first time, but when she just ran to the gate and was about to open the door, she was stunned by the figure she saw In place, then subconsciously exclaimed:

"Ren...Uncle Ren?!"


"That is to say, the leader of Gui City's countermeasure team is going to be replaced?" Jon sat on the floor, clamped his phone on his shoulder, and held the game controller with both hands to play games with Red Hair.

"Well! Originally, the team leader could continue to stay, but he refused. He plans to retire directly after the work handover is completed." The voice of the dragon girl came from the mobile phone, and her voice sounded a bit depressed.

"Uncle Blood Potential, the team leader said that you can guess the reason when you know about it, did you guess it?"

"Guessed." Jon replied directly without thinking.

But this answer made the dragon girl's voice even more disappointed.

"You Xiang seems to have guessed it too."

"And you're the only one who didn't guess it, right?"

"Hmm..." The dragon girl's distressed voice came again, "Uncle Blood Potential, do you think I'm stupid?"

"It's okay, Uncle, I like people who know themselves best." Jon comforted.

This sentence caused a critical blow to the dragon girl, and she did not recover for a long time after she hung up the phone.

At the same time, to Jon's regret, the character manipulated by him on the screen has been killed by the red-haired combo.

The red hair who had gradually moved towards the dead house grunted twice proudly, but before she could say anything, what Matou Ying said made her expression collapse.

"Xingzi, take advantage of others' danger."

"I didn't force this idiot to answer the phone!" Hongmao quibbled, but when she was about to show mercy to Jon and challenge her again, Mrs. Kyoko, she saw Jon put down the game controller and sat down obediently. Sakura Matou hugged her at the side.

"Be good, be good!" Jon rubbed Matou Sakura's face. He felt that if he didn't replenish Sakura's energy for a day, he would probably become unmotivated for the next day.

Then he got down to business again.

"Does Sakura want to go to school?"

Unlike the hopeless Sakura Kyoko, Sakura Matou happened to be at the age of elementary school, so she couldn't follow the example of the red hair.

However, facing Jon's question, Matou Sakura shook his head, then looked at Jon seriously and said, "I want to help Jon, it's a good deal."

The help she mentioned refers to the work of a small waiter in the office, which is also the first agreement between Jon and Matou Sakura.

Matou Sakura attaches great importance to the agreement with Jon.

But Jon is not without a way to deal with it.

"But at that time the agreed working time was only at night!"

Matou Sakura opened her mouth slightly.

After a moment of silence, she asked Jon, "Then, if you go to school, can you help Jon?"

"Of course!" Jon affirmed, and then looked at the red hair lying on the floor eating potato chips, "Sakura certainly doesn't want Kyoko to continue being so useless."

"Hey! Master Xingzi is going to be angry!" Hong Mao kicked Jon, dissatisfied.

However, in view of the fact that the red hair has the lowest status in the family at present, and even Ba Mami dislikes her being in the way when cleaning the house, wishing to use a vacuum cleaner to suck her away, Jon directly ignored her reaction.

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