I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 324

Matou Sakura didn't understand the meaning of Jon's words, she tilted her head, and asked, "Kyoko, do you want to go to school with me?"

"Master Kyoko has already graduated from elementary school!" Hong Mao yelled as if she had been insulted, but no one paid any attention to her.

"I just want Kyoko to pick up Sakura from school. Wouldn't Sakura want to make new friends? Last time, the little girl called Xiaoxuan always wanted to come and play with Sakura again!"

Sakura Matou began to hesitate.

Seeing this, Hongmao suddenly felt sympathetic to each other. She remembered the scene where she was forced to study by Jon and Ba Mami. Although she succeeded in the struggle in the end, she always felt that the eyes of these two people looking at her were a bit strange recently. of.

So she couldn't help but said: "Going to school or something doesn't matter at all. Xiaoying is different from those ordinary people, just like Master Kyoko. Although she dropped out of junior high school, she is not so good?"

Sakura Kyoko thought that this sentence would dispel Jon's idea of ​​letting Matou Sakura go to school, but she didn't notice that when she said this sentence, a strange look flashed in Matou Sakura's eyes.

"I want to go to school."

Matou Sakura directly made a decision, and at the same time glanced at Sakura Kyoko who didn't understand the situation.

Kyoko is stupid and doesn't pose any threat to Mami at all, so...

The only thing I don't want to be like Kyoko!

"Mami will definitely be happy to hear the news." Jon smiled, and then looked at Sakura Kyoko who opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't understand that Matou Sakura would want to go to school, "Then responsible for picking up Matou Sakura from the top to the bottom I will leave the work of learning to Master Kyoko."

"It doesn't matter to me..." Sakura Kyoko scratched her stomach in a nondescript manner, and then let out a sigh, "Anyway, she is also one of Kyoko-sama's subordinates, so I will leave this trivial job to Kyoko-sama. "

"Master Kyoko is really reasonable." Seeing this, Jon was also happy to praise the other party. After all, he also hoped that the relationship between the two cubs would become closer.

"But Kyoko-sama, is it true that you don't want to go through elementary school again? Maybe you'll become smarter."

"You're dead, idiot!!" Sakura Kyoko gnashed her teeth and rushed towards Jon, hugged Jon's head tightly with her limbs like a face hugger, and then opened her mouth to bite.

"Master Kyoko is going to behead you useless subordinate today!!!"

Seeing this, Matou Sakura stepped forward expressionlessly, trying to pull the red hair off Jon, and said seriously:

"Xingzi, don't bully Jon."


ps: Thank you for your rewards and blades.

_(??ω?? 」∠*)_

Chapter 304 The Snakeskin Elementary School Student

Xiaoxuan is very happy today!

After learning from Sister Long last night that Xiaoying was going to transfer to her class, she was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep, and then woke up early in the morning, running around the living room with her schoolbag on her back, anxious Wait for the school bus to arrive.

The dragon girl also woke up, and walked out of the room wearing pink pajamas that were a little messy and her belly button was exposed. After seeing Xiaoxuan running around the living room full of energy, she let out a sigh of relief. Said: "Don't worry, Sakura won't run away."

As she spoke, she scratched her stomach and began to heat the milk.

After being told by the dragon girl, Xiaoxuan stopped running in the living room, but her eyes still glanced at the clock from time to time.

It was the first time she was looking forward to the arrival of the school bus.

Then, Xiaoxuan thought of something again, and hurriedly asked the dragon girl, "Sister Long, will Xiaoying like me?"

"Even if you ask me this, I don't understand." The dragon girl muttered, she was still sad that Wuma Youxiang and Jon understood it, but she was the only one who didn't understand it.

This gave her the illusion that she was the only one in the entire countermeasure team who was an idiot.

"Woo..." Xiaoxuan sat on the sofa and held her face in distress, "Sister Long, it's so useless."

This sentence made Long Maiden even more sad. In addition, today was the time when the new team leader took office, which made her feel unmotivated.

After finally sending Xiaoxuan to the school bus, Long Maiden went to the countermeasure team.

After arriving at the base of the countermeasure team, Long Maiden noticed that the expressions on the faces of other people also became very serious. They should have already known the news that Ning Wu had resigned and the new team leader had taken office.

As the most important component of the Gui City countermeasures branch, Dragon Girl definitely needs to come forward, but she doesn't have the slightest motivation.

Whether it was what Ning Wu said to her that day, or the performance of Wuma Youxiang and Jon, she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out where the problem came from.

Walking into the conference room with a dejected face, the dragon girl found that everyone else was almost there.

Whether it was Wuma Youxiang, or the captains of the combat team they knew before, they were all sitting in the meeting room right now.

After finding a vacant seat, she was poked in the arm by someone next to her.

The person who poked her was Cheng Muyun, the person who was first rescued by Ba Mamei in the witch's enchantment.

"Dragon, do you know what's inside?"

"No...I'm stupid...I don't know anything..." The dragon girl said with her eyes closed as she lay down on the table in despair.

Cheng Muyun couldn't help smiling at this appearance.

However, the chatting time was not too long. Before Cheng Muyun teased the dragon girl a few times, the sound of footsteps from outside made these people in the meeting room stop their soft communication, and then looked towards the door.

The first person to walk in was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. His meticulous expression made him look very difficult to get along with.

Behind him was Ning Wu, who was familiar to everyone present, and then a young man with a smile on his face also walked in.

Very annoying!

This was the first thought that came to mind after the dragon girl lying on the table opened one eye and looked at the young man who walked in.


On the other side, Xiaoxuan, who had been sent to school, fidgeted in her seat, stood up from time to time and looked outside, as if waiting for someone.

This appearance made her classmates very curious. A round-faced little girl with two braids on both sides of her head followed Xiaoxuan's example and looked out the window, but no one saw it.

Then she pulled La Xiaoxuan's clothes and asked expectantly:

"Xiaoxuan, Xiaoxuan, is there no news about the big brother of the White Kamen Rider?"

"Does Xiaoshi mean Brother Gang?" Xiaoxuan could only suppress her expectations for Jian Tongying and asked.

"Yeah!" The round-faced little girl held her face and said with a nympho: "I still want to see Brother Gang again! This time, Brother Gang must take a few more photos for me!"

Since the last battle that took place in this school, Xiaoxuan's situation in this school is somewhat delicate.

Some people think that Xiaoxuan has attracted such danger, and even some parents jointly hope that the school will dissuade this dangerous little girl.

Although this matter was suppressed in the end, Xiaoxuan's situation here began to change.

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