I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 326

This is also the reason why the senior leaders of the countermeasure team, who feel that they have gradually touched the real situation of the world, took this opportunity to attack Ning Wu.

If Gui City is still in the hands of Ning Wu, then the situation will definitely not be able to make any progress, as if he has deliberately ignored the headquarters several times and asked him to send the dragon girl to contact the blood potential and other guests from other worlds to obtain more benefits for the countermeasure team hint.

Although the order was not clearly issued, the headquarters hinted this way before, but Ning Wu has never had the idea to implement it. Instead, he blocked their mouths with the current Build driver, and later proved it with the squeeze driver and the Zecter system. the correctness of his approach.


Still not enough!

In some people's eyes, Ning Wu's approach is obviously like guarding a big gold mine but he is the only one digging with a pickaxe. Although it is indeed the gold dug out, it is not enough for the countermeasure team as a whole!

Especially when Yixiao with monster-like strength left this world without leaving any abilities behind, it made many people feel extremely distressed!

If it wasn't for Kaga Meixin's new Kamen Rider system and the squeeze driver obtained from Xuedi, I'm afraid they were going to attack Ning Wu at that time.

Kamen Rider System, Magical Girl, Devil Fruit, and Stands!

So many treasures were placed before them, and they were not using them effectively!

Therefore, they are going to increase the efficiency of mining this 'gold mine'!

Chapter 306 Sakura's School Experience

"He is a person who knows how to gain the trust of others. This kind of practice of not concealing his purpose is really comfortable, but it is still a bit uncomfortable." Jon clapped his palms, then stretched out his hands in the air beside him Touched.

In the next second, the figure of Sakura Kyoko appeared in the air, holding a lollipop with a displeased face.

"It was guessed by you idiot!"

Obviously, Sakura Kyoko was not unhappy because of Guan Qing's appearance, but purely because of losing to Jon.

"But these guys are too annoying, aren't they?" Sakura Kyoko crunched the hard candy in her mouth, "You have already been beaten up before, and you still plan to give up?"

"That's why they decided to do it in a different way." Jon chuckled, "In the past, it was really impossible to get on the stage in private, but now they have completely put it on the table, as if asking you to do it, if If it were Kyoko-sama, what request would she make?"

Sakura Kyoko thought for a few seconds, then shook her head.

She really doesn't have anything to pursue now, as long as she feels happy every day and the idiot subordinates around her don't make her angry, that's enough.

"But those people don't think so."

Jon showed an interested expression, he had already seen through the thoughts of those people.

I'm afraid that this was the intention of letting the countermeasures team start expressing kindness to him and others, but they were a little impatient.

Is it because of letting go of a smile?

In this way, the situation seems a bit confusing.

At the beginning, he did wonder if there were protozoa involved in this matter, but he somewhat underestimated the greed of some people.

And the protozoa probably took advantage of this greed of human beings to make Gui City's countermeasure team into the current state.

how to say? It seems a little normal again!

After all, judging from the current situation, Gui City, which was originally ordinary, has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of everyone. Although many things have happened during this period, they have been dealt with safely anyway. If the disaster happened in other cities, then the consequences cannot be suppressed so lightly.

If he were to sit in the high-level position of the countermeasure team, he would definitely make such a choice, but obviously they underestimated the difficulty of this kind of thing.

Yixiao and Kaga Meixin, who are the easiest to communicate with, have already returned to their own world, and after eliminating the people on his side, the only people left for the countermeasures team to consider are Bugarati and Takayama Jin.

More importantly, Jin Yingshan did not inject Amazon cells into his body after changing the past, that is to say, if the current Yingshan Jin does not reveal that he has the Zecter transformation belt, he is just an ordinary handsome Uncle only.

"I don't know how they will respond..." Jon clapped his hands and went back.


On the other side, in school.

"Is your name really Matou Sakura?"

After class, many children gathered around Matou Sakura, looking curiously at this little girl whose hair color and eyes were completely different from theirs.

Some of the children obviously knew Matou Sakura's identity, and subconsciously asked, "Are you really caught by those bugs..."

"Shut up!" Xiaoxuan hurriedly stood in front of Jian Tongying, interrupted the other party's words, and then glared at the other party: "Don't bully Xiao Ying!"

"I didn't bully you!" The young boy who spoke out was taken aback by Xiao Xuan's reaction, and then complained: "I just want to ask how it feels."

Matou Sakura raised her head and glanced at the other party, then she didn't care.

She has no interest in these people in front of her, and the reason why she is willing to come here is mainly because of Jon's idea.

Jon wanted her to go to school, and she came to school.


Matou Ying glanced at Xiaoxuan who was standing in front of her with open arms like a hen protecting her cubs.

Like Rin.

Matou Sakura remembered that when she was being bullied, Rin stood in front of her like this.

Well, let's go back and see Rin next time.

Matou Sakura held the pen and wrote down this idea in the notebook.

At this time, the quarrel between Xiaoxuan and the others became more intense.

"Brother Blood Diver asked me to protect Sakura so that you wouldn't bully her!"

"We didn't bully her, we just wanted to ask! It's not a big deal." One of the little boys left this sentence and walked away.

"That's right! We just want to ask if it's the same as others said, there are other worlds, Zhuxuan, you cheapskate!" Another little boy made a face at Xiaoxuan, and then ran away .

"I'm not a cheapskate!" Xiao Xuan said loudly.

"It's a cheapskate! Even your father doesn't want your cheapskate!" Someone booed in the crowd.

This sentence made Xiaoxuan's eyes turn red, and tears began to accumulate.

But these little ghosts obviously didn't know how much this sentence hurt Xiaoxuan's heart, and when they saw her about to cry, they scattered and ran away.

"He's not my father!" Xiaoxuan yelled at the people running away, but no one paid any attention to her words. Just when she was about to cry, her sleeves were pulled .

"Xiaoxuan, are you sad?" Jian Tongying gently pulled Xiaoxuan's sleeve and asked.

Although she has met Xiaoxuan before, Matou Sakura doesn't know much about her, but the scene of Xiaoxuan standing in front of her bravely like Rin once touched her a little bit. The people she knew laughed at Xiaoxuan's words, which made her feel sympathetic.

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