I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 327


She took the initiative to talk to Xiaoxuan.

But what Ma Tongying didn't expect was that her words not only failed to stop Xiaoxuan from crying, but made her cry directly.

"That scoundrel is not my father!" Xiaoxuan burst into tears holding Jian Tongying, as if she was about to cry out all the grievances she had suffered since that incident.

"He's not! I have stood up bravely to protect everyone, but everyone is laughing at me..."

The feeling of being hugged tightly by Xiaoxuan made Matou Sakura a little astonished. If Xiaoxuan looked like Rin when she bravely stood in front of her before, now she seemed to be Rin again.

This made her subconsciously stretch out her hand and gently stroke Xiaoxuan's head.

"Woo..." Xiaoxuan was still crying, but after being patted on the head by Matou Sakura, she hugged her even tighter.

Matou Ying didn't speak, but continued to touch Xiao Xuan's head, and the two didn't separate until after class started.

After venting, Xiaoxuan calmed down a lot, and then her face turned red again when she saw that the clothes on Tong Ying's shoulders were a little wet.

"Yeah... sorry..."

"It's okay." Matou Sakura said calmly, and then wrote down in the notebook how she felt on the first day at school-in school, there are people who hate people, and there are people like Rin.

Chapter 307 The Brave Breaks into the Demon King's City

Although it was agreed that Hong Mao would be responsible for picking up Matou Sakura, but because it was the first day of school, Jon still came over.

"How does it feel?" Jon asked on the way, holding Matou Sakura's little hand as he prepared to go home.

Matou Sakura thought for a while, and then said, "There are some annoying people in school."

Jon frowned, but before he could ask, Matou Ying said again: "But there are good people, so I don't hate them."

Jon couldn't help but hug her and rub her against her serious look.

"If you are being bullied, you must tell me!"

"En!" Matou Sakura nodded vigorously, and then said seriously: "It's time to work."

Jon also found it interesting that he liked the job of that little waiter so much at a young age.

But he wasn't sure if there would be any new guests.

After returning to the office, Jon began to pretend to be ready for business, while Matou Sakura sat obediently on a chair and swayed her legs, waiting for the arrival of the guests.

Today's luck is good, there are guests in the office.

But it wasn't a new guest, but Tsuyoshi Shishima, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

When he opened the door and came in, he didn't have the cheerful expression that Jon was familiar with, and he was a little annoyed, as if he had encountered something bad.

But this expression only existed for a moment, and Jon found that Shijima had put on a hearty expression on his face again.

"Yo! Brother Xuedi, I'm here to play with you!"

Shi Dao just greeted Jon with a smile, and then was surprised to find a cute little girl with purple hair standing in front of him, looking at him without saying a word.

"Sakura is asking what you want to eat." Jon explained with a smile.

"Black tea." Shishima just knelt down and looked at Matou Sakura, and then repeated, "Just a cup of black tea."

Matou Sakura thumped and ran away from Shi Daogang, and returned to Jon.

"black tea."

"Okay!" Jon began to prepare black tea.

Shi Dao just saw Matou Sakura running away from him and didn't react for a while. He didn't sit in front of the bar until Jon had poured the black tea for him, but he still looked curiously Matou Sakura next to En.

He thought that with his affinity, he could easily make the other party smile like he did when he faced the little girl named Xiaoxuan before, but he didn't expect to receive such a result.

"Are you busy recently? You haven't even come here once." Jon asked curiously.

"Yeah... I received information that there were a lot of evil programs on my sister's side, so I went back." Shishima said with a cup of black tea in his hand, but then he showed an annoyed expression again .

"Brother Xueqian, don't you think that women sometimes become very strange?"

Shishima just complained.

"How to say?"

"It's my sister..." Shidao just took a sip of black tea and began to confide in her troubles, "Obviously she likes brother Jin, and brother Jin also likes her, but recently she has been doing inexplicable things, she actually started going Help Jinge's enemy, and an enemy who has already harmed humans."

Thinking of Shijima Wuzi's trust in that evil program called Chase, Shijima just felt a little uncomfortable.

No matter how you think about it, you shouldn't do such a thing!

It is precisely because his father let the evil path programs go berserk and took many lives, that's why he wanted to destroy all the evil path programs before his sister learned the truth! As a result, his sister treats a mechanical doll like this, and everyone seems to put their hopes on Kamen Rider Drive, which makes Shijima feel like he is dispensable.

Distressed, he thought of Jon, and realized that he was too busy to come to play recently.

"Help the enemy..." Jon sighed, and after hearing Tsuyoshi Shishima's complaint, he understood the situation on Shijima Tsuyoshi's side.

"Yeah, it's just a mechanical puppet, let's not talk about whether brother Jin will misunderstand, I don't want to see her have any romantic affairs with a mechanical puppet." Shidao began to complain.

The current Shijima Gang has not changed his views on the evil path programs, nor has he obtained the tablet with the brain of the barbaric Tenjuro. He is just doing things according to the idea of ​​​​wanting to eliminate all evil path programs, and he has opinions on Chase. very normal thing.

In this regard, Jon could only shrug his shoulders and said: "Although it sounds a bit bad, I have to say that girls are still very sensitive sometimes. Maybe she is aware of something."

"How is it possible, the evil path formula is the evil path formula, an existence that must be eliminated." Shi Dao just put the black tea cup back on the table, grabbed his hair and said: "The evil path formula evolved through human evil thoughts, It’s just like the evil program that appeared in your world, Blood Diving Brother, no matter how you look at it, it’s impossible for someone to be your partner.”

"Who knows?" Jon sighed softly, and then filled Shidao Gang's cup with black tea.

This time Shijima seemed to come here just to complain, after he finished talking about his thoughts, he looked around.

"Brother Xueqian, is your place so deserted recently?"

"Not really, I met a very interesting customer before." Jon smiled, but just as he was about to talk to Shidao about Jin Yingshan, the door of the office was opened again up.

The one who pushed the door and walked in was a red-haired girl who seemed to be about the same age as Sakura Kyoko, and also had the same red hair, but it was short.

She didn't seem to notice that she opened the door and walked into a strange place, but stared intently at the notebook in her hand while reading aloud with emotion.

"A long, long time ago, somewhere there was a brave man. In order to convince the devil who was always making trouble for others, the brave embarked on an endless journey! Finally, the brave man arrived at the castle of the devil!"

Under the strange gazes of Shijima Takeshi and Jon, the girl who opened the door and walked into the office raised her fist, as if performing a drama, and said:

"I'm finally here! Demon King!"

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