I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 337

"Let me tell you, did you agree to them because you were bored?"

Bugarati looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that Yingshan Ren was holding a box just outside, and he could also hear the crowing of a chicken coming from the cardboard box in the opponent's arms.

"No, I just feel that if they really have the will to die, then I shouldn't stop it."

Bugarati said seriously.

He will not use arrows on people who are deceived and come, but if these people already have the will to die, then he will not stop them!

"It's really strict, Mr. Bugarati." Ying Shanren smiled, then walked into the yard, put down the cardboard box, picked up the bamboo strips that had been prepared, and started to weave a fence for these chickens.

"They also gave me some incredible conditions. I feel that if I agree, I don't need to work hard in the future."

"Then will you agree?" Bugarati asked the man in front of him whom he didn't know much.

"I won't agree, because that kind of thing itself shouldn't exist, and Xiaobei is still here, how could I leave."

This answer made Bugarati nodded, then turned and left.


At the same time, the dragon girl walked into the base of the countermeasure team full of breath, and happened to run into Cheng Muyun who had finished training and was about to take a shower.

Seeing the tired look of the dragon girl, Cheng Muyun was a little curious. She remembered that the state of the dragon girl had been a little strange these days.

"Did you not rest yesterday?" She asked with concern.

"I went to bed very early yesterday." The dragon girl let out another breath while speaking, as if she hadn't woken up, "But don't worry, if there is a task, I will wake up right away."

The dragon girl herself is also a little puzzled. Recently, she always looks like she hasn't had a good rest. Although she will recover immediately when encountering something, this state still makes her a little puzzled.

Could it be because You Xiang left?

Letting out a big breath again, the dragon girl said hello to the team members under her command, and prepared to catch up on sleep first.

The dragon girl who used to have high demands on the bed found an ordinary chair so attractive today, and fell asleep after sitting on it and closing her eyes for a few seconds.

And slept soundly.

The dragon girl didn't know how long she slept, but she was woken up when she knew she hadn't had enough sleep.

It's time for a mission.

"Then, this time we have to deal with the enemy perfectly!" The dragon girl encouraged herself, and the fatigue from before disappeared instantly.

Of course, this time she easily eliminated the enemy.


"I really want to sleep..."

On the way back after solving the disaster, the dragon girl let out another breath.

Then, her cell phone rang.

It was Wuma Youxiang who called.

After connecting, the face of Wuma Youxiang appeared on the phone screen.

"Long you...huh? Are you still asleep?" Wuma Youxiang's voice came from the phone, but she noticed something abnormal about the dragon girl just as she spoke.

"Hey hey, You Xiang found out." Long Maiden showed a silly smile, "I thought I was hiding well enough."

"Don't be lazy during working hours!"

"You Xiang is still so strict." Long Maiden closed her eyes and chatted with Wuma Youxiang, but her voice became softer and softer, and in the end she fell asleep directly in the car.

Wuma Youxiang seemed to want to say something else, but a pity flashed across her face when she saw the dragon girl fell asleep, and then hung up the phone.


"The store manager, the store manager, the store manager!"

Yuuki Yuna pushed open the door of the office with a bang, ran in and said excitedly.

"As you said, manager, Dongxiang is angry because he is worried about me!" Yuuki Yuna who ran in put her hands on the bar and said happily to Jon: "And Dongxiang has also transformed into a brave man! It’s so handsome! I’m so excited!”

"That's really worth celebrating. Would you like something?"

"Coffee!" Yuuki Yuna wanted the coffee that she had always missed, but...

"Black tea, right?"

Jon poured Yuki Yuna a cup of black tea.

"Then congratulations to the Brave Department of Sanzhou Middle School for achieving the achievement of all members of the Brave."

As he said that, Jon handed the cake to Yuna Yuki, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that the others didn't come. I wanted to invite the brave to eat barbecue."

"Huh?!" Yuuki Yuna showed a surprised expression, "Can you still eat barbecue in the coffee shop?"


After all, this coffee shop can do everything except coffee.

Chapter 317 Your body is already a pineapple pineapple!

Gudong Gudong Gudong.

The dragon girl held a can of coffee and drank it down in one gulp.

Then she took a deep breath and patted her cheek as if to cheer herself up.

After drinking a can of coffee, the dragon girl finally felt better, and then threw the empty can into the trash can.

"However, it's still strange. It's obviously not like this before, and the food of the countermeasure team has also become very weak."

The dragon girl rubbed her head, and then prepared to continue patrolling.

Recently, she still felt that she was extremely sleepy, so she went out thinking about whether she would feel better if she went out for a stroll.

After going out, although the desire to sleep was not so strong, she still felt a little tired.

Seeing the patrolling robot running past, the dragon girl grabbed it and limp on it.

"Please take me on patrol..."

The patrolling robot kept issuing warning sounds, reminding the dragon girl not to interfere with its official duties, but the dragon girl showed no sign of letting go until...

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