I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 338

"Did you start being silly during the day, you idiot?"

Sakura Kyoko, who rarely came out to inspect the site, couldn't help but speak after seeing the dragon girl acting stupid in the street.

"Ah...it's Kyoko." After hearing Sakura Kyoko's voice, the dragon girl finally let go of the struggling patrol robot and greeted Sakura Kyoko.

"Is Kyoko coming out to play too?"

"It's patrolling the territory." Sakura Kyoko pointed out, but immediately she found something wrong with the dragon girl.

"You guy, haven't you slept in a few days?"

Sakura Kyoko remembered that she looked like this after playing games for two nights.

"No, I went to bed on time!" the dragon girl said, but she breathed out again unconvincingly, "It's just that I've been a little bored recently, so I just want to sleep."

Sakura Kyoko let out an oh, and was about to leave, but found that the dragon girl followed.

After meeting Sakura Kyoko, the dragon girl regained her spirit a lot and followed her directly.

"I think it's Yuxiang's departure. I'm so bored. What does Kyoko do every day?"

What do you do every day?

Playing games when you are full, going to bed when you are tired, and then picking up Matou Sakura to and from school, this is all about Sakura Kyoko's life recently, but it is impossible for her to tell the truth.

"The job of a magical girl is to hunt down witches!" Sakura Kyoko said with a natural expression.

That's right, the job of a magical girl is to hunt down witches. Asami is a magical girl, and she is also a magical girl. Asami has been routinely hunting down witches, so doesn't that mean she is also routinely hunting down witches?

Although she didn't do any work, Sakura Kyoko had a mysterious calmness when she came up with this formula.

The dragon girl believed it.

"Xingzi is really amazing!"

"Of course!" Sakura Kyoko shamelessly accepted the worship of the dragon girl, and then glanced at the time.

"It's time for me to pick up Sakura from school, do you still want to follow?"

The dragon girl thought for a while, thinking that she would have nothing to do even if she went back, so she also followed.

"Then I'll pick Xiaoxuan up from school too."

The dragon girl realized that she hadn't picked up Xiaoxuan yet, so she was eager to try.

When the two of them arrived at the elementary school, it was just after school, and Xiaoxuan was holding Jian Tongying's hand to say goodbye with reluctance, and then she was pleasantly surprised to see the figure of the dragon girl.

"Sister Long, Sister Xingzi!"

Xiaoxuan kept waving at the two of them, and when the dragon girl approached, she hugged her waist and kept rubbing against her.

"Is Sister Long here to pick me up?"

"Well, I just came here on the way!" Dragon Girl replied.

This answer made Xiaoxuan very happy, and in this way, she would be able to get along with Xiaoying for a longer time!

But then, she realized something again, let go of the arm holding the dragon girl's waist, stepped back a few steps, and looked at the dragon girl up and down like a little adult with her hips on her hips.

"Sister Long, are you no longer sleepy?"

Xiaoxuan clearly remembered that when she went out this morning, Miss Long was still sleepy.

"No, no, no!" Long Maiden scratched her head and laughed to hide her embarrassment. "After meeting Xingzi, I won't be sleepy anymore."

After speaking, Long Maiden greeted Xiaoxuan's teacher and prepared to take her home.

"Sakura, Sakura! Let's go back together!" Xiaoxuan happily held Matou Sakura's palm, and Matou Sakura nodded expressionlessly.

Xiaoxuan was very happy that the dragon girl would come to pick her up today, but to her regret, an accident happened on the way back.

"Sorry, sorry!" Dragon Girl begged Sakura Kyoko with a look of embarrassment after receiving the order from the countermeasure team.

"Just ask Xingzi to help me send Xiaoxuan home!"

It's a pity that this is the first time I wanted to take Xiaoxuan home, but I encountered such a thing.

After entrusting Xiaoxuan to Sakura Kyoko, Dragon Girl left directly.

"It seems very busy..." Sakura Kyoko looked at the back of the dragon girl leaving, muttered to herself, and then prepared to send Xiaoxuan back first.

"Take care of Sister Kyoko!" Xiaoxuan said happily while grabbing Sakura Kyoko's other free hand without any fear.

"Aren't you worried about that idiot?" Sakura Kyoko asked curiously.

"Because if it's Sister Long, she will definitely be able to deal with the enemy very powerfully!" Xiaoxuan waved her small fists to cheer for Long Maiden, but then said discouragedly:

"However, Sister Long has become a little strange recently."


Just like what Xiaoxuan said, this time the dragon girl still easily dealt with the enemy.

This time the enemy is not strong, mainly because she is located closest to the incident, so she will solve it.

This time, she didn't even use the driver to transform, but gave herself an injection of spiritual fluid after a long absence, and solved the enemy in two or three hits.

But what surprised her was that after giving herself an injection of spiritual fluid, her mental exhaustion completely disappeared, and she returned to her previous full of vitality.

This made her a little curious.

Could it be that she hasn't injected spiritual liquid for a while recently?

With this doubt, the dragon girl returned home, and unexpectedly found that Sakura Kyoko hadn't left yet.

"Is Kyoko waiting for me to come back?" Long Maiden smiled energetically, then ran back to her room to find a bunch of snacks and put them in front of Sakura Kyoko.


"You guy..." Sakura Kyoko looked up at the dragon girl who still had a smile on her face.

"Haven't you found out that your body is abnormal?"

"Isn't it normal?" Long Maiden tilted her head, not quite understanding why Sakura Kyoko would say such words.

"I heard from Xiaoxuan that you have to add a lot of sugar to your milk recently, right? Xiaoxuan said that she drank some secretly, and her teeth hurt so much."

Chapter 318 Long: Small problem, I will solve it!

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