I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 342

"Uncle Xue Qian is at your side, You Xiang?! That, that... Then did he say anything strange?" Dragon Girl's nervous voice came.

"Strange words?" Wuma Youxiang pretended not to know, and asked: "What strange thing?"

"No... that's all right... ah - something happened suddenly, You Xiang, I'll hang up first."

After leaving these words, the dragon girl hung up the phone in a panic.

"There is indeed a problem!"


"Oops... Oops!" After Long Maiden hung up Wuma Youxiang's call, panic had already appeared on her face.

"Uncle Xue Qian will definitely not go to You Xiang for no reason, he must have guessed something!"

The dragon girl was a little nervous, she had tried her best to hide all this, and no one told her, but Kyoko, the only one who knew about it, would definitely tell Uncle Xue Qian about it!

"You will definitely be scolded!"

The dragon girl squatted on the ground with her head in her arms.

She hid it precisely because she didn't want others to worry.

Because the countermeasure team has a very normal attitude towards her physical examination report, after the dragon girl noticed the abnormality in her body, she would suspect that Wuma Youxiang would have the same problem, and planned to use her own body to test.

She hadn't injected the psychic liquid for four days. Although she hadn't turned into the drowsy look before, she could already feel that her sense of taste had begun to dull again when she got serious!

The evidence is that drinking milk with eight tablespoons of sugar has gradually made me feel less tired!

"What to do, what to do? You will definitely be scolded!" Long Maiden looked nervous, but then she couldn't help showing a silly smile.

"But it feels good to be cared about."

Chapter 321: Star Extinguishing Strength Begins to Show (2700 Monthly Ticket Plus Change)

"Long, are you alright?"

Cheng Muyun, who just came out of the shower, said concerned after seeing the appearance of the dragon girl.

"No, it's okay! I just remembered that Kamen Rider is going to be updated today, so I was thinking about how to find a reason to go back early." The dragon girl rubbed the back of her head and said with a smirk.

Cheng Muyun did not notice the abnormality in the tone of the dragon girl. In her eyes, the dragon girl would look like this when she mentioned Kamen Rider, but she made no secret that she wanted to be lazy and go back early, which made her helpless. Sighed.

"If you are always lazy, it will affect your rating."

"No problem!" Long Maiden gave Cheng Muyun a thumbs up, "I made a lot of money in toy licensing! Uncle Blood Diving gave it to me!"

Cheng Muyun couldn't help rolling her eyes at this answer.

"I'm not talking about this, but promotion! Do you understand promotion?" Cheng Muyun hooked the dragon girl's neck and buried her face in her chest.

"If you keep being lazy, you won't be able to get promoted!"

"It doesn't matter about this kind of thing..." Long Maiden struggled to get out of Cheng Muyun's facial cleanser, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Uncle Blood Potential said that he likes the first battle to arrive at the scene the most." staff!"

"It's Blood Dive again!" Cheng Muyun put her hands on her chest, pretending to be helpless, "But it's a pity that Blood Dive seems to have been with Mami-senpai...huh?"

Well, even Cheng Muyun, an older young woman in her third year, didn't think there was anything wrong with calling Ba Mami a senior.

But she soon realized that this was an opportunity.

She's getting annoyed seeing the blood dive!

Damn blood dive! He actually snatched Mami-senpai away!

Thinking of this, Cheng Muyun hooked the dragon girl's neck again, and said as if she had seen through it: "Long, you should like that blood dive very much."

This sentence made the dragon girl blush, and then hurriedly shook her hand.

"Like... like something, it's not at all!"

"Is that so? I don't believe it." Cheng Muyun had a look of disbelief, "If you didn't like it, how could you never leave your mouth."

"Eh?" Long Maiden looked confused, "Do I have this?"

"It seems that you haven't discovered it yet." Cheng Muyun sighed, patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "If you can't even recognize this, you will be lonely for a lifetime!"

"Is it the same as Miss Cheng?"

Cheng Muyun: "..."

If it wasn't for senior sister, I would have strangled you idiot to death!

Cheng Muyun patted the dragon girl on the shoulder hard, and then walked away with a look of displeasure, leaving the dragon girl standing there with a confused face.

Did she say the wrong thing? The dragon girl scratched her head, but soon she didn't care!

She wants to be lazy and go back!

Thinking of the video to be updated tonight, Long Maiden felt that she was full of motivation, and even the slight sluggishness caused by not injecting the spiritual liquid returned to normal.

"Then, let's keep going!"

The dragon girl patted herself on the face, then lazily went home.


In this updated video, the Golden Wind protagonist team received the task of escorting the boss's daughter, which seems to indicate that their next trip will become very dangerous.

The plot of Kabuto, the Kamen Rider, is a bit smooth, and the Zerg's plan to invade ZECT's headquarters was thwarted, but the new Kabuto just showed his face. From the appearance point of view, it seems to be in the shape of a wasp.

The words of Kamen Rider Amazons are still very depressing. The deportation class and the Amazon named Xiaoshou entered the apartment full of Amazons without noticing the abnormality, and they were surrounded by groups. They were in danger, which made people a little nervous about their safety. .

Of course, these are not the most important.

the most important is...

In the latest 25 episodes of Kamen Rider Build, the secret of Pandora's Box is finally revealed!

After Ishido Misora ​​showed the terrifying power to control the wall of the sky and even repel the Gear Warriors and Kamen Rider Rogue who put Kiryu Sentu and the others into a hard fight, no one can continue to underestimate this. The girl who has always existed in the image of a person who purifies a full bottle of tools.

And while regaining the Pandora's Box, it seems that the possessed Ishidong Misora ​​revealed a name that had no clues before - Evolto!

Sure enough, as most people imagined before, the latest episode of Kamen Rider Build is definitely a turning point!

The mysterious power from Mars, the spies hidden beside Kiryu Sentu and the others, and...

The picture of Mars being destroyed!

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