I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 343

After Kiryu Sentu connected Ishido Misora's thoughts with the bracelet brought back from Mars through the instrument, the resulting picture almost made everyone gasp.

Mars is destroyed!

In the screen, Mars in the Kamen Rider Build world seems to have a fairly developed civilization, but it began to disappear under a strange force!

Whether it is a building or a towering mountain, they are collapsing, and then fly towards the sky with a special force.

And the only thing that remains intact in the picture is a strange tower!

Coupled with Kiryu Zhantu's speculation, it is enough to prove that Pandora's Box is the culprit that caused the destruction of Mars!

When this result was presented in front of everyone, everyone was shocked!

As the first two dramas to appear, Kamen Rider fans and Magic Girl fans have been arguing endlessly about combat power, and this kind of battle ended in the complete defeat of Kamen Rider fans after the appearance of the Circle of Law before, even There have been a lot of rebellions by the second and fifth sons!

And from that time on, Kamen Rider fans were suffocating, and now...

They are finally standing up!

Who said that Kamen Rider's combat power is insufficient?

This is enough power to destroy Mars!

Even Tao Su, under the blessing of this force, exploded with even stronger fighting power!

After pretending to be dead for so long, it's her turn to vent her anger!

This time, she will definitely win once!

Tao Su thought to himself, then prepared coffee, and prepared to fight high-intensity all night.

But just when the party struggle was about to start again, people suddenly noticed...

Below the latest Kamen Rider episode, there is another special video.

It's self-contained, and the video is an astounding hour and a half long! (Note: It is "Heisei Century Final")

Not only the netizens who were preparing to face off, but also the people in the countermeasure team noticed.


They fell into an eerie silence.

No one would have thought that even though they had already made quite a high evaluation of the combat power of Kamen Rider Build World, they still missed their eyes!

Leaving aside the existence of parallel worlds, once this force capable of destroying Mars descends on Earth, then...

It is estimated that even the earth cannot escape the end of being destroyed!

Looking at the frozen picture on the big screen, the newly appointed Shao Kai suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

He shouldn't have come to this muddy water!

His predecessor...

What kind of monsters are they dealing with!


ps: Thank you for your rewards and blades.


Chapter 322 This is all a conspiracy of blood potential!

"Well, let's begin..."

After Qiao Kai said this, he suddenly felt that his throat was extremely dry.

After picking up the water glass and taking a sip of water, he found that other people were looking at him without saying a word, and the silence in the entire conference room was terrifying.

This scene made Chao Kai frowned slightly, and he could even feel a trace of curiosity in these gazes, as if he was looking forward to how he would deal with such a thing next.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to start his work after being airborne so suddenly, but the reaction of the others was beyond his expectations, as if they were watching him make a fool of himself.

What Shao Kai represented was not only the interests of Guizhou City, but also the interests of other city countermeasure groups.

Perhaps it is inappropriate to use such a division of interests in a whole, but no one denies that it is not appropriate to keep all these powerful combat forces in Gui City, so he was sent to take over Ning Wu's work.

Before coming to Guishi, he carefully read all the information several times, and formulated a series of countermeasures. Among them, transferring Wuma Youxiang, who was the easiest and most reasonable to leave, was his first move. Then he began to send people to contact these guests from different worlds.

The effect is quite obvious. The man named Bruno Bucciarati has agreed to help, which also proves that his decision is correct, but just when he is about to continue to use this method on others, the Pandora's Box The secret is revealed, and there is information that there is a parallel world in the world of Kamen Rider.

This put him in an awkward situation all of a sudden.

Before that, Shao Kai had always thought that the two magical girls were the most powerful among these guests from other worlds, but because the blood sneak had contact with each other earlier, he joined the blood sneak camp.

After all, unlike that old fritter of Xuedi, the two magical girls are not very old, they are still junior high school students, so the possibility of being deceived by Xuedi cannot be ruled out.

Coupled with the fact that Blood Dive has not yet shown overwhelming strength in Kamen Rider Build, the countermeasure team has always ranked Blood Dive in the ranks of the two magical girls who can directly resist dragon-level disasters and the one who returns to their own world. Smile below, but now the words...

Facts have told them that in the world of Kamen Rider Build there is a terrifying force capable of destroying the planet!

In this way, the threat level of the blood dive must be raised to the highest level! And must prevent the other party from obtaining Pandora's Box! But can they do it? With the strength of the countermeasure team, can it really deal with such an enemy?

Thinking that he might be plotting against such an enemy, Shao Kai's mouth was a little dry, and he took another sip from the water glass.

"Do you think Bloodstalker has Pandora's Box now?"

Qiao Kai asked subconsciously, but just after he finished speaking, he realized that he had asked a stupid question.

Right now, these guests from different worlds undoubtedly have the ability to copy the power of their own world, so even if the blood diver appears directly in front of them and takes out a big black box, they will not have any surprises. frightened.

Sure enough, as soon as Mao Kai said this, the other people looked at him with more surprise, which made Qiao Kai cough twice before turning to discuss another issue.

That is the system called "Enigma" that appeared in the latest super-long video. This kind of technology that can connect parallel worlds and even merge two earths is a technology that they couldn't even imagine before!

Whether it's Pandora's Box or the Enigma system, they are enough to crush their world!

Faced with something like this, what can they do?

What they are proud of has no effect in the face of such power!


"I remember that in the information, the blood potential mentioned the existence of parallel worlds." Qiao Kai took a deep breath and asked.

Now, all the information is connected together! The previous countermeasures team guessed how the blood dive went to the parallel world. The doubts have also been solved!

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