I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 359

Before he finished speaking, he was thrown back to his original position by Wuma Youxiang. When he came back to his senses, he found that Wuma Youxiang had disappeared in place.

Going back directly to the base of the countermeasure team, Wuma Youxiang broke into the area where the dragon girl's life-support device was located, but what she saw was the dragon girl wearing a special hospital uniform soaked in the spirit liquid pool and sleeping.

Even in deep sleep, her palms were tightly clutching the pockets of her jacket, as if she was afraid of being robbed of the contents.

No sign of waking up.

This scene made Wuma Youxiang feel as uncomfortable as if his heart had been cut by a knife.

Obviously this idiot couldn't stop talking when he was awake, as if he wanted to tell others about every little thing he encountered, but now he was so quiet.

After paying so much, why can't she even say a few words after the battle?

What do these guys think of dragons!

Wuma Youxiang left with a gloomy face, she felt that she had to do something.


"It's so cold-blooded..." Jon sighed.

By integrating the genetic factors of the dragon girl's body in advance, he can clearly feel the current physical state of the dragon girl.

After falling into a coma, he never woke up.

And even if she helped the countermeasures team solve a disaster, she was like a tool that could be called at any time, and she couldn't even speak to Wuma Youxiang.

If this continues, Jon is not sure what will happen to the dragon girl's mental state.

"Physical first, then spiritual... What a bunch of bad guys."

Jon walked home.

When he opened the door, he saw Yuna Yuki in an apron waving a shovel to greet him.

"Shop Manager, welcome back!"

Seeing this, Jon also smiled.

"Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah!" Yuuki Yuna nodded vigorously, "Miss Mami took us to a lot of fun places! We will continue to go out tonight! Is the store manager coming too?"

Jon thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Walking into the room, he saw Matou Sakura running in front of him, avoiding Inubo Saikaze, who had a flattering face and wanted to play with her, and then gently hugged her.

"Is Sakura going too?"

Sakura Matou nodded.

"Then let's go out and play together."

Jon thought it would be a very ordinary night, but what he didn't expect was that Wuma Youxiang approached him on the way back from shopping with everyone.

Chapter 337 Sensitive Dongxiang

[Clock Over! 】

Accompanied by this voice, Wuma Yuka appeared in front of Jon, and then exited the transformation state under the eyes of Yuuki Yuna and Inubosakikaze.

But Wuma Youxiang didn't pay attention to the members of the Brave Department, in her eyes, the members of the Brave Department were just unrelated passers-by.

This kind of thing doesn't matter at all!

She just wants to save that idiot now!

Wuma Youxiang didn't hide her purpose, and said directly: "I want to save that guy!"

"Want to save the dragon? It's a good idea." Jon nodded approvingly, then took Matou Sakura's little hand and sat down on the public seat beside him, but then changed the subject and said, "But ah , I can't seem to do it."

These words made Wuma Youxiang look incredible, but before she could say anything, Jon continued:

"After all, I'm not the type to rush up to help when I know someone is in danger. Otherwise, wouldn't I have no time to stop and rest all day long?"

Jon looked helplessly at Wuma Youxiang.

"Isn't it a normal thing? People always focus on the creatures in front of them, as if you rushed over from there after knowing this. Maybe someone will die in a disaster because of your willful approach Oh, but do you think you did something wrong?"

Jon shrugged, and continued in Wuma Youxiang's silent appearance.

"No way, so...Since she didn't choose to ask me for help but accepted this fate, then I naturally have no reason to make a move, right?"

With that said, two drives appeared in Jon's hand.

"She returned the drives to me. Doesn't it mean that she has made a choice? But I admire her approach... At least I obviously didn't see the power of hatred in her, but I did I made that choice without hesitation.”

Jon sighed, put away the driver, and stood up holding Matou Sakura.

"So do you think I still have a reason to stop her? Or do you have a reason to stop her now?" Jon patted Wuma Youxiang on the shoulder, "If there is, you can tell me Listen, anytime."

After speaking, Jon turned and left, leaving Wuma Youxiang standing there silently.

And the conversation between the two silenced Yuuki Yuna and Inubosakikaze who were excited to see Wuma Yuka's knight armor.

Although they didn't know the inside story of this incident, judging from the expression on the face of the big sister who looked a few years older than them, it was obvious that it was not an easy and simple matter.

At the same time, the doubts in Dongxiang Meisen's heart became deeper. Looking at the man who walked in the front and let the little girl named Matou Sakura ride on his neck, he was very curious about what happened.

Obviously, this seemingly beautiful world is not safe. Judging from the behavior of the older sister in armor, it is obvious that her friend is in danger, no...not even necessarily dangerous, after all, from the two people Judging from the conversation between them, the girl named Long took the initiative to accept her fate.

So what is fate? Dongxiang Meisen suddenly became curious and kept this matter in his heart.

But after returning to Jon's house, she found that there was a little girl in the room.

"Xiaoxuan is here to look for you." Sakura Kyoko, who was still lying on the floor playing games, turned her head and glanced at Jon, "Fortunately, I didn't follow her out, otherwise she would probably be sitting at the door waiting for you to come back."

"Big brother..." Xiaoxuan looked at Jon with red eyes after seeing him come back, and said aggrievedly, "Sister Long didn't come back to see me as promised, and my mother didn't tell me what happened."

She had been waiting for several days, and every day she was expecting that Sister Long would suddenly appear in front of her and pick her up, but she didn't.

She also asked her mother who worked in the countermeasures team, but when she asked this question, her mother showed a strange expression on her face, and then told her that Sister Long was very busy recently, so she couldn't come to see her.

Xiaoxuan sensed something was wrong, and then ran out.

"This way your mother will worry." Jon stepped forward to hold Xiaoxuan's hand, and was going to send her back first.

Xiaoxuan didn't refuse, she just came to find Jon, and she felt that Jon would be able to help her.

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