I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 360

"Big Brother knows where Sister Long is, right? Xiaoxuan wants to see Sister Long."

On the way back, Xiaoxuan grabbed Jon's palm and begged.

Of course Jon knew where the dragon girl was now, but it was obviously impossible for him to take Xiaoxuan to see the dragon girl who couldn't wake up, so he rubbed Xiaoxuan's head.

"Since Xiaoxuan wants to see Long, then I will take you to see her tomorrow."

The promise from Jon made Xiao Xuan show a happy expression on her face, and then she pointed her little finger towards Jon.

"Then pull the hook!"

"Okay, pull the hook." Jon squatted down and pulled the hook with Xiao Xuan, and just in time saw Xiao Xuan's mother, Zhu Yun, running towards this direction with a face full of panic.

After seeing her daughter with Jon, Zhu Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she already guessed that she must be looking for Jon when she noticed that the little guy ran away, Zhu Yun was still very worried that she would encounter danger on the way.

At the same time, she also gave Jon a complicated look, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

Then Jon also went back, but to his surprise, everyone in the Department of Braves hadn't gone back yet.

Yuuki Yuna was sitting on the floor playing games with Sakura Kyoko, and her body shook from time to time as if she was actually there, as if doing so could strengthen her game skills.

Inubo Sakiki was holding a loose-leaf paper, on which was written "I'm the next one!" This line reminded Yuuki Yuna not to occupy the position.

Inubo Saikaze followed Ba Mami in the kitchen and tried to make cakes, as if she was taking a women's power training course, while Miyoshi Natsurin became very interested in the magic flintlock guns hanging on the wall for decoration.

Only Dongxiang Mason seemed to be waiting for something. After seeing Jon come back, he quietly pointed to the balcony with his finger.

Following Dongxiang Meisen to the balcony, Jon heard the girl who had lost her legs and memory because of the full opening said.

"Mr. Store Manager, this time you promised Yuna to let her visit here, is there anything you want to tell us?"

"Why do you ask that?" Jon showed an interested expression, "Why can't we simply invite you to play?"

"Because both Mr. Manager and Sister Mami seem to know the price of full opening." Dongxiang Meisen said seriously, "I just happened to be investigating this matter recently."

Chapter 338 The drowning person needs to reach out for help (4w9 recommendation)

"Because the truth can only be confirmed by your own eyes, I can only tell you two stories, and I've been worrying about it recently..."

After returning to her home through the office, Dongxiang Mason was still immersed in the story Jon described to her.

Two different worlds, but they are also "braves" who have been concealed and set foot on the battlefield.

One of them is concealed by the enemy, and the other is concealed by one's own people.

The "brave" whose truth was concealed by the enemy was desperate, but this is what the enemy wanted to do. The "brave" whose truth was concealed by his own people chose to accept his fate, but it hurt those who cared about her.

Dongxiang Mason didn't think that the story in Jon's mouth was made up, because she had heard a story similar to the first story from Yuna Yuki before that, and according to Yuna Yuki who appeared in another The news from the mouth of the brave man in the brave man's hut is that the "brave man" who was deceived and used by the enemy was rescued by the store manager, that is to say...

Most likely Mami-san!

In this case, does the second 'brave' refer to the 'dragon'?

What is the store manager trying to say?

Dongxiang Meisen was a little puzzled, but her pupils shrank suddenly in the next second, and then subconsciously touched her deaf left ear.

no... no way...

A frightened look flickered in Togo Mimori's eyes, and then his eyes swept over Yuuki Yuna's mouth, Inubosakikaze's left eye, and Shu's throat.

Then there is Miyoshi Xia Lin who did not leave any sequelae.

full bloom!

Does it mean that the price of being fully opened is concealed?

Dongxiang Meisen clenched his fist subconsciously, but his vision went dark in the next second, and he was hit squarely by the soft pillow.

"Togo Togo! Don't be in a daze!" Yuuki Yuna grabbed a pillow in one hand and shouted at Togo Mimori while fighting back against Inubi Saikaze and Miyoshi Natsurin.

But Dongxiang Meisen stared blankly at the pillow in his hand.

She remembered what Jon had said to Wuma Youxiang before.


It was the brave man who chose to accept his fate and didn't choose to ask him for help, so he wouldn't make a move?

So is this a good thing or not?

Dongxiang Mason has learned from Jon what the fate of the brave man named Dragon is.

She lost everything about herself and became a tool to protect ordinary people. She couldn't even visit her family after paying so much.

Accepting her fate, but hurting those who cared about her?


In this case, is it really appropriate?

"Dongxiang?" Yuuki Yuna stretched out her palm and touched Dongxiang Meisen's forehead, "Dongxiang, are you sick?"

This action made Dongxiang Meisen wake up from his contemplation, and then forced a smile.

"It's okay, I just feel a little regretful about the few things I bought."

"Oh——! I almost forgot!" After Dongxiang Meisen said this, Yuuki Yuna remembered that she forgot to open the box of the things she bought!

"Clang clang clang clang! This is the most popular brave toy in the world where the store manager lives!" Yuuki Yuna found a Build driver toy from the things she brought back, and said to Inubozaki, "I found this kind of good thing." You didn't remind me!" He raised his face high and said excitedly:

"This is the Kamen Rider system used by Kamen Rider Cross-Z who fights with the power of a dragon!"

After Yuuki Yuna disassembled it, Dongxiang Meisen's eyes widened slightly. She had seen the same thing in Jon's hands before!

In other words, the brave man who accepted his own destiny could not even maintain the most popular fighting posture in the end?

So, will the members of the Brave Club become like this?

Probably not, after all Batik has been dealt with, Dongxiang Mason thought.

Then the next day, Amnesty contacted them again and told them something that shocked them - for some reason, Batik reappeared, so the battle entered an extended battle.


Early in the morning, Jon woke up because he had an agreement with Xiaoxuan today.

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