I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 367

These words gradually dissipated the despair in Wuma Youxiang's eyes, and then she clenched the sword in her hand.


It turns out... did You Xiang think so?

This was the first thought that appeared in Dragon Girl's mind after she saw Wuma Youxiang's sad appearance through Jon's perspective.

She wants to protect everyone, but breaks her best friend's heart.

If it were You Xiang, would she choose to do the same?

Surely it will!

This idea popped up in the dragon girl's mind.

But You Xiang will definitely be like her, and she doesn't want everyone's efforts to be ruined.

So next time, try hard to tell You Xiang.


"I didn't expect Dongxiang to be the eldest lady." Ba Mamei looked at the mansion with great interest, and then thought about what it would be like if she had such a big courtyard.

Then immediately after, she gave up such an idea.

Because if the house is too big, there will be more space for each, so the communication between the family will be less.

Kyoko doesn't care, Sakura and Jon probably won't like such a big house.

Ba Mamei nodded, but her curiosity about this place has not diminished.

At this time Yuuki Yuna has gone back, leaving only Ba Mami and Togo Mimori.

"I didn't tell Yuna about those things. The reason why I asked her to take me to the store manager was just to see if I could find a cure for everyone's physical sequelae."

This answer made Mami show a troubled expression.

"It's wrong to hide it from your friends!"

She had already learned from Jon what happened to the members of the Brave Department.

Sure enough, it was the same as what happened to her before!

It was also being deceived, and it was also someone who discovered the problem in the first place.

But the difference is that Kyoko chose to blew herself up and turned into a witch to wake up the idiots who were still immersed in the lies of love and courage, while the disabled girl in front of her chose to bear it alone.

Dongxiang Meisen did not refute Ba Mamei's words, but nodded and said calmly: "But since the current situation is still unclear, I don't want everyone to suffer because of wrong information."

Who is hiding it? Who is taking advantage of it?

On this point, Dongxiang Meisen hoped that he could figure it out.

Intuition told her that the store manager might have discovered something, but she hoped that she would discover the truth by herself.

The elves will protect the brave and prevent the brave from dying.

She has tried it.

Seppuku, hanging, jumping off a building, carbon monoxide poisoning, poisoning, self-immolation...

All stopped by the elves! Even if she didn't activate the hero system!

The elves do not help the brave to complete their mission, but bind the brave to the mission! It was a device to keep them fighting and prevent them from dying.

It is impossible to recover from their sequelae!

What happened to Sonoko Nogi proved that Amnesty should know about the sequelae of the Brave System, but he didn't tell them.

Obviously, everyone in the Brave Department has been deceived! Get scammed without knowing it!

This is why Dongxiang Mason directly dispelled his suspicion of Jon.

At the beginning, she was surprised that Yuna Yuki could suddenly reach such a magical place, and she had some doubts about it, but now all the facts are telling her.

The situation of her and everyone in the Brave Department is very similar to the "brave" in the two stories told by the store manager!

It was also concealed and really wanted to set foot on the battlefield.

So what is their situation?

Was he deceived by his own people, or by the enemy?

When Dongxiang Meisen calmly told Ba Mami what she had discovered, Ba Mami couldn't help showing a distressed expression.

"Has this discovery been told to anyone else?"

Dongxiang Mason shook his head.

"Currently, Yuna is the only one who knows. I wanted to tell Senior Feng about this matter, but thinking that Mr. Store Manager might be able to help solve this matter, I didn't tell her."

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of Dongxiang Mason, Jon's previous attitude was that if he wanted help, he would take the initiative to speak up.

So Dongxiang Meisen spoke up, she wanted to get help from the other party, so that everyone in the Brave Department could return to normal.

Then, Dongxiang Meisen found himself hugged by Ba Mami.

The sweet smell of black tea and cake came out, which made Dongxiang Meisen a little bit astonished.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Ba Mamei's happy words.

"Dongxiang is really a good boy who cares about his friends, but he is much braver than me before."

Chapter 345 Ba Mami: I can't ignore this world! (free)

"Ah! I'm so annoying!"

Miyoshi Xia Lin, who was exercising at home, was a little impatient when she heard the sound of a new email coming from her mobile phone.

Without looking, she was able to guess the sender's identity and purpose.

After stepping off the treadmill and taking a sip from the water bottle, Miyoshi Xia Lin turned her attention to her phone.

Sure enough, the content of the email was to inquire about the whereabouts of her and the members of the Brave Department a few days ago.

"I said it, I just went out for a stroll." Miyoshi Xia Lin said impatiently.

At the beginning, she thought about telling Amnesty about this miraculous experience, but in the end she gave up.

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