I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 368

Because Yuna said that this is a secret shared by everyone in the Brave Department.

Once such a secret is revealed, it will definitely cause trouble for Yuna.

And the store manager and Mami-san entertained her so warmly, no matter how you think about it, they shouldn't cause trouble to them.

Miyoshi Xia Lin thought this way, and then prepared to perfunctory the amnesty.

But just as she started typing, a new email from Amnesty arrived.

"The brave Dongxiang Meisen has fallen into a state of mental instability, Miyoshi Xia Lin, you have to monitor her and guide her well."


After seeing the contents of the new email, Miyoshi Xia Lin showed a surprised expression on her face.

How did Dongxiang fall into a state of mental instability? Obviously, we were very happy when we played together before.

Inubosaki Kaze also received this email.

Inubosaki Kaze, who was preparing dinner for himself and his sister at home, saw the phone screen light up, and then saw the email from the amnesty.

However, unlike the email received by Miyoshi Natsurin, the email received by Inubo Saikaze did not ask her to monitor Togo Meisen, but only hoped that she could enlighten Dongxiang Meisen.

"Did Dongxiang encounter a problem?" Inubo Saikaze showed a puzzled expression.

But then she couldn't help wondering why Amnesty knew about it.

With such doubts in mind, she knocked on her sister's room.

There was no response, and she pushed the door open and walked in.

Inubosaki fell asleep on the table, looking tired.

The cute sleeping face made Inubo Saikaze show a gentle expression, but when she walked up to wake up her sleeping sister for dinner, she found a diary under her body.

I can vaguely see such a line...

"Hopefully we can get back to normal before the second round of trials."

The second round of trials?

What is this?

The puzzled expression on Inubo Saikaze's face became more intense.


the next day.

Ba Mami pushed Dongxiang Meisen's wheelchair to a hospital.

"Has it really been decided? Even if what we need to face next is likely to be a hell-like reality." Ba Mamei asked.

"En!" Dongxiang Meisen nodded seriously.

She remembered the first time she and Yuna met that Nogi-senpai.

She could feel that Senior Nogi knew her, but she couldn't remember anything.


Although her memory is a little lost, her surname was Washio during those two years or so.

And her four elves.

If there is one more elf every time it is fully opened, then what is going on with her?

Could it be that she has fully opened twice before?

Then why can't she remember?

Fully opened twice and lost the function of both legs?


Chances are she lost her memory because of full bloom!

In this way, wouldn't the most terrifying thing happen?

Thinking that Yuuki Yuna might also lose her memory because of full bloom, Togo Mimori felt a terrible sense of fear.

So she came again, hoping to learn the truth from this senior Nogi.

Pushed by Ba Mami in a wheelchair in the hospital, Dongxiang Meisen found the ward where Nogi Sonoko was.

Seeing Dongxiang Meisen's arrival, Nogi Sonoko was not surprised at all.

"Sure enough, I knew it." Nogi Sonoko, who was wrapped in bandages and only exposed her left eye and mouth, smiled at Dongxiang Meisen.

"Because I was too happy before, the topic was a bit off topic, but today I have sorted it out, WASSHI."

Nogi Sonoko seemed to have been prepared for the arrival of Dongxiang Meisen, but immediately turned his attention to Ba Mamei who pushed Dongxiang Meisen in.

"Sister Mami can be trusted." Dongxiang Meisen replied.

"That's great, I'm working hard to make new friends, WASSHI, ah...it's Dongxiang." Nogi Sonoko showed a happy expression, but suddenly remembered something, and changed the name of Dongxiang Meisen.

"You can also call me WASSHI." Dongxiang Meisen looked calm, "During that time, my surname was indeed Washio."

"It's amazing, you can actually understand it." A look of surprise appeared in Nogi Sonoko's eyes.

"I was judged to have the qualifications of a hero in the suitability test, and then I was adopted as an adopted daughter by the Washio family who was quite powerful even in the amnesty, and I completed my mission there..."

Seeing the picture of Dongxiang Meisen calmly explaining her discovery and Nogi Sonoko answering, although Ba Mamei still had a smile on her face, only she knew how angry she was about this matter.

Similar to her previous experience, the only difference is that they were concealed by their own people.

But wouldn't it be even more desperate if this were the case?

He obviously risked his life to protect Ordinary, but he was deceived by his own people.

You must know that even now she sometimes dreams of Chubby speaking those words in calm words, and every time she has such a nightmare, Ba Mamei will be awakened in the middle, and then fears that her current life is actually just a fake of.

As a senior, she will be so frightened by the things that have been resolved, how will these lovely juniors in front of them feel when they see their body functions disappear with each battle?

Will he make the same choice as that idiot Long?

Ba Mamei didn't know, but she didn't want to see such a tragedy happen.

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