I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 369

The communication between Dongxiang Meisen and Nogi Sonoko is still going on.

"...Because I feel very happy to be chosen by Mr. Shenshu, so I agree." Nogi Sonoko smiled and comforted Dongxiang Meisen, comforting her pain that her parents clearly knew about these things, but they still kept silent.

"But why..." Dongxiang Meisen clutched her skirt tightly, her tone trembling: "Why are we like this... Isn't Master Shenshu a human partner..."

"Although we are partners, but because we are gods, we also have such a side..." Nogi Sonoko sighed, then seemed to remember something, and said again: "Calm down and listen to me, I will tell you , the secrets outside the walls, and the origin of this world..."

Chapter 346: Cutting King, Disaster Level: Ghost (Free)


Today's weather is good, and it happens to be a rest day, so there are many pedestrians on the street.

The business of an open-air coffee shop is also good. There are many people sitting on the seat. Looking towards the square not far away, you can see many parents taking their children out to play during the rest day.

The vibe was great, but one of the guys just didn't fit in with the vibe.

A young man with ordinary clothes and a little messy hair shook his fingers crazily on the phone screen, almost pulling out afterimages.

Judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to be arguing with someone.

"These guys, do they really take other people's sacrifices for granted?" the young man gritted his teeth.

What he was arguing with others was the special defense system that had been making a lot of noise in Gui City recently - the Paradise System.

After this system became known to more and more people, the countermeasure team also released part of the information.

Among them, of course, are the identities of those who currently voluntarily use the system to keep ordinary people safe.

It is the formerly popular Kamen Rider Cross-Z Transformer!

The emergence of this system naturally caused an uproar in the society, and at the same time there were quarrels between the two factions.

One of the factions naturally thinks that doing so is correct and can protect the safety of more people, and the user himself is not forced, just like the countermeasure team stated, if the user is forced, then no May take the initiative to fight.

The other faction felt that such a system was too much, and they felt that the heroes who protected the city should not be allowed to end up like this.

It would be no problem if the user was only allowed to remotely control the body made of psychic fluid, but the situation is not so simple now!

The almost 24-hour standby status and the few photos circulating on the Internet all prove that the hero who protected the city in the form of Kamen Rider Cross-Z before has been treated unfairly!

Some people even broke the news that before the Kamen Rider Transformer used the paradise system, he specially sent gifts to the children in Guishi.

What such an approach represents is actually very clear!

Even without thinking too much, one can deduce that this hero has become unable to move freely at this moment.

This is where the opposition is dissatisfied.

In the past, from time to time, they could still see photos of this energetic and even silly girl who was lazily patrolling Guishi and helping lost children find their parents. This is a very down-to-earth girl. A hero who is angry, not the kind of hero who will only act when encountering a crisis that only she can solve.

They will be happy that the hero has transformed into an advanced form, and they will also be sad that the hero has been reduced to what he is now.

In the eyes of the countermeasures team, is she really a hero rather than a useful tool?

But one thing they cannot deny is that too many people can be saved because of this system.

They say they thank these heroes for their sacrifices, but when they turn around, they selfishly wish more people would use a system like this.

When did the hero need to pay so much and even his own freedom when he went to save others?

Young people also know that quarreling on the Internet alone is meaningless, and there are even many people around them who don't know that there is a lot of trouble on the Internet because of this incident.

The park system has already started to operate, and even now that the countermeasure team has started a nominal investigation of this system, many people will agree with this approach.

After all, they are not the ones who sacrificed, and they will also benefit from it.

No one can deny this.

But if they don't even quarrel over this matter, then is Miss Long's sacrifice meaningful?

Thinking of this, he continued to throw himself into the scolding battle.

But neither he nor anyone noticed that the aura had gradually begun to permeate the sky above this area, and then...

"Warning! Warning! Xicheng District..."


Disaster, appeared again!

This is the information that the dragon girl learned after waking up from the darkness.

More than a thousand meters away from here, the disaster level...

Ghost class!

Work harder!

Long Maiden thought so, and then rushed directly to the scene without saying a word.

Under the control of the dragon girl, the body that was strengthened enough to deal with ghost-level disasters erupted at a terrifying speed. In just over thirty seconds, she had already appeared on the battlefield, and then saw the target she needed to deal with this time.

Unlike the monsters we dealt with in the past, the ghost-level disaster that appeared this time has a humanoid posture, and it makes people feel frightened at first sight.

A thin body wearing a long black apron, messy long hair that seems to have never been taken care of, covered with withered yellow bandages where you can see a lot of blood, only a face covered with bloodshot right eye, and that It was also wrapped in bandages but what was exposed was not his hands but two sharp long knives that seemed to have been integrated with his forearms, like a crazy murderer.

Cut King! Ghost-level monsters from the world of One-Punch Man!

This shape alone is enough to make people have nightmares at night, not to mention the woman who has been pierced through the chest by the blade in her right hand and lifted in mid-air.

The bright red blood dripped slowly along the blade, and the tick-tock-tick-tock fell on the ground, bursting out bloody flowers.

Such a sound seemed to be the most beautiful movement for this monster, making her close her eyes comfortably, and then throw the dead body in her hand aside.

"So, whose turn should it be next? I didn't expect to come to such a place suddenly when I was about to lose my impulse."

Under the terrified gazes of the people, the cutting king walked step by step towards the crowd who were limp on the ground and seemed unable to even escape.

When the patrol robot detects disaster, everyone is ready to flee.

Under normal circumstances, people would have already evacuated here in an orderly manner to the nearest shelter. After all, this is a terrible ghost-level disaster warning.

But what frightened people was that before the disaster officially came, a terrifying killing intent swept over their bodies, making it impossible for them to even escape from this place!


Monsters have come!

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