I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 375

"Togo!" Yuuki Yuna called out Togo Misori's name again, but all she got was a silent response from Togo Misori.

"I'll take care of this."

After speaking, Dongxiang Meisen flew away.

Seeing this, Ba Mamei also stretched.

"Then I'm leaving too!"

Ba Mami chose to catch up with Dongxiang Meisen.

The rest of the Brave Division seemed to want to catch up, but at this moment Inubosaki held up the loose-leaf paper in his hand.

"Mami-san actually reminded us just now! A little soldier on the outpost."

While showing the loose-leaf paper with this line written in front of everyone, Inubo Sakiki pointed to the direction where Togo Mimori and Bamami came, and then showed a warm smile.

"Let's go over there and have a look."

Inubo Sakiki wrote this.


main world.

Wuma Youxiang, who had completed her transformation, broke into the branch of the Lujiang City Countermeasures Team and came to the location of the life support device.

She remembered the name of the student in front of her who had entered the life support device.

Ji Ming.

A taciturn boy when he was in the institute, but except for the small group formed by that idiot Long, most of the students who entered the institute at that time were like this, and Ji Ming had nothing special about him.

But obviously, he buried his hatred deep in his heart.

But in this case...but in this case...

Wuma Youxiang's palm holding the blade trembled slightly.

In this case, wouldn't she have to kill the other party with her own hands?

Just like Xue Qian said, so what if the second batch of students also entered the critical point mode? How long can park system users be free to move around?

Going out for activities for just over ten minutes, and then returning to that dark place, wouldn't it really aggravate their despair?

Even if the people in the countermeasure team understand the reason why the disaster befalls this city, what will happen to the users of the park system?

Stop using it and spend all your time in the outside world?

In this way, wouldn't it negate everyone's efforts and make them the culprits of the disaster?

To make them look at themselves as being of no use, and as long as they live, they will cause people to die?

How could she accept such a result!

The blade of the sword was raised by Wuma Youxiang, at the same time the fighters of the countermeasure team with live ammunition finally arrived and pointed their guns at Wuma Youxiang.

Guan Qing also came in together, after learning that Wuma Youxiang had appeared in Lujiang City, he also rushed over, but saw this scene, which made his head go blank with a buzzing sound.

"Stop it!"

However, the blade has been cut off!

Chapter 352 Crisis Exploding Simultaneously

The blade slashed down, destroying the life-support device Ji Ming was in under the terrified gazes of the people in Lujiang City's countermeasure team.

The continuously flowing spiritual liquid began to vaporize rapidly, and at the same time, this scene also drove Guan Qing into a state of madness.

He rushed forward and grabbed Wuma Youxiang's shoulder and shook it forcefully, his eyes were also bloodshot.

"Do you know what you have done?!! Wuma Youxiang!!!"

"I'm saving this city." Wuma Youxiang said calmly, then pushed Guan Qing aside.

Disasters come along with polluted spiritual power and kill human beings, and human emotions can pollute spiritual power!

In this way, doesn't it mean that the enemy they have been dealing with is actually human beings themselves?

Wuma Youxiang's words made the people of Lujiang City's countermeasure team look surprised. Obviously, in their eyes, Wuma Youxiang's current actions have nothing to do with saving the city.

But just when they were about to continue to question Wuma Youxiang, the shrill sirens constantly sounded in the base of the countermeasure team changed their expressions.

"Disaster fluctuation detected, the address is the base of the countermeasure team, and the disaster level is wolf...Correction! The disaster level belongs to the tiger level!"

"What's going on..."


"What's going on..."

When everyone in the Brave Department moved forward and passed through the enchantment of the sea of ​​trees, the illusion displayed by the sacred tree disappeared, and the reality of the world was revealed in front of them.

The magma-like ground, the fiery snakes constantly churning on it, the small Batik wandering here regardless of the heat, and the substance floating in the air like frog eggs.

With a snap, the eggs shattered, and tiny white batiks hatched.

Looking at a sea of ​​flames, only the place where they stood was protected by the sacred tree, and such an area was just a drop in the ocean, as if it might be engulfed by the sea of ​​flames at any time.

And what frightened them even more was the giant Batik gradually forming in the distance, and they looked exactly like the Batik they had defeated before!

Seeing this scene, everyone showed fearful gazes on their faces, among them Yuuki Yuna's body was trembling.

In this way, doesn't it mean that they can only continue to fight these enemies that can never be killed, and then become enshrined like Senior Nogi?

Such a thing...

How can you let other people bear it!

"Togo..." At this moment, Yuna Yuki had already guessed what Togo Mimori was going to do, but just when she was about to bring the rest of the Brave Division back to the sea of ​​trees, an accident happened.

The Batiks have noticed their figures, and rushed towards them frantically!

The burning ground began to vibrate, and the fire snake that surged from above seemed to have life at this moment, attacking the place where the brave men were standing!


The members of the Brave Department hurriedly avoided, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they found out in horror...

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