I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 376

Burn marks began to appear on the enchantment created by the sacred tree!

It's like a spark falling on paper and starting to burn slowly...

Then, the Constellation Batiks who had completed their regeneration began to move again.

But this time, twelve were dispatched together!

This is definitely far beyond the big crisis they have encountered before!

how... how...

Yuna Yuki already understood what would happen next, she subconsciously wanted to tell everyone the information she had learned from Senior Nogi, but it was already too late.

"Everything is impermanent!"

Miyoshi Xia Lin's elf said such a sentence, then turned into red energy petals and disappeared into the air.

Also lit up was a golden light.

no... no...

There was a flash of struggle in Yuuki Yuna's eyes, she knew that the next battle would definitely make everyone continue to lose their physical functions! But just as she was about to speak, Inubo Saikaze spoke.

"Yuna! Something is wrong with you now! Could it be that you are afraid of these monsters?"

"I..." Yuuki Yuna clenched her fists, then turned her head to look at Inubosaki's position.

At least the little tree shouldn't!

She was thinking this way, and what she saw was...

"Yuna-senpai, if you work hard, you will succeed!"

"I'll help too!" Ba Mami's voice sounded amidst people's unexpected gazes, "I'm a little worried about you, so I'll be back first, but don't place too much hope on me!"


The magic flintlock shot, smashing the small Batik that was attacking Yuuki Yuna to pieces.

"Miss Mami..." Yuuki Yuna flashed a complex look on her face, and then she came back to her senses.

Now is not the time to think about this!

Instead, everyone in the barrier needs to be protected!

"Hero, Yuuki Yuna! Come on!"


After Ba Mami left, Dongxiang Meisen moved forward alone, but turned his head to look back from time to time.

She wants to find Amnesty, she wants to communicate with Shenshu in person to find out what's going on, she wants to make Yuna and the others return to their normal appearance!

She had already noticed what Ba Mami had done before, but she didn't stop it. She wanted to let everyone in the Brave Department know about it. In this way, everyone would support her idea, right?

Turning his head to look behind him again, Dongxiang Meisen clenched his fists.

Will definitely support her ideas!

Except Yuna, everyone else will definitely support her ideas!

Dongxiang Meisen was a little hesitant. In her eyes, other people would definitely come back after seeing the real appearance of the outside world!

Surely it will...

Dongxiang Mason stopped moving forward.

Then she gritted her teeth.

Sure enough, she was still worried about Yuna and everyone in the Hero Club!

Amnesty or something, wait and find it!

Dongxiang Meisen began to return the same way, but at this moment, the ground began to shake, and burn marks appeared in the sky!

In just a few seconds, the sky starts to darken, and then...

The truth of this world is revealed in front of everyone!

The world is burning!


Lujiang City.

A tiger-level disaster is coming, but maybe...

Not just Tigers!

At this time, no one cared about what Wuma Youxiang did, but began to prepare for the next situation.

Some of them have vaguely guessed the reasons for the frequent disasters in Lujiang City recently, but they dare not speak out at this time.

A sword pierced the side of Guan Qing's face, who was limp on the ground, and Wuma Youxiang said angrily: "Now, you idiot, do you understand what you have done?"

Guan Qing didn't answer, but stared blankly at the spiritual liquid that was leaking on the ground and then quickly vaporized in the air.

He failed?

No! How could he fail!

If it fails, doesn't it prove that he has other people who died to complete this system, and the efforts he has made all the time are meaningless?

Regardless of the impending disaster, he rushed forward and grabbed the collar of the scientific researcher in charge of the life support device here, and said frantically, "What did you do to the paradise system?!"

Chapter 353 Ghost Level - Guan Qing

"What the hell did you do to the park system?!"

When Guan Qing grabbed the collars of the researchers in the countermeasure team and questioned what was going on, it proved that he, as a developer, knew nothing about such things!

The researcher who was caught by the collar was obviously panicked at the moment. He never thought that the spiritual liquid used to maintain the life of Ji Ming, a great hero who maintained the safety of Lujiang City, would actually cause disaster!

"I... I don't know anything..." The researcher's face was pale, "I just followed the orders of the headquarters, observed Ji Ming's physical condition, and then replaced the ectoplasmic fluid. I am preparing to replace the psychic fluid today. This happened."

Replace the liquid?

Hearing these words, both Wuma Youxiang and Guan Qing realized something.

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