I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 399

Being watched by Xiaoxuan like this, Long Maiden also realized that her little tricks had been discovered.

She blushed and argued, "Sister, I'm really sad, but I'm really hungry!"

From waking up to now, she has eaten a piece of jelly, and her body has become weaker because of drinking coffee, so she can't bear it after seeing the biscuits around her body.

As if to prove the credibility of her words, the dragon girl started cooing.

With this appearance, Xiaoxuan couldn't continue to pretend to be angry at all, she puffed up her cheeks, looking like she wanted to laugh but held back.

Such an expression was naturally seen by the dragon girl, and she realized that this was an excellent opportunity.

Sitting up suddenly from the ground, Miss Long ignored Xiaoxuan's disgusted expression, hugged her and kept rubbing against her face, rubbing the biscuit crumbs from the corner of her mouth on her face.

"I've seen it all! Seeing Xiaoxuan trying so hard to talk to me, I'm really touched! Every time I want to talk to Xiaoxuan, but I don't have the chance, but now I do!" The dragon girl hugged Xiaoxuan's small body in her arms.

"There are so many things I want to say to Xiaoxuan, and nothing will disturb us anymore!"

The sincere words made Xiaoxuan unable to maintain the expression on her face, and also hugged the dragon girl, and then cried.

She wanted to cry a long time ago, the first time she saw Sister Long, she wanted to cry!

"It's all my sister's fault, it made Xiaoxuan sad."

The dragon girl hugged Xiaoxuan, and then began to talk about the things she encountered recently.

"At the beginning, I was locked in a dark place, and I was going crazy to see Xiaoxuan! But later, Uncle Blood Diving helped me!"

Xiaoxuan didn't answer, but just listened quietly.

"Uncle Blood Potential allowed me to see the outside world again, and I saw how Xiao Xuan worked so hard to catch up, so I like Xiao Xuan and Uncle Blood Potential the most!"

Saying that, Long Maiden rubbed Xiaoxuan's face again.

"And this time, sister, I really protected a city!"

"Did Sister Long turn into a magma form?" Xiaoxuan raised her head from the dragon girl's arms and asked.

This sentence made the dragon girl a little discouraged. She also wanted to explain to Xiaoxuan what is called invincible extremely hot muscles, but Xiaoxuan already knew it.

Sure enough, it was because she couldn't follow the drama when using the paradise system, but she quickly realized it.

"Then Xiaoxuan probably doesn't know about this!"

The dragon girl showed the dangerous trigger in front of Xiaoxuan with a proud face.

"This is an early birthday present from Uncle Blood Diver!"

Xiaoxuan's small mouth opened into an O shape, but before she stretched out her small hand to touch the dangerous trigger in the dragon girl's hand, the dragon girl said something that made her feel very strange.

"I really like Uncle Blood Potential." Long Maiden blushed slightly. After so many years, it was the first time she experienced the feeling of being so cared for.

I'm really jealous of Mami-senpai.

Even though he wanted to speak directly before, he still couldn't muster up the courage.

The dragon girl suddenly became a little dazed, and then she was pinched by Xiaoxuan, and then said, "You are not right!" ’ stared at the dragon girl with an expression.

"Sister Long, do you like Big Brother?"

The dragon girl seemed to have something on her mind, and her face turned redder, but what surprised her immediately was that Xiaoxuan showed sympathy after seeing her reaction.

"But this kind of thing is not allowed."

Saying that, Xiaoxuan pushed her back to the room under the inexplicable eyes of the dragon girl.

Chapter 372 Dragon Girl: Damn it! How did she become a daughter! (5W4 recommendation)

Before, the dragon girl fell into a coma without even finishing the latest episode of Kamen Rider Build 29, and now the 32nd episode has been updated for several days.

That is to say, plus other updated things, it would take her almost a day to read it.

Of course that's not the problem, the problem is...

Long Maiden felt that Xiaoxuan looked at her with a hint of pity!

This made her a little confused.

Although Xiaoxuan had already watched it once, she stayed and watched it with Long Maiden.

She sat on the lap of the dragon girl, and then clicked on the 29th episode.

Episode 29 has nothing to say, Pandora's box is opened, part of the wall of the sky disappears, followed by the foundation of a tower, and then the battle between Kamen Riders.

In the 30th episode, the information that Ishidong Misora ​​was possessed by the Martian princess was exposed, but the dragon girl didn’t feel anything wrong. When she saw the full bottle of dragon lava falling out of the burned dragon gel , she said with a silly smile: "That's it! That's how I got it too!"

Xiaoxuan gave her a sympathetic look.

Then came the 31st episode, the dragon girl vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Wanzhanglong My mother, as a security guard, was in charge of security work after the unmanned probe returned to the earth, but she suddenly passed out at work, and then found out that she was pregnant for a month.

But the strange thing is that Wanzhanglong and I were born a month later.

This is obviously not normal!

The dragon girl was suddenly a little nervous, and then a little flustered.

Something is wrong!

Especially when she saw that the researchers found a genetic structure different from that of humans in Wanzhang Longwo, the dragon girl's teeth began to chatter constantly.

is that a lie!

It must be different from her!

The dragon girl comforted herself like this.

"It's definitely not like that! Uncle Blood Dive is not a blood dive!"

Thinking of what she had seen before, the dragon girl showed a confident expression.

The blood dive uncle she saw was a great hero who just saved a world not long ago! How could this be the case!


The genes in Wanzhang Longwo awakened, and at the same time, the full bottle of Dragon Lava was born.

Xiaoxuan raised her head curiously, as if she wanted to see how the dragon girl would react at this time, but she saw that the dragon girl stood up expressionlessly, put her in the position and directly unplugged the power socket.

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