I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 400

Immediately afterwards, the dragon girl returned to her bed step by step, and wrapped herself in a quilt into a spring roll.

Then stay still.

Although it was expected, Xiaoxuan was still a little caught off guard after seeing the reaction of the dragon girl.

Getting off the chair, Xiao Xuan stepped forward.

When the armor was lifted, Invincible's extremely hot muscles had already burst into tears.


The dragon girl is very desperate. It is the first time that she has someone she likes and the power to save the world. Shouldn't these two joys add up to bring more and more joy?

I should have had a dreamlike happy time, but...

Why did it become like this!

Why did she suddenly become a daughter!

This result made Long Maiden very sad, and she didn't even have much appetite when she saw the big meal Zhu Yun prepared for her at night.

She felt ashamed of herself, and then secretly thanked herself for backing off before, otherwise she would be embarrassing now.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her grief into appetite, and began to eat Hesai nonsense.

Such an expression makes Zhu Yun, who doesn't know the inside story, very strange.

After seeing the dragon girl come back, she was very happy, but this appearance made her a little worried.

Zhu Yun subconsciously looked at Xiaoxuan, and then saw her daughter sighed like a little adult, then shook her head helplessly.

This made Zhu Yun even more confused.

What happened?


At the same time, Lujiang City directly entered a state of blockade.

Although the terrifying dragon-level monster has been resolved, this monster has already shown terrible regeneration ability before, and after learning from Jon that it is a monster that can feed on human fear, the whole The entire Lujiang city was blocked.

Perhaps it was because the paradise system decided by the headquarters brought such terrible dangers, and the spiritual liquid that was transported away before proved that the countermeasure team headquarters had already been mixed with monsters, which led to the fact that the countermeasure team branch in Lujiang City even Directly ignoring the orders from the headquarters, they united with the surrounding branches and began to completely eliminate such a crisis.

Fortunately, all the tissues splashed out with the terrorist explosion were found, and they were all dead. Even if some living bodies were found, they were solved with the help of Wuma Youxiang.

But even so, Lujiang City did not simply confirm that everything was safe again, and it may take a long time to officially lift the blockade.

And this time, Lujiang City suffered heavy losses. Although ordinary people were transferred away in time, the losses caused by the explosion can be said to be astronomical! What's even more frightening is that even ordinary people have already set their suspicious eyes on the paradise system.

In just a few days, three ghost-level disasters and one dragon-level disaster occurred in Lujiang City!

And all of this happened after the park system was put into use, and after such a problem occurred, the park system in Guishi immediately stopped using it. Such a situation makes it easy to suspect that the park system is the cause of the disaster. The culprit in Lujiang City.

While this conclusion made everyone in other cities feel insecure, it also caused a crisis of confidence in the countermeasure team for the first time!

Fortunately, some information is unknown to ordinary people. If they know that the top management of the countermeasure team has already been infiltrated by monsters, the trouble will be even greater!

At the same time that the countermeasure team was overwhelmed by this incident, there were also some changes in the countermeasure team in Gui City.

Although Guishi did not encounter such problems as Lujiang City, and it was not his decision to put the park system into use, but Qiao Kai was still affected.

After all, many people have already known that there is an inner ghost in the high-level, which also makes the status of Chao Kai who was parachuted here even more embarrassing.

Originally, what he did after he came to Guishi had dissatisfied many people, let alone such a thing happened.

Even the high-level executives who asked Shao Kai to take over Guishi in the high-level meeting of the countermeasure team gave up Shao Kai directly as if they were afraid of being misunderstood about their identity.

In this way, who will take over the Gui City countermeasure team becomes a problem. Judging from the current crisis of trust between the branch and the headquarters, those who directly airborne will definitely not be trusted. We found someone in the branch.

Originally they wanted Ning Wu to come back, but in the end they chose to make the right decision at the last moment, allowing the awakened Dragon Girl to solve the crisis in Lujiang City, Jiang He, and let him become the acting team leader.

No one is more suitable than him right now.

After all, he was strongly opposed to the Paradise Project from the very beginning.

Chapter 373 Jiang He: You have a mentality, right? (3100 monthly pass)


Jiang He didn't expect that he was just an ordinary deputy team leader who didn't care much, and he was only keen to fight against those keyboard warriors, so how could he suddenly become the team leader of the Gui City Countermeasures Branch?

Although there is still the word agent in front of it, this is already a position that most people will never be able to sit in for a lifetime.

But to Jiang He, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

After experiencing the Paradise incident, he had already seen through it.

If Ning Wu had no intention of coming back, Jiang He would not have agreed to this sudden appointment.

Of course, he also felt that what Ning Wu said was very reasonable.

Ning Wu said that he must not come back now.

At the beginning, because of his wrong decision, the Gui policy group of Gui City fell into a passive situation when facing these guests from another world. Shao Kai is a useless mediocrity. Although he didn't do anything, he also hasn't done anything yet Bad things, once he comes back, it is very likely that the guests from other worlds will think that the countermeasure team's attitude towards them will change to the original situation.

"Although what he said made sense, I always felt that he didn't want to take over Evolto, a hot potato, and came back." Jiang He felt a little headache.

Did Ning Wu do something wrong before?

Looking at it now, he did nothing wrong. After all, Evolto really had some ulterior plan to make dragons into 'containers'.

Although he chooses to believe in the dragon and believes that her will can change the outcome, he must also think that in this incident, Evolto has shown strength far beyond the ability of the countermeasure team to deal with it.

Leaving aside himself, just the dragon he made into a 'container' showed terrifying power enough to eliminate dragon-level disasters, so how strong is Evolto himself?

Jiang He felt that he could no longer imagine this problem.

Only sitting in this position will you know how tricky the current situation is.

Evolto, whose position is still unclear, and the senior management of the countermeasure team who have been infiltrated by monsters, almost made him think of resigning directly.

Would it be of any benefit to him to be the leader of the branch of Gui City's countermeasures team?

It seems that there is no such thing! He just mentioned it casually just now, saying that it is better to improve the treatment of magical girls first, but it attracted the strange attention of others.

As if telling him with his eyes not to bring his personal preferences into work.

So it seems like the only thing he can do right now is...

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