I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 401

Jiang He frowned and thought.

The serious face made him look as if he was thinking about some important decision, and then he was about to give the first order after becoming the acting team leader.

He picked up the phone and announced the name of a forum.

Just when the operator on the other end of the phone was wondering what order Jiang He was going to give, Jiang He said, "Go and use the IP of a user whose ID is called "Ye Ba Yong Di Shen" in this forum...Forget it, just block it." The account is ready. "


The countermeasure staff on the other end of the phone had black lines on their faces, and he didn't even know whether he should ask the newly appointed acting team leader if he was joking, and then he heard Jiang He laughing out loud.

"Just kidding, just kidding, I mean you can't be so passive anymore, at least you can't develop in a bad direction in terms of public opinion, not only in that forum, but also in other aspects."

As he said that, Jiang He called out the video of Dragon Girl transforming into Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma and fighting that terrifying monster after landing in Lujiang City, although it was only the first half.

He was going to order this video to be edited and released, but he suddenly remembered that this monster feeds on human fear.

If it is released like this, will it cause any bad results?

After thinking for a moment, he could only choose to have someone edit the scene of the monster appearing on the stage, and focus on Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma successfully solving the dragon-level disaster.

In this way, although the effect may be a little poor, at least it will not take risks.

It is enough for everyone to focus on the Kamen Rider who can eliminate the dragon-level disaster, so that the pressure can be much less.

The people in other branches should also know what to do, so the next step is to hope that the people in the headquarters can give a satisfactory answer.

The order was quickly issued, and then the department in charge of this matter began to operate.

The operator who conveyed Jiang He's order hesitated for a moment, but still conveyed Jiang He's first order.

Anyway, it's just a handy job.


Jiang He didn't know that what he said casually was actually passed on. He just felt that the current atmosphere of the Gui City Countermeasures Branch was too tense, so he needed to relax.

Stretching for a while, I realized that it was very late now.

"Obviously I have already gone back at this time before." Jiang He couldn't help complaining, and then gave up the idea of ​​going back.

Anyway, it's already so late, it's better to rest here.

He thought this way, and then clicked on the video website.

It's time for an update today.

Kamen Rider Kabuto has shown to the 14th episode.

In this episode, Zergs infiltrated the Zecter team, as if it indicated that the upper echelons of the world they lived in were also infiltrated into a sieve, which made Jiang He feel a little uncomfortable.

"It still hasn't appeared." He sighed. At the end of episode 11, another Zecter appeared, but it didn't choose Mr. Kagami's stag beetle, nor Yuxiang's sword. Scorpion, but Kamen Rider Drake, which made Jiang He wonder how those two Zecters appeared in this world.

The 11th episode of Kamen Rider Amazons has been screened. After the devastation of the cannibal restaurant before, Jiang He feels a little creepy every time he clicks on this drama, especially the previous plot.

An unsuspecting guest entered the restaurant, opened the door and walked into the dining place, only to find that it was full of guests waiting to be served. After he walked in, they all turned around and looked at him silently, but just as he was about to When I turned to leave, the enthusiastic chef came in and said that the guests here are full, please come this way.

Then the scene changed, and the guest who entered the cannibal restaurant by mistake was killed, his head was cut off, and the meat from his body was ground into a meat paste to make steaks, which were fried and served to the waiting guests.

At that time, the joyous symphony played by these guests while eating made Jiang He feel the deep malice.

Gather here to eat human flesh in order to delay awakening? Such monsters really want to kill all of them!

And now it's episode 11.

Obviously dead, but Sigma, who was transformed into a hostile Kamen Rider, finally fell down and turned into black mud. The plot seemed to be relieved a lot, but the old man and Xiaoshu who appeared at the end said that he usually likes to eat The words that the hamburger was not very tasty made Jiang He suddenly feel ominous again.

This is followed by the golden wind, and now it is the 17th episode. The protagonist is still on the way to escort the daughter of the organization boss, but the substitute messengers who appear on the way also let Jiang He understand that the countermeasure team far underestimated the ability of the substitute. Fortunately, the Mr. Bruno Bucciarati is much easier to communicate with.

And finally, episode 33 of Kamen Rider Build...


ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.


Chapter 374 Tao Su: Can't afford it?

Obviously he was beaten violently in the 32nd episode, but when Jiang He saw the red full-filled bottle that appeared in the 33rd episode in the hands of Ishi Dongso, and what he revealed when he talked with Kiryu Sento about the Build driver prototype Evol While driving the information, Jiang He smelled something abnormal.

It was developed with the participation of Kiryu Sento's father, the unique authentic product in the world?

Is this the ultimate purpose of Evolto in the play?

Is it something more important than Pandora's Box?

Jiang He subconsciously remembered the red driver that had appeared on Jon's waist, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

And sure enough, after Kiryu Sentu found the information left by his father, it proved that the true identity of the so-called alien life form Evolto is Ishidou Soichi!

But then the problem appeared again!

Ishidong Soichi, who was possessed by Evolto before, obviously said that the Evol driver was a unique and authentic product developed by Kiryu Sentu's father, but in the next memory, Ishidong Soichi, who was an astronaut, was possessed on Mars. The scene of the body, and the red driver picked up by him from his feet!

With a snap, Jiang He directly covered his face.

He wants to resign!


It's completely different from Team Leader Ning and Guan Qing's imagination. The Evolto that appeared in their world is most likely not in a weak state!

In other words, it's not completely weak!

He's got his drive back!

As the prototype of the Build drive, the ultimate drive that can maximize the power of Pandora's Box and rule the universe has been taken back by Evolto who came to their world! ! !

So when Kiryu Zhantu found information about the Evol drive from the information left by his father, Jiang He suddenly felt...

Maybe actually calling HQ now and telling them he's quit now would be the right thing to do?

This is no longer a category that humans can deal with!


Didn't that idiot Long say before that that guy has no problems, saying that the other party is using the latest drive developed on the basis of the Build drive?

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