I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 403

"Should we turn around again?"

Such words came out of her mouth subconsciously.

Chapter 375: Werewolf Killer

This night is destined to be a day of explosion.

First, the dragon-level disaster event that befell Lujiang City has begun to ferment, and then it appeared in Kamen Rider Build, possessing the ultimate drive capable of ruling the universe.

Of course, the latter is not as shocking as the former to ordinary people. After all, no matter how powerful the Evol driver is, it is just something that exists in another world to them, and the horrible disaster that happened in Lujiang City really happened by their side.

But in the countermeasure group, it was the opposite.

The turmoil of the Paradise incident is constantly fermenting, and while the branch of each countermeasure group is devastated, it also makes the people in the headquarters of the countermeasure group feel trembling.

This feeling of working with monsters is particularly terrifying in their eyes. God knows if there are monsters in the next plan that needs to be executed.

And what's even more frightening is that they couldn't find out the monsters who had mixed in with them at all!

In the Bai'an incident, this problem has already been exposed.

The protozoa had already infiltrated the senior management of the countermeasure team, and they didn't even know how long it had been like this!

For every face they are familiar with, there may be hideous monsters underneath.

And it is very likely that there is more than one monster mixed into the high-level!

As long as the other party does not take the initiative to expose, then there is no possibility of being caught!

So what should they do?

Because monsters have been mixed into the top management, and then they all take the blame and resign?

Doing so has no effect! And it is possible for these monsters to have a deeper control over the countermeasure team!

After all, even if newcomers come up, there is a possibility that some of them will be replaced by monsters!

What's more, the current situation is not only these monsters mixed inside, but also the more terrifying alien life form Evolto outside!

What exactly is his position? !

There is no doubt that the opponent's strength is far superior to the current countermeasure team. Just to create a container, the countermeasure team has a powerful Kamen Rider who can suppress dragon-level disasters.

The countermeasure team needs such power, but such power may bring more terrifying enemies!

Like a delicious poisoned apple.


According to the acting team leader in Guishi, things don't seem to be getting worse than they are now.

Right now, they are not qualified to stop Evolto's plan, and they can't even solve internal problems.

Even with their closest colleagues, they all find that they can no longer trust each other. This is the scary thing about this monster.

Even without strong strength, it can gradually paralyze an organization!

"Let's put aside the discussion about the alien life form Evolto for now. What we need to solve most now is the problem between us."

Different from the previous routine meetings, the current high-level countermeasure team members are all in danger, and even prepare emergency measures every time they meet, in case the monsters will suddenly attack during the meeting.

Once the monster chooses to make a move at the meeting, it will be discovered by the security forces and start an extermination operation.

But obviously what they don't know is that the enemy they need to face is not only a protozoa, but also a monster that can modify memory at will!

"I suggest that everyone present inject signal transmitters into their bodies, and all their whereabouts need to be recorded." An elderly man who seemed to have made this suggestion, "Since everyone is still sitting here, then He must have already made up his mind."

"Old Zhou's proposal is very good. In this way, the personnel in charge of monitoring also need to be replaced regularly to prevent interference." A middle-aged man approved of such a plan.

If the monsters who infiltrated the top management of the countermeasures team cannot be found out, then the countermeasures team will definitely be led by the nose.

And judging from the infiltration of their countermeasure team headquarters in Asia, the situation of countermeasure team headquarters in other continents must also be very bad.

We must know that the countermeasure team is not just a special agency of a single country, but a combination of defense organizations all over the world. These general directions will still go hand in hand, after all, this is a terrifying monster that is enough to threaten the survival of mankind.

Just like the Paradise system, it wasn't just a plan decided by the Asian countermeasures team. The countermeasures teams on other continents also put in a lot of effort, but they didn't expect such a result to happen.

In this way, the position of the countermeasure team has become particularly awkward, which is why the old man proposed to monitor every high-level person.

But such a proposal has been agreed by everyone, which also makes the situation even more confusing. The monsters who mingled with them are still perfectly hidden, as if they are preparing to continue dormant because of the success of the plan.

But what everyone didn't notice was that the old man who proposed to monitor every high-level person had a look of satisfaction in his eyes after seeing that everyone agreed to the plan.

In this way, the actions of the evil program that had mixed in with the high-level countermeasure team like him should be restrained.

Yuan Zong didn't know the identity of the other party, but in his eyes, the other party was also the same. The reason why they cooperated in the Bai'an incident was because they were too weak, so weak that they had to succumb to Da Jiongyan's strength.

I have to say that the monster named Dajiongyan is really scary, and there is also the elder centipede, but even such a monster died in Guishi.

The elder centipede's failure was due to encountering an opponent who was extremely restrained. Facing the monster that could manipulate gravity, this old man who was mimicked by a protozoan also knew that he could not be the opponent of the opponent, even if the molt was completed.

It should be that Evolto who killed Da Jiongyan, so we must be careful in what we do next, and it is best to be able to calculate the evil path and let Evolto get rid of him.

He was very confident, because it was another protozoan that came into contact with Bai An, and it was impossible to reveal his identity. However, the evil program that didn't know who it was mimicking was also very cautious. As a result, after the death of Da Jiongyan, he I don't know who the other party has mimicked.

Initially, his order to Bai An was to help Gui City's countermeasures branch develop the Kamen Rider system, but Bai An went against his ideas and was so radical that he wanted to directly convert humans into protozoa, but he managed to get rid of it. The pressure brought by the big piercing eyes.

Then, from now on, just kick that evil program out of the game!

The old man named Zhou Boming didn't expect that the evil path program actually used the Paradise system. Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, the transferred polluted psychic fluid obviously had a considerable influence on the evil path program. Otherwise, he shouldn't take the risk of doing such a thing.

He thought this way, but he didn't notice from the beginning to the end, since he woke up this morning, there was already an inconspicuous, snowflake-like tattoo behind his right ear.

"Then the next step is to discuss the derivative experiment of the paradise system. Should we try to continue copying items from another world? If successful, perhaps we can restore the untrusted situation in one fell swoop."

Chapter 376 Black Hole Coffee, the terminator of smiles.

Naturally, Jon didn't know about the werewolf-killing situation at the top of the countermeasure team. After learning that the No. 001 evil path program had infiltrated the top counter countermeasure team, he gave up the idea of ​​searching along this line.

The opponent's ability is too difficult to deal with, unless all the people in the countermeasure team headquarters are killed, it will be difficult to find out.

After returning to Guishi, his life seemed to return to normal.

After being separated for a while, Matou Sakura missed him very much, and after seeing Jon coming back, she has been clinging to him and is unwilling to let go. If it wasn't for Ba Mami who took her away, she would even sleep with Jon at night.

Obviously, red hair is not suitable for taking care of children, otherwise Matou Sakura would not have such a reaction.

After flattening and rounding the red hair, and attracting punches and kicks from the opponent, Jon hid back in the office.

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