I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 404

But Hongmao obviously didn't want to let him go just like that, and chased after him directly.

Matou Sakura was also catching up with her.

"Xingzi, don't bully Jon."

Matou Sakura pulled the corner of Sakura Kyoko's clothes and said seriously.

"This useless subordinate must be taught a lesson!" Sakura Kyoko opened her mouth to show her cute little canine teeth, trying to bite, but the movements of her hands were limp, as if she was waiting for Matou Sakura to give her a step down Like pulling her away.

But Matou Sakura was clearly trying to pull Sakura Kyoko away, but Sakura Kyoko's body remained motionless.

It looks like Matou Sakura is too young to stop Sakura Kyoko from continuing to rape Jon.

This made Sakura Kyoko not to continue, nor to stop.

She was sure that Matou Sakura would definitely come forward to stop her, so she did this, but she didn't know that Matou Sakura actually showed such a soft and powerless look now!

While a little stunned, Sakura Kyoko seemed to realize something, and her face turned black.

Fake! Fake!

Obviously, during the time when Ba Mamei and Jon were away, this kid even lifted the sofa with one hand to clean it! Can't even pull her body away now?

"Okay, okay, let's stop playing around here." Jon rubbed Sakura Kyoko's face amusedly, and then picked up Matou Sakura who was "working hard" to pull Sakura Kyoko away.

"Jon, does it hurt?" Matou Sakura touched Jon's forehead distressedly.

Looking at the little girl's disappointed eyes because she failed to stop Sakura Kyoko, Jon gently pinched her face.

"Sakura is still weak, so it's normal that she can't do it."

fart! This brat might be able to open the lid of my heavenly spirit! Sakura Kyoko roared in her heart.

Looking at Matou Sakura and Jon's happy appearance, Sakura Kyoko felt the malice from this world!

The dignified Kyoko-sama was tricked by such a brat! Sakura Kyoko looked at Matou Sakura with sinister eyes, as if she was thinking about how to expose the sinister true face of this kid in Jon.

But before Sakura Kyoko could figure out a way, the door of the office was opened.

It was a traveler who pushed the door and walked in. However, unlike the dusty and distressed appearance, he had a very sunny smile on his face.

"I'm so lucky, I was able to find a... eh? A coffee shop in the desert?!"


Wudai Yusuke was a little puzzled. He was obviously planning to cross the desert to another area, but he encountered a sandstorm on the way. Fortunately, he found an abandoned earthen house and planned to go in and hide. It turned out that it was already a little decayed when he opened it. What appeared in front of him behind the door was a coffee shop with warm decoration!

Will someone open a coffee shop in the middle of the desert?

Obviously not!

And judging from what he saw outside just now, the abandoned hut obviously cannot accommodate such a large space, that is to say...

It's a special event! ! !

As an adventurer who started to travel the world again, Yusuke Godai's first thought when he encountered this weird situation was not fear, but excitement!

"Meet you for the first time!" Godai Yusuke walked up to Jon excitedly, and then handed over his business card, "My name is Godai Yusuke, a traveler who happened to pass by here."

The business card handed over by Godai Yusuke is very simple, and there is no contact information on it, but a line of words written on it.

"The man who chases his dreams, Goshiro Yusuke, the man who has 2,000 skills."

On the left side of this line of words, there is also a villain with a thumbs up. There is a mole on the chin of the villain, which seems to indicate the owner of this business card.

"2000 skills?!" Sakura Kyoko, who leaned forward, showed disbelief after seeing the words written on the business card.

When she was playing games, she sometimes forgot if a character had more skills, so she couldn't imagine what it would be like to have 2,000 skills.

"That's right!" Yusuke Goshiro nodded with a smile, and gave Sakura Kyoko a thumbs up.

"This is the first skill!"

"So it refers to this... Then sleeping is also a skill." Sakura Kyoko looked discouraged, she understood the meaning of having 2000 skills.

"Being able to sleep anywhere is also a skill." Godai Yusuke didn't mind Sakura Kyoko's performance, but looked at Jon excitedly.

"Then where is this place? Could it be that the hut that appeared in the desert was actually just a disguise? The real situation is a space passage leading to another area?"

"It seems to be okay if you understand it this way. Would you like something?" Jon took out a cup.

He also didn't expect that the person who opened the door and walked in was actually Godai Yusuke, the transformation of Gokamen Rider Kuuga.

Since his business card says that he has 2,000 skills and has embarked on a journey, it also means that all the weirdos in his world have been defeated.

This is a big guy!

The power of the ultimate red eye can no longer be viewed with ordinary eyes. It is so powerful that it has the power to end the world.

If this power is placed on other people, it may make people feel extremely fearful, for fear that one day this power will get out of control, but the person who uses this power is Godai Yusuke, a man who hopes to protect everyone's face smiling man.

Jon was very surprised by the arrival of Yusuke Godai, and then he heard the man with a smile on his face from the moment he appeared said:

"Since you came to the coffee shop, you must drink coffee. Since you can appear in such a magical way, boss, your craftsmanship must be very good." Wudai Yusuke rubbed his palms and said with a smile: "Since I left home , It’s been a long time since I’ve had coffee, by the way, making coffee is also one of my skills!”

Jon: "..."

Don't be like this, drink the coffee here, don't talk about protecting the smiles on other people's faces, the smiles on your own faces will disappear!

"Black tea, right?" Jon pretended not to understand what Yusuke Godai said, and poured him a cup of black tea.

"Please use."

Chapter 377 Five generations: I'm here to grab business!

"A transfer station connecting various worlds?!"

After listening to Jon's explanation, Wudai Yusuke showed an unbelievable expression.

"I know it's hard to believe, but..." Jon subconsciously prepared to explain, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Godai Yusuke.

"No! That's not at all unbelievable!"

As an adventurer, Goshiro Yusuke has an incredible passion for this kind of thing.

This may be a fake, but Yusuke Goshiro hopes it's true!

So after hearing what Jon said, he looked around excitedly. He even forgot to take a sip of the black tea that Jon brought to him, as if a person from another world would come in the next second. The guests are average.

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