I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 405

The things he encountered in his own world made Godai Yusuke already understand that the world is not so simple. After fighting hard, he successfully protected everyone's smiles and defeated No. 0.

After doing all this, he embarked on the road of adventure again.

Even knowing that the world misunderstood that he died in the battle with No. 0, Yusuke Godai did not come forward to explain, because in his eyes, power is used to protect people's smiles, not to show off.

Now that evil has been defeated, the force has done its job, and unless the world is in danger again, it's better to let everyone think that everything has returned to normal.

Even if he encountered some danger during the adventure, Godai Yusuke never used such power again. After all, isn't danger part of the adventure?

That's why he was able to come to such an interesting place when he encountered a sandstorm.

This reaction surprised Jon a little, but it seems to make sense after thinking about it carefully, after all, Yusuke Godai is such a person.

He obviously has the power to end the world, but he only uses this power to protect the smiles of others.

"If you wait patiently, you may be able to wait for other guests to arrive, but before that, please take a good rest."

With that said, Jon handed over a plate of dessert.

"Anyway, the sandstorm in your world should continue for a while, won't it?"

"Thank you so much for the hospitality, boss." Goshiro Yusuke gave Jon a thumbs up, and then took a special look at Matou Sakura who was beside Jon.

"And boss, your daughter is also very cute."

"Tsk..." Sakura Kyoko clicked her tongue, Matou Sakura's performance just now made her see through the true face of this brat.

At the same time, the door of the office was pushed open again.

People come before they come.

"Sanshu Middle School Brave Club, Yuuki Yuna, come to report!"

The door was pushed open, and Yuna Yuki's energetic appearance appeared in front of Jon.

Seeing this scene, Godai Yusuke showed excited eyes.

He could clearly see that the door that was opened again was not a desert, but a corridor.

Obviously, the owner of the coffee shop who kindly entertained him was right, this is a transfer station that can connect to other worlds.

Yusuke Goshiro stood up directly, stepped forward and handed his business card to Yuna Yuki who was confused.

"A man chasing dreams, Godai Yusuke?" Yuuki Yuna was handed a business card for the first time since she was a child. After reading out the words on the business card nervously, she stammered and introduced herself to Godai Yusuke:

"I, I'm Yuna Yuki from Sanshu Middle School Brave Club."

"Miss Yuki!" Godai Yusuke suddenly bowed to Yuuki Yuna, which immediately made Yuuki Yuna feel at a loss, and then heard a strange sentence.

"Would you allow me to go on an adventure in your world?"

"Huh?!" Yuuki Yuna didn't react for a while, and then looked at Jon for help.

"Literally." Jon shrugged, and then said to Yusuke Godai, "But I think it's better to sit down and discuss it."


After a while, Yuna Yuki finally understood the meaning of Yusuke Godai's words.

"So Mr. Godai is an adventurer!" Yuuki Yuna looked at Yusuke Godai curiously, "It's a profession that has never appeared in my world."

"Just call me Yusuke, but... Is an adventurer a profession that hasn't appeared before?" Godai Yusuke showed an unbelievable expression. In his cognition, adventurers should be very common.

"Yes!" Yuuki Yuna took a sip from the black teacup, with a happy expression on her face.

It really is great to be able to drink such black tea again!

With his legs dangling in mid-air and shaking gently, Yuuki Yuna gave an answer that surprised Yusuke Goshiro.

"Because in the world of Yuna, there is only the last city left, and the outside is all scorched wilderness. There should be no place worth exploring."

"So that's the case." Godai Yusuke showed a heavy expression, and then gave a thumbs up to Yuuki Yuna, "Please come on!"

It turns out that other worlds are also not so beautiful, just like Gu Langji who once appeared in his world.

"Hehehe!" Yuuki Yuna scratched her head embarrassingly, "But Yuna and the rest of the brave department don't need to fight anymore! The store manager has helped us resolve the crisis."

Yusuke Goshidai showed a surprised look, as if he was surprised that Jon's identity was not simple, but before he could say anything, Yuna Yuki spoke again.

"Store Manager!" Yuuki Yuna clenched her fists and looked at Jon with bright eyes, "The Brave Department still wants to play in the store manager's world!"

"Okay." Jon agreed directly.

"Then can you add me?" Wudai Yusuke added, "I will definitely not cause trouble for you, the boss."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Jon nodded, and then handed over a contract, "Then please accept this."

"This is..." Yusuke Godai looked at the contract in front of him curiously.

"It's the proof of the brave!" Yuuki Yuna said excitedly, and when Yusuke Goshidai looked over, he gave a thumbs up to Yusuke Godai in a learned manner.

"It is a gift from the world to the brave! It is because of this that everyone in the brave department has been saved!"

"So it's the proof of the brave!" Seeing Yuuki Yuna's expression, Godai Yusuke accepted the contract from Jon without hesitation, "I didn't expect to receive such a thing. "

After accepting the contract, Godai Yusuke was taken aback for a moment, and then came back to his senses.

Immediately afterwards, he gave Jon a thumbs up again, and this time the action was much stronger than before.

"In the future, please give me more advice, boss."

Chapter 378 The warrior who guards the smile, prepare to go! (5W5 recommendation ticket)

"Yuna Yuki is a brave man?" Jiang He tapped his fingers on the table.

The appearance of this drama is undoubtedly telling him that another guest from another world has come, and then he has achieved his purpose here.

In other words, the countermeasure team was one step behind!

Was preempted again!

This gave Jiang He a headache.

If nothing else, Evolto contacted the guest from another world earlier than the countermeasure team.

But is this any good for blood dive?

This is the point that Jiang He is most confused about. He doesn't know why Xue Qian is so keen to establish a good relationship with these guests from different worlds.

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