I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 412

This answer made Wuma Youxiang a little disappointed, but she didn't take it too seriously, she nodded and left directly.

Seeing the back of the other party leaving, Jon turned his gaze back to the temporary base of the countermeasure team.

He didn't expect the Caesar system to be sent here so soon.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be very normal.

The countermeasure team currently in a crisis of trust urgently needs to do something to restore their image, and Mr. E, an enthusiastic citizen, sent a Caesar system at this time, which naturally became their first choice.

Naturally, they will not suspect that there is any problem with the Caesar system. After all, the nebula gas and the remains of the Caesar system have been copied before, and there seems to be no problem if it succeeds now.

But Jon also had some doubts, whether the student named Ji Ming could successfully use the Caesar system to transform.

So, here he is.

Of course, the main reason is not the Caesar system sent by Mr. E, but to check the situation in Lujiang City.

In fact, it is enough to leave this matter to Yusuke Goshidai. After all, Jon is far inferior to Yusuke Goshidai in this respect, but he still came here.

Then, he discovered something very interesting.

The news that an unknown Kamen Rider appeared in Lujiang City gradually began to spread.

After all, Wudai Yusuke didn't have any idea of ​​hiding from anyone during the battle. His purpose of coming to this city was to make the people here smile again.

This is the meaning of the existence of the power he possesses.

Fight to protect the smiles on people's faces!

Chapter 384 Uncle, I Like Humans Most (5W6 Recommended)

"A new Kamen Rider appeared in Lujiang City?"

When Tao Su learned of this, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Because every guest from another world appeared in Guishi before, she subconsciously felt that Guishi was very special, but now Kamen Rider appeared in other cities.

But soon she saw an interesting theme.

The person who posted the post was from Gui City. He described in an excited tone the scene when he met this Kamen Rider who appeared in Lujiang City in Gui City before, and then posted a picture of his business card.

But apparently evidence like this alone won't convince anyone.

Tao Su didn't care about such a problem. After watching a few videos that were taken, she also had a clearer understanding of this matter.

First of all, the Kamen Rider who appeared in Lujiang City was not a technological Kamen Rider, but a biological armor like Uncle Ren, but when he thought of Uncle Ren, Tao Su felt a little confused.

Because after Jin Yingshan recovered and returned to the orphanage, she hadn't seen him take out the Amazon drive.

"And Sister Qiyu..." Tao Su scratched her head, "I remember Uncle Ren said that Sister Qiyu was dead, why did she suddenly come back to life? I always feel that something very special happened."

Tao Su was very curious about this matter, but he didn't ask too much.

She refreshed the page boredly, trying to get more news about that Kamen Rider, but she didn't get any relevant news, and even got a topic that made her suddenly angry.

"Where is the one with the worst combat power among your Kamen Rider fans? Why hasn't he appeared in such a long time? Wasn't he the happiest dancer in the past? @夜霸永常满神"

You are screwed! I said!

Change number!

The crocodile will always be a god!


【Gear Engine! 】

As the gear engine with the white gear in the middle of the bottle was placed into the magazine position of the nebula smoke gun, Ji Ming took a deep breath.

After quitting the state of using the paradise system, he realized what kind of disaster he had brought to the city.

Isn't it his fault, as others have said when comforting him?


It's definitely his fault!

At least from the information he has learned, the dragon who was in Gui City before he used the paradise system did not cause such a disaster.


It was his fault!

He doesn't know how long he can live, but he hopes he can fight to the end!

He needs redemption.

When the Nebula smoke gun was triggered, a large amount of gray smoke gushed out from the muzzle.


There was a surging sound when the engine started, and then the gray smoke began to envelope his body.


Following Ji Ming's words, the gray mist spouted from the nebula smoke gun condensed a large number of white gears around his body, and they were constantly turning.

Ji Ming felt the pain, he felt the bursts of mourning coming from his body, as if dissuading him from stopping such actions, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

The gray mist condensed on his body to form a biological muscle-like armor, and then the white gear that appeared in the air hit his right half of the body and was embedded on it.

【Engine Running Gear! 】

When the fog cleared, Ji Ming, who had used the Caesar system, was exposed to everyone.

The Caesar system is a bioweapon formed by the fusion of nebula gas and aggro virus, which is well reflected in Ji Ming after his transformation.

Different from all transformation systems in the Kamen Rider Build world, the Caesar system is a mechanical style mixed with a biological style, making the transformed person look like a creature that has undergone mechanical transformation.

This scene made everyone excited, because Ji Ming did have the danger level of using the Caesar system, but before their excited state lasted for a few seconds, Ji Ming exited the transformation state and fell into a coma.

In an instant, everyone became silent.

"Medical staff!!!"

Although they had already expected that such a thing would happen, they were still a little disappointed after seeing Ji Ming's performance of only maintaining his transformed state for a few seconds before he fell into a coma.

Ji Ming, who had passed out, was sent to the ward immediately.

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