I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 413

This transformation seemed to have consumed all his energy, and it was not until several hours later that he slightly opened his eyes.

Another snow-white ceiling, I don't know how long he was unconscious this time, Ji Ming thought to himself.

Before he fell into a coma, he had indeed transformed successfully, but in this state he had no fighting power at all!

He clenched his fists unwillingly, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

He saw a puff of smoke appear in the ward, and at the same time a voice came from the smoke.

"Yo! You look troubled."

"Blood dive?"

Ji Ming, who has been weak and comatose from time to time, obviously hasn't updated his information. Although he recognized Jon's appearance, he didn't change his name.

"What is the purpose of your coming here?" Ji Ming's eyes flashed a trace of vigilance, but he soon realized that he had no capital to resist the opponent.

"I'm just curious about how you got the Caesar system." Jon looked at Jiming's body curiously, and then chuckled, "But it seems that although there is a Caesar system, there are no suitable users. "

Jon is naturally quite good at arching fire.

Almost as soon as he said those words, he saw Ji Ming's eyes showing anger.

"Oh yes! That's the look in the eyes!" Jon pointed at Ji Ming with both hands, "I like the look in the eyes!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch the opponent's body.

"Danger level... 4.1! Although it's due to the spiritualization of your whole body, I have to say that you still have some talent."

Jon's tone was regretful, as if regretting that he met each other so late.

Although the opponent easily raised the danger level to 4.1 after being transformed by the nebula gas, if he couldn't even move his body, then such a danger level was useless.

"What the hell are you trying to say? Blood Dive." Ji Ming, whose body was so weak that he couldn't even move, said in a weak tone, "It should be the first time we've met, if it's just to make fun of me... .So can you tell me why?"

He didn't have any interaction with the man in front of him before, so he didn't think Jon would come here to laugh at him, and then...

He heard an answer that made his eyes widen subconsciously.

"What if I say that I have the ability to temporarily restore your body functions to normal?" Jon said a sentence that was very tempting to Jiming.

But then Jon's words were like a basin of cold water pouring on his head.

"If so, what price can you pay?"

Chapter 385 Damn Evolto! (3200 monthly pass)

"Evolto appeared in Lujiang City?"

When Jiang He knew about this, he felt that his hairline moved back a little.

Although judging from the current situation, there is no need for the countermeasure team to be vigilant against the opponent. After all, the strength of the opponent is really unfathomable. Want to find out what Evolto is up to.

He already knew about the Kamen Rider who appeared in Lujiang City, but unlike those who were arguing on the Internet whether Kamen Riders could appear in other cities, Jiang He knew very well that this Kamen Rider came out of Gui City of.

Then thinking of Evolto's appearance in Lujiang City, people have to suspect that his purpose is to contact this guest from another world.

"From the very beginning, I have shown a strong interest in meeting all the guests from different worlds. What is the reason?"

Jiang He had a terrible headache.

The Evolto that appeared in this world is completely different from the Evolto in the play. He has already taken back his ultimate drive and transformed into a stronger form. So what is the reason that caused him to make the future What about the act of the dragon turning into a container?

Based on the current plot, Jiang He has some suspicions that the Evolto in the play is because part of the power exists in Wanzhanglongwo, so Wanzhanglongwo was made into a container, so why does Evolto appear in the real world? The reason to do such a thing?

After all, the dragon was a pure human before.

"I don't know if I can get an answer from today's plot."

Jiang He took a deep breath, checked the time and opened the website.

Magical Girl Madoka has already ended, so Yukiyou is the most attractive now... No! Now in the countermeasures group!

The plot that attracted him the most is the plot of Kamen Rider Build and Kamen Rider Amazons!

Because of his current work, he chose to carefully watch the latest 34th episode of Kamen Rider Build.


"I erased Katsuragi Takashi's memory, not because he wanted to quit Faust, but because he discovered the true identity of the two of us."

"I am one with you, we belong to the same life form, you are actually a part of me, that is to say... when my genetics and yours become one, I will become the real Evolto!"

When these words came out of Shi Dongxun's mouth, Jiang He frowned.

Sure enough, as he imagined, the reason why Evolto in the play made Wanzhang Longwo into a container was to regain his own power.

This is not difficult to understand, but there is something wrong with Evolto who appeared in this world and did such a thing.

The dragon didn't have his genetic factors in the first place, so what's the point of specially giving her genetic genes to transform it into a container?

Is it really the same as that idiot Long said, just trying to help her?

To be honest, Jiang He still really wanted to see this kind of result, and then...

"Send charcoal in the snow to the enemy, I'm fine."

When Evolto's voice came out from the mouth of Wanzhanglong whose hairstyle had changed, Jiang He suddenly wanted to resign again.

"That's great...the act of giving charcoal to the enemy..."

Jiang He felt that the other party's words seemed to be saying that a Kamen Rider who could solve the dragon-level disaster was sent to the countermeasure team.

Then, he saw a new evolution bottle appear in Evolto's hand.

[Dragon! 】

When the blue evolution bottle was put into the Evol drive, Jiang He subconsciously clicked pause.

He thought he had found the answer!

He subconsciously found the photo of Jon when he appeared in the Bai'an incident. Although the photo was a little blurry, he was able to find that the black bottle on Jon's drive was not the knight system bottle!

"So...is it for collecting such things..." Jiang He sat in his seat in a daze.

If Evolto's purpose of contacting those guests from different worlds is to collect evolution bottles, then everything seems to be clear!

But something is still wrong!

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