I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 421

It can be said that the appearance of the Evol driver motion joystick has brought infinite temptation to the senior leaders of the countermeasure team headquarters, even if Jiang He has reminded them that if the Evol driver is really the unique authentic product in the world of Kamen Rider Build as Evolto said , then they should not be able to replicate it, but this kind of temptation is definitely not something that can be wiped out with a few words. Even the high-level executives who clearly opposed the continuation of this plan at the meeting showed signs of loosening.

They are so stressed out!

Monsters have been mixed into the high-level interior, the paradise system has failed, and Evolto has been determined to be collecting power systems from other worlds.

These three are like three big mountains pressing on their shoulders, making them feel that it is extremely difficult for them to even breathe.

They want to break this situation, so this kind of experiment becomes their last straw.

And this experiment, even all the high-level people are paying attention!

Jiang He, who was far away in Gui City, tried his best to prevent such an experiment, and then asked a question that made the high-level officials hesitate.

"How do you ensure that the Evol drive will not be used by monsters who have mixed in with you after it comes to this world? And this is not a drive that normal people can use at all!"

This was what Jiang He was most worried about.

Even if such an experiment will not bring any harm, who can be sure that such power will not be used by monsters?

This question made the senior management of the headquarters hesitate.

They cannot guarantee that such problems will not occur, but this is almost the only way to break the game!

Obviously, the purpose of the monster that only used the Paradise system was for the contaminated spiritual fluid, most likely to enhance its own strength!

But if they don't do anything, they can only wait for death slowly!

Jiang He saw the hesitation on their faces, and he was relieved immediately. He felt that he still had a chance.

But in the next second, a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a hideous scar across the bridge of his nose said something that surprised Jiang He.

"Although it would be presumptuous to discuss this topic before the experiment has even begun, I have a solution to this problem."

The scar-faced middle-aged man tapped on the table and came up with a solution.

"If you successfully get the Evol driver, then I propose to give it to Wuma Youxiang for safekeeping, and send Wuma Youxiang to Guishi. If necessary, let Miss Wuma give this driver to the dragon for use."

Jiang He was stunned by this proposal, and then he saw the scar-faced middle-aged man on the other end of the video laughing at himself: "Group leader Jiang, I understand your worries, but I don't hate those monsters any less than you, Don't worry, even if you can get the Evol drive, you won't keep it in the headquarters, after all, I don't trust these people, this plan itself is for the only dragon who has the ability to use the ultimate drive."

As he spoke, he clapped his palms.

In the next second, heavily armed soldiers filed in under the surprised eyes of other high-level headquarters.

"Don't worry, if you are an old man who is familiar with my character, you should understand what I mean." The scar-faced middle-aged man said.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Boming, the high-level executive who had been replaced by the protozoa, was slightly taken aback for a moment before showing a clear look.

"It makes sense. Then we should stay here until the end of the experiment. If the experiment is successful, we need to stay until Wuma Youxiang takes the Evol drive away."

This proposal was approved by everyone, and at the same time, the scar-faced middle-aged man couldn't help but spit.

He thought that doing this kind of thing abruptly would show the monsters who mixed in with them, but he didn't expect it to be useless. Everyone agreed with him, and let the scar-faced middle-aged man who had been observing the reactions of others Couldn't find any flaws at all.

"Also, I hope that everyone can give the Gui City Countermeasure Team special authority. Team Leader Jiang has the right to directly kill any personnel who go to the headquarters of the Gui City Countermeasure Team branch."

This decision made Jiang He even more astonished.

In this way, it is tantamount to giving Gui City's countermeasure team a detached position from then on!

I have to admit that after this high-level executive made this choice, Jiang He completely changed his view of the people at the headquarters of the countermeasure team.

The Paradise incident was indeed a mistake made by the countermeasure team, but no one would refuse to admit such a mistake, and instead tried their best to make up for it. The main reason why they want to conduct such an experiment is because they have no choice at the moment!

If you continue to stand still, the countermeasure team will become a plaything in the hands of monsters and Evolto!

"I understand!" Jiang He nodded seriously.

And such a choice made the scar-faced middle-aged man nod in satisfaction.

He also saw that this experiment might bring terrible dangers, but he had to admit that this was definitely the best opportunity!

The best chance to find out the ghost!

Would an Evol drive be useful?

Of course it works, but it's not as powerful as imagined, because they are not Evolto! It is impossible to extract the evolution bottle, but such a drive is absolutely super alluring in the eyes of monsters.

Why should it be handed over to Wuma Youxiang for safekeeping?

In addition to the fact that the dragon girl is too upright and will tell Evolto directly once she gets the Evol driver, there is another important reason.

The monsters mixed into the top management of the countermeasures team are protozoa!

After handing over the Evol drive to Wuma Youxiang for safekeeping, the protozoan will try to copy Wuma Youxiang's memory, and Wuma Youxiang, who has experience in dealing with Zerg protozoa, will definitely realize why the Evol drive will Leave it to her for safekeeping!

Even if you don't, it's possible to try to reach Evolto.


If you succeed, don't let me down! Wuma Youxiang, and Li Xiu.

Chapter 393: Genetic Factors Arrive

Kamen Rider Build World.

Ishi Dongso played with the replica of the Evol drive in his hand, with a faint smile on his face.

Although the actual Evol drive has been assembled, he has no intention of getting it back just yet, and he still has some important things to do before that.

He is waiting!



When this feeling of being scanned by some special energy appeared in Ishidong Soichi's perception, the smile on his face became wider.

"Sure enough, as I imagined, you don't have any control over the special organization in your world, brother store manager, do you disdain to do these things?"

Under Ishido Soichi's control, the red genetic factor penetrated into the copy of the Evol drive, and it was already his limit to do so without regaining all his power.

And with the genetic factor out of the body, his control over this body has weakened a lot.

"What the hell are you trying to do...Evolto..." the real Ishidou Soichi, Ishidou Misora's father, struggled to regain some control.

"Don't you think it's interesting? Shi Dong..." Mr. E's voice sounded, with joy in his tone, "Although you are the main recipient, I am attached to you at the same time as Kiryu War Rabbit. I got the power of emotion in the hit, I have to say, this is really a very wonderful experience, human emotion...is really interesting."

The real Ishidong Soichi was struggling to get rid of Mr. E's control, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only watch the scene in front of him.

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