I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 422

"If there is no accident, I will say goodbye to your body soon. It has been a long time. My thinking has also changed a lot due to your influence."

There seems to be a trace of nostalgia in Mr. E's tone, but the real Ishidong Soichi doesn't believe that he will have such emotions at all.

"Don't you think it's very interesting? There is such an interesting world outside our world." President E's tone carried a hint of a smile.

"When I first arrived at that place, I was really taken aback, and then I found out that Jon hadn't discovered his own speciality at that time. The theory is that I only need to take his body at that time, Then you can definitely stand at a higher level, even gaining the power to defeat Killbus is not difficult..."

Mr. E stared at the replica drive in his hand, and the smile on his face became wider and wider.

"It's a pity that I can't do anything in that place. Although the genetic factors given to the other party have been used, they have escaped my control under the influence of forces from other worlds, so I have to change my plan, oh yes, You probably don't know the purpose of my capture of Mogami Kuixing before, right? Soon...the answer will be revealed!"

As Mr. E's voice fell, a golden contract book appeared in front of him, and then the space where the replica Evol drive in his hand seemed to be distorted, and finally calmed down.


main world.

The experiment that has attracted all the attention of the countermeasures team has finally come to an end.

As the machine slowly stopped running, everyone's breathing stagnated.

The strong spiritual power obscured people's sight, making them unable to see clearly what was going on inside the machine.

Immediately afterwards, these spiritual powers began to be absorbed by the machine, gradually revealing the inside of the machine.

This scene also made everyone's fists clenched subconsciously.

This time, they have invested a lot of resources in order to successfully replicate the Evol drive! The only remaining contaminated spiritual liquid in Lujiang City can be said to have been fully invested in this experiment. Once there is a mistake in any link, it will definitely lead to a terrible disaster, but fortunately...

They did it!

When they saw a complete Evol driver appear in front of them, almost everyone was boiling!

Even Jiang He had an expression of disbelief, he couldn't believe that the experiment was so simple and successful!

Evol drives... so easy to get?

Jiang He felt like he was dreaming.

But at the same time they let Wuma Youxiang come to take over the ultimate drive as originally decided, no one noticed that when the director of the research institute in charge of this experiment tremblingly picked up the machine that was copied onto the drive. The next second of the Evol drive of the world, his body stiffened slightly, and then returned to its original shape.


On the other hand, when Wuma Youxiang heard the news from Jiang Hekou, she also had an unbelievable expression on her face.

The countermeasures team successfully obtained the Evol drive through experiments, and then they are going to hand it over to her for safekeeping, and hand it over to the dragon for use at the most suitable time?

If it weren't for the extremely serious voice on the other end of the phone, she would have suspected that someone was so bored that he deliberately used this method to amuse her.

"But why... No, it's okay." Wuma Youxiang subconsciously wanted to ask why, but she changed her mind as soon as she opened her mouth.

She sensed something was wrong.

She can understand that she didn't directly hand over the driver to the dragon. After all, with the character of the dragon, once he learns such news, maybe Evolto will know it in a second, but why did he give it to her for safekeeping?

After hanging up the phone, Wuma Youxiang was ready to leave immediately.

If she guessed correctly, this should be a confrontation between the headquarters and the monster.

The known information so far is that a protozoa has infiltrated the high-level countermeasure team. If the protozoa wants to obtain the Evol drive, it will definitely come to copy her memory, but how can we guarantee that the protozoa will definitely take action?

And the problem is, since it has been successfully copied to the Evol drive, how to ensure that the protozoa will not obtain the Evol drive through the same method?

Wuma Youxiang remembered the polluted spirit liquid that was taken away from Lujiang City.

Is it because the tainted eccentric fluid used to conduct this experiment was used up after duplicating the Evol drive?

This outcome is likely, but still no guarantee that the protozoa will attack the Evol drive.

But if he doesn't make a move, that idiot Long can indeed get a powerful hole card, and then make those monsters who have infiltrated into the high-level passive.

So Wuma Youxiang chose to accept this task, but how should she prevent her memory from being copied by the protozoa?

If you carry the Evol drive with you, it is very likely that Evolto will detect it, but if it is hidden in a place, it is very likely that the protozoa will copy the memory and steal it.

In this way, there seems to be only one answer!

[Stand By! 】

Sasword appeared in front of Wuma Youxiang.

"Can you hide something for me? Hide it in a place that won't be found by others, even I don't know."

Responding to Wuma Youxiang was the flashing red light on Sasword's back.

This made Wuma Youxiang's eyes firm, and she was ready to take over this ultimate drive.

Chapter 394 Beware of the snakeskin monster!

Ji Ming didn't know what Wuma Youxiang planned to do when he left Lujiang City suddenly, he was still silent in what the Kamen Rider said to him before.

"Now that you know what you did wrong, let's work hard to put smiles on other people's faces again, come on!"

This sentence touched Ji Ming a little, but can he really do this?

Or, does he still have time to do this?

Just when Ji Ming was puzzled by this, a familiar voice appeared in his ear.

"You seem to be mired in self-doubt."

"Evolto!" Ji Ming, whose information had been updated, turned around subconsciously, and then saw Jon suddenly appearing in his room.

Ji Ming is very grateful to the other party for helping him stand up again, but it doesn't mean he will trust the other party without reservation.

The other party's appearance in this city must have an ulterior plan in it, and Ji Ming also knows that he is just a pawn in the other party's plan.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the other party suddenly appeared and helped him, and what must be known is that in order to gain the strength to stand up again, he promised to give everything he has as a price!

Looking at it now, it seems like a deal with the devil, but Ji Ming also knew that he would agree to the other party's conditions no matter what.

"Are you here to ask for a price?" Jiming asked nervously.

"Although it should be fun to do this, but ah..." Jon sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, playing with the knight system bottle in his hand, then looked at Jiming whose muscles were tense, shrugged, and said: "I don't think anyone would start picking the fruit before it's ripe, right? Bitter and astringent fruits can't be sold for a good price, and the fruit growers will lose money in the end."

Being compared to a fruit that can be picked at will makes Ji Ming a little uncomfortable, but he has to admit that the other party does have such strength.

And thinking of the latest information about Evolto and the performance of coming here to see him today, Ji Ming quickly found the reason for the other party's appearance.

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