I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 428

Reminiscing about the fact that she was betrayed by a high-level ghost who had just obtained the Evol driver, Wuma Youxiang suddenly found that all her efforts from childhood to adulthood were so meaningless.

At this moment, she even remembered what the other party said to her when dealing with the Amazon protoform whose name could not be remembered.

"Evolto..." Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath and looked at Jon.

"What's wrong?" Jon looked at her with a smile on his chest.

"Will you really be happy when you see me grow?"

Hearing this sentence, Jon was a little surprised, and then understood the meaning of Wuma Youxiang's question in the next second.

He spread his hands, and said seriously to Wuma Youxiang: "Did you play games when you were young? It's the kind of RPG game. Obviously, the improvement brought by leveling up is not big, but every time the character upgrades, it always There will be an inexplicable sense of pleasure, if I describe it like this, can you understand?"

"I can understand." Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath and asked, "That means this world is just an interesting game world for you, right?"

"It doesn't seem to be impossible to say it this way." Jon showed a troubled expression, then smiled again, and pointed at Wuma Youxiang lightly, "In order to avoid the trouble of explaining, just like this Got it, so what are your options? I thought you'd just run away with the drive."

"I see, then that idiot Long should be your most satisfying game character, right..." Wuma Youxiang showed a complicated expression on her face, she looked at the drive in her hand, "Originally, this drive is for the dragon Yes, but since you know about it, it is naturally impossible to keep it in your hands."

With that said, Wuma Youxiang directly threw the replica Evol drive to Jon under the somewhat surprised eyes, which made him a little uncomfortable for a while, as if he was hesitating whether to perform a show and got the genuine toy Excited expression, but when I thought that this thing is just a pirated copy, I dismissed this idea.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Wuma Youxiang continue: "At first I received the order to pretend to have a fight with you, and then hand over the Evol drive to you, but now I have changed my mind!"

[Stand By! 】

Sasword jumped into the hands of Wuma Youxiang.

"This time, I want to fight with all my strength! Just treat it as me to make this game world more interesting for you!"

Wuma Youxiang looked serious, as if he took what Jon said a few seconds ago as true.

Since the other party regards this world as a game world, then it's up to her to create interesting plots for the other party! In this way, she will be able to protect the world, and that idiot Long!

If doing this can make the other party dispel the idea of ​​destroying the world, then she doesn't mind at all!


[Henshin! 】

The thick knight armor gradually wrapped Wuma Youxiang's body, and before her face was covered by the helmet, Jon was a little bit pained by that expression as if she had dedicated herself to the world.

What's the matter? How do you feel like you've become a big villain all of a sudden?

Jon thinks he is a good person. He not only comforts others often, but also teaches them the philosophy of life. How come no one understands his hard work?


Obviously this time he chose to be used by the protozoa in order to find out and kill all the protozoa who dared to use him.

Do you have to take the blame for co-authoring? But if he thinks about it carefully, if he proceeds according to the idea he has decided, he might really be a big devil who wants to destroy the world.

But if this is not done, the fear in the hearts of the people in this city will never dissipate, and the alien beasts will continue to come, which will cause great trouble, so we can only use heavy medicine.

Jon couldn't help but shook his head, he couldn't imagine how bad his reputation would be once Wuma Youxiang told what happened today, combined with what he was going to do next.

What an impolite child, he has no respect for his father-in-law.

Tapping his finger on the replica Evol drive, Jon said helplessly, "Then I'll use this drive this time...Really, I'm a peace lover..."


The driver was slapped around the waist, and released the golden belt, securing itself to Jon.

Immediately, two evolution bottles familiar to Wuma Youxiang appeared in Jon's hands.


[Cobra! 】

"Rider System."

[Rider System! 】


"Be careful!" Jon smiled.

The rocker of the driver starts to be rotated, and at the same time, the special structure of the bottom of the Cobra Evolution bottle and the knight system bottle is also moving together.

It’s like a cobra showing its fangs and posing an attacking posture, opening and closing its mouth constantly, like a hydraulically constructed machine running continuously, releasing the terrifying power contained in the two evolutionary bottles through this Evol driver, which is known as the ultimate driver out.

Wuma Yuka saw a similar scene when Ryuichi first used the Build Driver to transform into Kamen Rider Cross-Z.

Transparent energy conduits extend from the two evolution bottles, and through the high-speed factory deployment device equipped with the Evol driver, the materials inside the evolution bottles are converted into the armor needed for transformation.

Wuma Youxiang has seen a similar scene with Dragon Girl several times, but this time the situation is completely different!

pressure! Enormous pressure!

Seeing the red and purple-black energy constantly surging on the generated Kamen Rider armor, Wuma Yuka even felt a terrible pressure that made it difficult to breathe! It was as if the other party could break her will just by standing like this.

"Clock Up!!!"

[Clock Up! 】

At the same time that Wuma Youxiang pressed the Sasword stinger, three golden gears had already appeared on the armor and Jon's body, constantly rotating.

【Are You Ready? 】


The armor flashing with energy that made Wuma Youxiang palpitate slammed into Jon's body, wrapping his body in it, and at the same time, three golden gears were constantly rotating around his body, completely dispelling this violent energy. bound to the shapeshifter.


[COBRA! ! 】

The golden gears completed their mission and exploded, revealing the appearance of the energy completely condensed.

【Evol Cobra! ! ! 】

At this moment, Wuma Youxiang felt that she...

Saw the universe!



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