I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 429

ps1: Don’t worry, it’s just the time of the magical girl. After all, I can’t describe the appearance of the new leather case. If I try my best to describe it, you won’t have an accurate concept. Just put it in the set, even if there is a whole job , will also be placed on a small snake like Sakura.

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~


ps2: PY "I became a villain without being a dog licker?" "

Introduction: Don't be a dog licker, don't wash the wicked. The author has a million words to complete this work, and his character is guaranteed.

Chapter 399 Jon: Killing people is so weak, didn't eat?

Even though she had already seen the other party's transformation posture through the video, when such an existence really appeared in front of her, and as an enemy, Wuma Youxiang even felt that she didn't even have the courage to swing a sword at the other party!

And even if she entered the Clock Up state, Wuma Youxiang didn't think she could take advantage!

She could feel that the other party was able to keep up with her speed after entering Clock Up!

For a moment, Wuma Youxiang fell into hesitation.

Hesitant in a fight, for the first time ever! And the reason is just to doubt whether one's full blow can hurt the opponent!

The Evolto in front of her is not a monster she can deal with at all!

This kind of feeling made Wuma Youxiang's body tremble in fear, even pulling up the Sasword's stinger and then pressing it down took several times longer than usual!


[Rider Slash! 】

The photons transformed by the mixture of blood toxin and tachyon continuously flickered on Wuma Youxiang's blade, and then slashed towards Jon at a speed that ordinary people could not see with naked eyes.

In order to swing this sword, Wuma Youxiang spent almost all of her physical strength, she had no doubt that after this blow was over, she would be so weak that she would exit the transformation state directly, and then she would not even be able to stand up!

Then the sword was blocked.

This blow, which was enough to easily wipe out the ghost-level disaster, was easily grasped by Jon.

Even the killer knight slash with the effect of atomic collapse, but in front of this powerful armor that can safely carry out sabotage activities on all celestial bodies, it seems so weak.

"A good sword..." Jon looked at the blade of the sword that was still shining with photons in his hand, and then stretched out his other palm, making a little gesture.

"It's just a little bit short, and I can break through my defense."

As he said that, Jon subconsciously wanted to reach out and turn the rocker of the drive, but he came back to think that doing so seemed too ruthless.

Immediately afterwards, blood-red flame-like energy flashed on Jon's fist, and the punch hit Wuma Youxiang's abdomen.

With just one punch, Wuma Youxiang was directly transformed into a transformed state, and she couldn't even hold the transformed sword.

"But only this level is not enough."

Jon played with the transformation blade in his hand, and then swung it.

The sharp blade pierced the road in front of Wuma Youxiang, making her face even paler.

She raised her head with difficulty, and saw Jon walk up to her and squat down.

The wing-like structure on both sides of the helmet shone with a strange scarlet light, as if a flame was burning inside, and the nebula image in the middle of the helmet even made Wuma Youxiang almost lose himself at first sight when he saw it at close range.

This piece of nebula is as magnificent as it is imprisoned in armor, but it seems to have the powerful power to tear apart every enemy that stands in front of it.

Then, she heard Jon speak.

"Whether it's anger or joy... Such emotions have always been the driving force for you humans to move forward, but this also brings some bad things... For example, sometimes you are not calm enough."

Jon stretched out his finger and lightly touched Wuma Youxiang's body.

"Danger level, 4.2..." Jon chuckled, "I have to say, you are still very talented in this area, is it because you have been using a cold appearance to hide your emotions before, and then you are very talented in this aspect? The results achieved by breaking out all within a certain period of time? But it is a pity that such a dangerous level is useless."

When it came to the end, Jon's tone seemed a little regretful.

After releasing the transformation, Jon threw the replica Evol drive in his hand.

"Then I'll take back the drive, of course..." Jon, who had already turned around and was about to leave, seemed to have thought of something, turned around and said a word to Wuma Youxiang that made her stupefied.

"What I said before is true, if you think you have the ability, you can try to come to me, maybe I will give you this drive directly, just like you are playing RPG During the game, once the level of the character you control increases, you will rush to collect new equipment, and I... I like doing this kind of thing the most."

Shaking the drive in his hand towards Wuma Youxiang, Jon turned and left.


Jon was in a good mood.

After all, I got a toy for nothing, even though it was a pirated version.

It is absolutely inevitable for E to make some small moves. Of course, Jon doesn't think he can do it easily. Instead of letting him make small moves behind his back without knowing it, this situation may be much better now.


"Are you really okay?" Jon suddenly turned his head to look at Li Xiu who was leaning on the tree, "If you do such a thing, you will definitely be considered a traitor."

"The purpose of those people in the headquarters is to take this opportunity to find out the monsters who have infiltrated them." Li Xiu replied calmly, "Wuma Youxiang left for a while before, and it should be to take over the driver. She is the safest to keep it, but they underestimated the prudence of those monsters."

As Li Xiu thought before, only after jumping out of the vicious circle where Jon has the ability to destroy the planet and subconsciously guards against each other's every move, can he see something clearly.

"If you really want to protect the Evol drive, then Wuma Youxiang should leave here directly instead of returning to Lujiang City after accepting this task. I am afraid that your reaction, Blood Dive, is also calculated by those guys. inside."

Li Xiu took a deep breath and expressed his opinion.

"If the monsters who infiltrate the high-level headquarters try to snatch the Evol drive, then the people who tell you the clues of the drive will become those high-level people. If those monsters choose to continue hiding, then the countermeasure team will have the Evol drive. And if the monster will give you clues about the Evol drive If I tell you, then at least the monster will show some flaws, and the countermeasures team will definitely give up the Evol drive at that time, and it won't anger you."

When the Evol drive is successfully copied, there are only three results.

Two of them may be the drive back to Jon, but is there any change to the current situation of the countermeasure team?


Although the Evol drive is powerful enough, they don't have the corresponding evolution bottle. It is definitely the best if they can keep the drive in their own hands, but if they lose this drive in exchange for finding out the monsters that have infiltrated the high-level interior, then they Absolutely no loss.

Now the monster has started to move, which means...

It is very likely that the top management of the countermeasure team headquarters has already started to act.

In this regard, Jon could only shake his head helplessly.

"This kind of thinking is really dirty. Aren't they afraid that I will anger them?"

"Will the elephant care about the provocation of the mouse?" Li Xiu replied.

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