I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 433

Originally, he thought it would take a while, but since there were so many surprises, it wouldn't be a big problem if he started to act early.

After all, even if you wait any longer, there will be no other surprises, and if you don't do this, it seems to be really troublesome.

He returned to the office.

Soon, the door of the office was pushed open, and it was Goshiro Yusuke who walked in.

"Shop Manager, do you have something important to ask me?" Goshiro Yusuke looked in good spirits.

"There is indeed something important." Jon poured a cup of black tea for the other party, and then asked: "But before that, I would like to know how you feel about this adventure, Yusuke?"

"It's very meaningful!" Godai Yusuke gave Jon a thumbs up, but then showed a distressed expression, "But it seems very difficult to restore smiles to everyone's faces in one breath. "

"This is normal, because the fear in their hearts cannot be vented in an instant." Jon sighed and explained: "Due to the particularity of this world, once people are always in fear, then those monsters will continue to flow." The earth comes, and then deepens the fear in people's hearts, this is the most difficult part to solve."

"En!" Yusuke Godai nodded vigorously, "But I won't give up! I believe that as long as everyone works hard together, everyone will be able to smile, and the store manager, haven't you been working hard too? "

"I seem a little embarrassed by what you said." Jon laughed.

Compared with Godai Yusuke's recent efforts, Jon is a little ashamed.

Not to mention hard work, his behavior is barely even said to be fishing, it is more like deepening the fear in people's hearts.

But what can he do! Some things are almost engraved in the DNA, and when encountering a suitable scene, they just blurt out without thinking about it.

Jon felt that with his current image, even if he directly stood up and said that he wanted to be a hero who saved the world, he would probably be misunderstood as the type who wanted to save the world and killed all human beings who were destroying the environment.

Oh, what a headache!

But even so, he still has a way.

"Yusuke, are you interested in performing a play with me?"

Hearing Jon's words, Godai Yusuke showed a surprised expression, but then gave Jon a thumbs up.

"It seems that you, the store manager, have found a way to put smiles back on people's faces."

"Then I'll start building the stage, don't be intimidated."

In the case of already having the black hole trigger, it is not a burden for Jon to obtain Pandora's box, but it does not have much effect at present.

Of course, if you use it to build a stage, it's pretty good.


That night, people in Lujiang City felt the ground tremble crazily, as if a terrible earthquake had occurred.

Some people were suddenly awakened in their sleep, and then ran into the open space in a panic.

But then, they were horrified to discover...

A red light began to flicker in the dark sky!

Under this ominous light, they seemed to be able to see that a stone wall several hundred meters high suddenly appeared on the ground and surrounded the city they lived in!

"This is... this is..."

A young man in pajamas stared dumbfounded at everything in front of him, and then his tone became terrified.

He already recognized what it was...

"The sky...the sky...is the wall of the sky!"

He wanted to tell others about this in fear, but when he just took out his phone, he found...

Cell phone lost signal!

how...how come...

He ran back to his room in a panic, opened the room, and found in despair that the network had also been cut off!

"It's over! Is this world going to be destroyed too?"


Of course, it was not Jon who cut off the communication and network, but the countermeasure team who discovered the rise of the sky wall in the first place.

Everyone had fear on their faces at the moment.

"I have already told the headquarters about what happened here..." The head of the Lujiang City Countermeasures Branch, a middle-aged man with many gray marks on his hair, looked tired. What happened during this period Almost drove him crazy.

The failure of the paradise system, the befalling of a large number of disasters, and now the sky wall appears on the outskirts of the city and seals off the entire city.

"Is it really the Evol drive that offended the other party?"

He sighed, slumped in his seat, and then covered his head in pain.

He knows there's no point in blaming anyone now, because maybe the Evol drive just moved that time forward.

The other party is not human after all, no matter what they do, it will not exceed their expectations.

At this moment, his eyes were already bloodshot, looking at the people present, tremblingly said:

"Now it's time to think about how to appease the other party's anger."

These words silenced everyone.

"Let me go and talk to the other party." Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath and said.

She didn't know what happened to the other party, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope in it, she had to try it!

"Count me in." Ji Ming said calmly.

"And... and me..." Tao Su was obviously terrified by this scene, but he still summoned up his courage and said.

Chapter 403 Boss Joe: Are you not tempted by such treatment? (5w9 recommended)

It was daylight.

In the middle of an empty, unmanned stadium, Jon was sitting on a chair, playing with a full bottle in his hand.

"Blood dive..." Li Xiu looked at Jon with a complicated expression, especially the Pandora's Box in front of him.

"Can such a plan really succeed?"

He has already learned of the other party's plan, but it is precisely because he already knows that it is complicated.

The situation in Lujiang City has become extremely difficult. If there is no accident, then this city will involve most of the energy of the countermeasure team.

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