I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 434

And the point is...

People living in this city cannot be transferred to other cities, otherwise the monster called Xenobiotic Beast will definitely spread in other cities, and then sweep the world like a virus.

So how to solve this problem?

The method is also very simple, that is to let everyone's fears be vented in one breath, and then be resolved! Then they felt that such monsters were nothing more than that, so they had nothing to be afraid of.

Simple to say, but difficult to implement.

How can one create fear that drives people into despair?

Jon did this. Once the wall of the sky appears, people will think of the scene of destroying Mars in Kamen Rider Build.

Is there anything more frightening than the imminent destruction of the earth?

But in this way, the desperate effect appears, so who will play the role of saving all this?

"Don't worry, Li Xiu." Two full-filled bottles were tossed in Jon's hands, and then he said calmly: "Don't underestimate that guy's strength, if it was him, he should be able to solve it in one go. .”

"Then what about you?" Li Xiu asked, "What good will it do you?"

"Isn't the benefit obvious?" Jon smiled and snapped his fingers at Li Xiu, "That way, that guy won't avoid me."

"Is your purpose really just to meet that Kamen Rider named Godai Yusuke?" Li Xiu couldn't believe it. He stared at Jon, trying to get an answer from his face.

"Otherwise? You don't think I think my main purpose is to solve the things here? Please, this is not a trouble I caused. They should be thankful if they can help them solve it easily." Jon spread his hands , said helplessly.

"I said, you don't want to regret it now, do you? But that's right, if you stand on my side now, you will be considered a devil by everyone. I remember that Tao Su also came, so you can Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood?"

"No..." Li Xiu shook his head, "If I can't bear even such a trivial matter, then I'm afraid I can't do anything."

After speaking, he looked at Jon seriously again.

"Blood potential, I don't know what your purpose is, but at least from the current point of view, everything is moving in a good direction, which is in line with my expectations, so I will naturally fight for you, maybe your purpose I really want to meet that Kamen Rider, but since I can change the unfortunate fate of this city, then I will believe you."

"Interesting response." Jon raised his eyebrows, and then asked, "So what happened to that protozoa?"

"The transformation was successful, but..."

"It doesn't matter what you say later, I just need to know that the transformation is successful, and..." Jon turned his head and looked to the other side, and said, "And our guests have already arrived..."

Appearing in front of them were Wuma Youxiang, Ji Ming, Tao Su and Ying Shanren.



When Wuma Youxiang saw the Pandora's Box in front of Jon, his face became extremely serious.

At this moment, she no longer cared about whether the countermeasure team was right or wrong.

You can be right and you can be wrong.

It's normal to be wary of such a dangerous person, but what's wrong is...

Such a monster is not something the countermeasure team can deal with!

Once or twice, the other party may not care, but if the number of times is too many, is the other party's anger really something that the countermeasure team or this planet can bear?

But what makes Wuma Youxiang strange is that when she met her last time, the other party behaved normally, why did she suddenly use Pandora's Box?

Are you really tired of playing?

Wuma Youxiang looked at Jon, and just in time saw him put down a metal plate of Pandora's Box in his hand, and greeted her.

"Yo! I thought I'd have to wait a while longer."

As he spoke, Jon put the full bottle in his hand into the metal plate under Wuma Youxiang's fearful gaze, but...

"Just kidding." Jon laughed, and then pulled them out again.

"What exactly are you trying to do? Evolto, haven't you already taken the drive back?" Wuma Youxiang took a deep breath and asked.

She thought that the reason for the current situation was still the driver, but then she got an answer that made her stunned.

"It doesn't matter at all about the driver." Jon shrugged and said helplessly: "The reason why I came here is mainly because I know that there is a Kamen Rider here, otherwise I have no reason to come here at all. Too bad he seems to be avoiding me all the time."

Hearing this answer, the most angry person was Ji Ming.

"So you opened Pandora's box just to meet him?"

"Is there something wrong?" Jon looked curious, and then he seemed to think of something, showing a suddenly realized expression, and said, "After all, this is the information you told Ji Ming."

This answer stunned Ji Ming, and what Jon said immediately after that made him feel as cold as if his soul had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Ji Ming, didn't you tell me that the other party is a very gentle person? So..." Jon rubbed his palms, smiled and said words that made everyone except Ying Shanren tremble.

"I just wondered if the wall of the sky was opened in this city, would that Kamen Rider appear in front of me to protect everyone? Ji Ming, do you think so?"

The brave bottle appeared in Jon's hands again.

"You said that if the other party really appeared in front of me, how should I reward you?" Jon hooked his fingers towards Ji Ming, "Want to come to my side? I can easily heal your body, so Once here, you can continue to fight and take revenge on those monsters who took away your family, and I think my treatment here is pretty good."

While saying this, Jon nodded to himself.

Go deep into the MLM organization and rescue the girls who were miserably deceived.

Accept laid-off workers and reduce the burden on society.

Persuade ex-gang members to change their minds.

Break into the dangerous city with frequent gas accidents and rescue the trapped little girl.

In the face of the homeless, he also put a smile on the other person's face again, and helped him re-establish a family.

Moreover, he is also good at explaining the philosophy of life to his employees. This philosophy of life has even created medical miracles one after another, not only recovering the health of a girl in the disabled department, but also allowing a girl who is paralyzed to stand up again!

No matter how you look at it, he is a pretty good boss, right?

Chapter 404 The Surplus of a Big Toy Owner (3350 Monthly Pass)

is that a lie...

Ji Ming's palm holding the nebula smoke gun began to tremble continuously.

Is it his reason?

Was it because of him that the Wall of Sky surrounded Lujiang City?

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