I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 435

Ji Ming is afraid.

Did he make a mistake again?

After causing a terrible dragon-level disaster to befall the city, he brought disaster to the city again?

If the monsters that descended on this city before were enough to destroy the city belong to the dragon-level disaster, then...

What kind of disaster is this wall of the sky that has surrounded the entire Lujiang City now?

What should he do?

Not just his palms, but his whole body was trembling constantly.

He obviously wanted to make amends! He obviously wanted to learn from Mr. Five Dynasties, and in the last remaining time, he tried his best to fight with smiles on other people's faces!


"How do you think about it? As a reward for letting me think of this method, if you are willing to serve me loyally, I can directly help you restore your body to its original state."

How do you think about it?

"Isn't the result obvious?" Ji Ming had a piercing smile on his face.

【Gear Engine! 】

"The reason why I agreed to your terms is to make atonement..."

Ji Ming did not pull the trigger of the nebula smoke gun, but took the gear engine off the gun body.

This scene naturally told others what Ji Ming was going to do next.

"You might die if you do this." Jon said with interest.

Ji Ming ignored Jon's words, but continued to put the gear remote control into the nebula smoke gun.

【Gear Remocon! 】

"Instead of letting the sins on myself become deeper!"

【Funky Match! 】

Ji Ming almost uttered that sentence in a roar, and the trembling words at the end of the roar made the members of the countermeasure team who were watching the scene in front of them couldn't help but cover their faces.

Those who also saw this scene were the senior leaders of the countermeasure team headquarters.

When they learned that the wall of the sky was rising in Lujiang City, many people turned pale.

They subconsciously took this incident as a warning to each other.

Not a warning against countermeasures trying to get their hands on the Evol drive, but...

Trying to count his warnings in vain!

yes! When the other party has the power to destroy the planet, what qualifications do they have to plot against the other party?

Zhou Boming, the protozoan, was extremely pale, but there was a flash of ecstasy in his heart.

Obviously, he won the bet!

Since Evolto did not choose to kill Shen Ping, in his eyes, both humans and protozoa are the same!

From beginning to end, the other party always regarded this world as a game.

It's as if you're chasing...


In order to be able to meet another Kamen Rider in Lujiang City, he can unfold the Sky Wall without hesitation!

Although such a character sounds scary, it is easier to approach than not knowing anything!


Ji Ming took a deep breath.


[Fever! (fanaticism)】

The white and green gears rotated continuously in the air along with the gray mist, and then converged towards Ji Ming's body. (It is blue in TV, but according to the setting, it should use green gear)

[Perfect! 】

Compared with the previous appearance where only the right half of his body was filled with gears after using a single gear, this time his body has been completely filled with gears!

As these gears continued to rotate on his body, white and green energies flickered on his body. Just this appearance made him seem to possess far more power than before!


Ji Ming roared at Jon, then rushed towards him.

"Should I say you are ignorant? Or should you be dazzled by anger?" Jon shook his head helplessly, "It's a pity that the person I'm waiting for isn't you!"

Even though he didn't enter the transformation state, Jon still easily blocked Ji Ming's punch, and then kicked him flying.

Immediately afterwards, he clapped his palms.

"Let the new player of this game play."

Li Xiu nodded and left with the smoke gun.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jon also explained a little bit.

A replica Evol drive appeared in his hands.

"Actually, in the final analysis, I don't care too much about whose hands this thing appears in."

This sentence made Wuma Youxiang stunned, she had heard similar words from Jon before.

Does he really care nothing about this ultimate drive?

Of course I don't care! If Jon knew what Wuma Youxiang was thinking right now, he would definitely answer without hesitation.

After all, this is not a real Evol driver, just a weakened version.

The real Evol drive is bound to Evolto, just like sending the one in Mr. E's hands to him and he can't use it, and sending the one in his hands to Mr. E's can't be used by Mr. E.

They are all tied to identity.

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