I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 437

"If you go there now, that protozoa will kill you without hesitation." Ying Shanren said calmly.

He could see the crazy look in the protozoa's eyes, so he didn't intend to let Tao Su pass.

Although I don't know what the boss and little brother Li Xiu want to do, but if even little brother Li Xiu agrees without hesitation, then it will definitely be a very important thing.


Shen Ping?

When Zhou Boming saw Shen Ping being led by Li Xiu, he frowned slightly.

He used this subordinate to complete the first stage of communication with Evolto before, and he felt that his idea of ​​showing favor to Evolto before the evil process was successful.

But then came...

Would such an existence care about his overtures?

Just like what he has shown before, he just treats this world as a game. In this way, does he also belong to the kind of dispensable existence in the eyes of the other party?

Before that, there were only two people in this world who got Evolto's eyes.

Long, and Li Xiu.

What do they have in common?

Did it make Evolto feel interesting? Feel the joy?


What happened to Shen Ping?

In Zhou Boming's eyes, although Shen Ping is of the same family, in his eyes, he is just a pawn that can be discarded at will.

He wasn't even worried that Shen Ping would betray, because the suppression from the blood was absolute!

His level of evolution was high enough, to the point where he was about to shed his skin, so that Shen Ping would absolutely not be able to break away from his control, and it would be absolutely impossible to leak any news about him.

But when he saw this scene, Zhou Boming suddenly realized something...

That is, he ignored whether Evolto has the ability to make the protozoa molt quickly!

Then, under his horrified gaze, the weakened version of the Evol driver was thrown to Shen Ping by Jon without hesitation.


"Then, let's try this." Jon threw the weakened version of the Evol driver to Shen Ping under the disbelieving eyes of Wuma Youxiang and Ji Ming, and said helplessly to them.

"Didn't I say that, the salary of working under me is still very good, why do you still not understand at all after so long?"

Jon shook his head in distress, and then showed a weird smile.

"Seeing this scene, do you regret it? It was easy to get this thing from me, but it turned out like this."

With that said, he threw the two full bottles in his hand to Shen Ping.

"You think I'm going to be angry because of the weakened version of the Evol driver? No, no, no, although this feeling of being underestimated makes me very uncomfortable, but I'd like to remind you a little bit."

[Evol Driver! 】

"I haven't done anything to you before, purely because I think you humans are very interesting, but..."

【Koumori! 】

"What is considered interesting? Is this concept defined by you humans? No, whether it is interesting or not is up to me to decide. For example, your stupid behaviors without self-awareness before belong to the very interesting category in my eyes. "

【Hatsudouki! 】

【Evol Match! ! 】

Jon turned his head, looked at Shen Ping who had already put two full-filled bottles into the driver, and said with a smile: "But once your performance is a little bit bad, I want to replace it with a new one, and then the protozoa right in front of me."

"How could it be..." Tao Su looked at the protozoa who had already put his palm on the drive rocker with some fear, "Uncle Blood Diver, didn't you fight with us before against the Zerg and the protozoa?"

"It's true to say so..." Jon patted the palm of Pandora's Box lightly, and then said something that made Tao Su's body stiff.

"But don't you think it would be funny to see the faces humans make when they first learn that there are other beings that can take human form and blend in with them?"

"How come..." Tao Su took a step back in fear.

"It's like if you keep playing the same game, you will be a little bored and want to give up, but sometimes when you think of a new idea, you will be excited and want to try it, so..."

Jon's finger tapped lightly towards Wuma Youxiang.

"I remember you said before that you want to make me feel that this world is very interesting, right? I am looking forward to it very much, but if you don't show something that makes me look different, then it's just lip service."

After speaking, Jon snapped his fingers.

"let's start."

"Obey, Lord Evolto!" Shen Ping showed a ferocious smile.

After seeing the weakened version of the Evol driver that caused all this to be thrown into his hands, Shen Ping's mind was already filled with ecstasy.

He succeeded!

He succeeded in gaining the power to avenge that guy!

That guy wanted to show his favor to Master Evolto through him, but he forgot that Master Evolto doesn't care about the so-called countermeasure team or anything else, what Master Evolto cares about is only pleasure!

The rocker of the driver started to rotate, but in the next second, a painful expression appeared on Shen Ping's face.

Purple and red energy emerged from the Evol driver and spread continuously throughout his body, making him feel the pain as if his body was collapsing.

Something is being injected into his body!

Chapter 406 Come on, Mr. McDonald's!

Shen Ping's danger level obviously did not meet the requirements for using this weakened version of the Evol driver, so that when he just turned the motion joystick, he also let go of the joystick because of the pain from his body, clutching himself with a grim face chest.

But apparently this is not an insoluble problem!

With the help of the special component of the weakened version of the Evol driver, the purple and red mist drilled into his body with the nebula gas and the power of the Blood family, and his danger level began to increase rapidly.

Purple-red blood vessels protruded from the surface of Shen Ping's body, and then kept beating, as if his blood vessels would explode in the next second.

The feeling of the rapid increase in the danger level was very painful, even Shen Ping, who had a protozoa body far beyond ordinary humans, felt the pain as if his body was collapsing.

Such power... such power...

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