I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 438

He could feel that besides the nebula gas, there was an even more terrifying force drilled into his body!

While continuously raising his danger level, this force even accelerated the progress of his shedding!

Shen Ping gasped heavily, with a look of unbearable pain, but on his face was the ecstasy after gaining strength.

He raised his head, exposing the face covered with thick purple blood vessels to people's eyes.

This scene terrified everyone!

No matter whether it was the protozoa and evil path programs mixed in the high-level headquarters, or ordinary humans, when they saw Shen Ping's current appearance, they all felt a wave of fear.

Unanimously, they are all afraid.

Zhou Boming, the protozoa, was afraid that his subordinates, who had been used wantonly by him as pawns before, would gain the power to resist him in one fell swoop, and then reveal his identity completely.

The evil path program is in fear, and I am afraid that I will be one step slower!

Even if he has entered a super-evolved state, if he faces this force, he has no resistance!

What the humans are afraid of is Jon's attitude at this moment! The scar-faced middle-aged man who tried to plot against Jon before and wanted to use this opportunity to find out the ghost who had infiltrated the top management of the countermeasure team felt his body was cold.

To a certain extent, his plan can be said to be successful. As long as Tao Su's ability is used to catch this protozoa, it is very possible to find out the biggest ghost. He has even prepared a follow-up plan , brought this protozoa named Shen Ping in front of everyone, he knew that the other party had a special means of communication, but as long as Tao Su was present without their knowledge, then there was a high probability Pulled out another protozoan, but...

But he miscalculated Evolto's idea!

He originally thought that the Evol driver he obtained would make Evolto attach great importance to it, and no matter what kind of results occurred, the countermeasure team would benefit from it.

But who would have thought that the Evol drive they copied was just a copy of a weakened version?

It's not the drive that Evolto cares about at all, it's the fact that someone is trying to take advantage of him!

Just like what he said before, whether it is interesting or not is up to him to judge! Not them human beings!

When the countermeasure team started to write the script without authorization, it had already offended the other party!

But is it too late to regret now?

Looking at the wall of the sky that has surrounded Lujiang City, and the drive joystick that has started to be turned by the protozoa again, some people regret it.

But regret it now... is it too late?

Is the earth about to be destroyed?


When the blood vessel-like energy conduit appeared from the weakened version of the Evol driver, covering the surrounding space, Wuma Youxiang once again felt the powerlessness he felt when he was fighting Jon who had transformed into the first stage.

Is this the power of this drive?

Even if it's just a weakened version, can it instantly give the user such a powerful power?

The ominous purple energy flashed on these energy conduits that enveloped the surrounding space, as if telling them how terrifying the enemy they had to face next was!

【Are You Ready? 】

Under people's terrified gazes, those weird blood vessels began to recede from Shen Ping's body and reintegrated into his body.

There was still a tinge of pain on his face, but he had already turned his penetrating gaze on Wuma Youxiang and Ji Ming.

"Are you desperate? Seeing me running away in embarrassment before suddenly have such power?"

Although he has not yet taken revenge on the protozoa Zhou Boming, Shen Ping has already enjoyed it!

Enjoy the pleasure of revenge!

He remembered the embarrassment of being chased away by these people when he pretended to be a stray dog.

At that time he felt that he was going to die! Especially after seeing Ji Ming use the Caesar system he brought to transform, he felt extremely cold.

And then...he was saved!

His desire to avenge the protozoan Zhou Boming has been approved by Master Evolto, so he only needs to work hard to perform interesting dramas for Master Evolto!



This power will definitely allow him to complete his revenge!

As Shen Ping's voice fell, these energy channels spreading in the air like blood vessels seemed to be half alive, rolling towards his body, and then entangled with the energy inside like real blood vessels. on him!

【BatEngine! 】


bang bang~

Jon's applause sounded, and he looked with satisfaction at Shen Ping, who seemed to have consumed most of his physical strength due to the transformation, and was panting continuously.

Accompanied by the roaring sound of the engine, the engine air duct on his shoulder was constantly spouting white steam, as if endowing Shen Ping with endless energy.

The power called Vengeance.

"Then, fight to your heart's content, Kamen Rider MadRouge."

When he said this, the corners of Jon's mouth curled up slightly.

Even the protozoa that has not molted its skin is much stronger than normal humans, allowing him to withstand the rapidly rising danger level in an instant.


How many times can you use it?

While it's curious how many times this protozoa was able to use this weakened version of the Evol drive, it's clearly not something to take seriously.

The reason why the weakened version of the Evol driver was handed over to Shen Ping was not only to give the protozoan the news that he might be backlashed by his subordinates, but also to send him a message, that is...

It would be nice to pay Boss Joe a part-time job!

So what will he choose?

Jon was very curious, and then turned his attention to Wuma Youxiang who had entered the transformation state, and smiled:

"If you want to prove yourself, try to defeat this protozoa, maybe I will set my sights on you again!"

The joking words made Wuma Youxiang subconsciously clenched the sword in his hand.

"I see."

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