I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 439

[Clock Up! 】

Chapter 407: The Black Angel Is About to Deploy

"It should start now..." Yusuke Godai built a pergola on his forehead with the palm of his hand, looking at the sky wall standing on the edge of the city.

He didn't expect that Jon could do such a thing, and the effect was very good.

Godai Yusuke subconsciously looked up at the sky.

He could feel the energy gathering above the city, and this energy was full of malice.

Now this energy is constantly gathering, but it has not directly come to disaster, as if it has not reached the limit.

It is precisely because after coming to this world that Yusuke Godai realized that this world needs smiles more than any other world.

As long as everyone has a smile on their faces, there will be a lot less misfortune in this world.

Yusuke Godai has always been working towards this goal, but judging from his current achievements, it's a drop in the bucket!

He did make many people smile again, and at the same time let more people know him, but he couldn't make everyone in the city vent their fear at once.

Therefore, he agreed with Jon's plan.

The only thing that makes him sad is that once such a plan is implemented, the store manager who is as committed to protecting people's smiles as he is will be considered a devil.

Goshiro Yusuke thinks this is very unfair.

He will become a hero, be worshiped by all, and become the spiritual totem of the people, dispelling all their fears.

And the store manager who really did this will become the object of fear by others!

This is not fair at all!

Yusuke Godai thought so, but at that time he was easily persuaded by a reason.

He clenched his fists, then looked up at a large screen not far away.

After the wall of the sky rose, all communication between the city and the outside world was cut off, and what was shown on the screen was only the picture of the city's countermeasure team anxiously reassuring the citizens that they would solve this problem soon.

"Although I have worked hard, some things cannot be achieved as long as I work hard enough." Yusuke Godai, who was squatting on the ground, recalled the past.

If they hadn't obtained that belt, they wouldn't have been able to defeat all Gulangi with just one Mr.

But Yusuke Godai doesn't think this is human incompetence.

Because in his eyes, getting the belt is inevitable, even if he doesn't get the belt, someone else will get the belt and stand up.

The important thing is not the belt, but the hope that has been passed down layer by layer, as if even if he didn't show up here, the store manager would solve all this.

"...To sum up, what happened in Lujiang City this time will be resolved soon, everyone..." The host on the big screen was sweating profusely as he explained, but the effect was obvious. not big.

Not only was his embarrassing appearance seen by everyone, but also because when he was halfway through the explanation, the picture suddenly changed and he came to an empty gymnasium.

And what appeared in front of the camera was no longer the previous host, nor the people from the countermeasure team, but...

A figure in Kamen Rider armor.

When this figure appeared on all the big screens in the city, many people fell to the ground in fear.

Obviously, they have recognized this figure.

Kamen Rider Evol who destroyed Kamen Rider Build World Mars!

In fact, when the wall of the sky appeared, many people had already guessed it, but they still had a little luck before, thinking that the real Evolto would not appear in this world, but...

But now their only luck has been broken!

Many people turned on their mobile phones and boarded the only website that can be accessed at the moment, which is the dimensional website.

The comment area has gone crazy, and many people are in fear, telling people in other cities that the earth is about to be destroyed.

It is impossible to send pictures in the comment area. Although the pale text is constantly telling the fear in the hearts of the people trapped in Lujiang City at the moment, it is impossible for outsiders to have an accurate concept!

But they didn't care, and they were still sending news to the outside world like crazy, as if the only way to vent their fear was by doing so.

Accompanied by such fear, the ominous atmosphere in the sky became more intense.

The patrol robots seemed to have noticed something, and they all stayed in place sluggishly, as if the disasters that might occur next had exceeded their calculation capabilities.

People were afraid, and at the same time stared at the figure that appeared on the big screen whose signal had been tampered with, for fear that they would hear the words that would destroy the earth today from his mouth in the next second.

Then, they saw that Jon, who had folded his hands on the table on the screen, moved.

He stretched out a finger and tapped the people in front of the screen, and then chuckled lightly, as if he could see the terrified expressions on people's faces through the screen.

But the words that came out of his mouth immediately left everyone stunned.

"Yusuke Godai?~, are you looking at me?" A smiling voice came from under Jon's mask, "It's really difficult to see you, so..."

Jon stretched on the screen, and said something that frightened everyone in Lujiang City.

"So I can only use this method. After all, I heard from other people that you are a very gentle person. If this is the case, you should be able to take the initiative to come to see me, right?"

Speaking, Jon spread his hands and said in an intoxicated tone.

"How? I prepared the stage for our first meeting. Of course, you can continue to avoid me, if you don't care about the death of all the people in this city."

These words made everyone feel a terrible cold.

Threatening the lives of the entire city without hesitation in order to meet a single person?

Is this really something a normal person can do?

wrong! The opponent is not a human being at all, but an alien life form Evolto!

Is it normal for Evolto to do this kind of thing? It's so normal!

As a monster that destroyed the world of Kamen Rider Build, Mars, and even the earth, it is not worthwhile for him to threaten the lives of people in a city to come to meet him Things to consider!

But it is precisely because they know this that they are even more frightened!

When a monster with the ability to destroy the planet appears in the world they live in, can they have any ability to resist?

There are Kamen Riders who protect the people in the countermeasure team, but...

Can Kamen Riders really defeat this monster?

May I? May I? yes!

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