I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 440

Sure...you can!

People thought this way, and then the scene that appeared next made them stunned.

As if anticipating that they would have such luck, Jon asked Li Xiu to turn the camera so that people could see Wuma Youxiang and Ji Ming who were fighting Shen Ping.

Chapter 408 Long: Don't want me to do anything to Dad!


Under the blessing of double gears and anger, Ji Ming exploded with power far exceeding his previous strength, but such power seemed so powerless in front of Shen Ping who transformed with a weakened version of the Evol driver!

Ji Ming can be sure that his danger level has exceeded 4.5, but he still has no strength to resist in front of the opponent.

Damn it! Doesn't it mean that the hazard level of the Evol driver's operating conditions is 5.0?

Judging from Shen Ping's appearance when he transformed just now, his danger level has definitely not reached this level, but only reached this level under the temporary strengthening of this special driver!

But there is an extremely terrifying gap between the strength shown and him!

The ultimate power from the Caesar system can't even break through the opponent's defense!

Will there be a qualitative change when the danger level reaches 5.0?

The gears were spinning crazily on the armor, constantly creating fiery sparks, and then Ji Ming punched out, bombarding Shen Ping's breastplate.

The deafening roar can even be felt by the citizens of Lujiang City who are watching this scene through the broadcast at the moment. They also recognize Ji Ming, who is using the Caesar system and descending on the city recently. Warriors who fight monsters.

So who is the other Kamen Rider who has never been seen before?

Sharp-eyed people saw the Evol driver on Shen Ping's waist, and then saw Ji Ming, who had transformed with double gears, crumbling under Shen Ping's attack.

Whether it is strength or speed, they have already surpassed the scope of ordinary people's imagination!

And there seems to be a figure on the battlefield that they can't find with naked eyes. It can only be known from the scene where the hostile Kamen Rider who fought with Jiming attacked the air from time to time but was still being attacked by someone. Wuma Yuka, who can transform into Kamen Rider Sasword, also participated in such a battle, but...

Can they really defeat the enemy?

Seeing this scene, the fear in people's hearts did not show any signs of dissipating, but instead became deeper.

The screen turned again, and the camera was aimed at Jon.

"The heroes who tried to save this city really worked hard. I was almost moved to tears." The devilish words reached everyone's ears, and even made many people sit directly on the ground.

They are afraid, afraid that they will die in the next second, at the hands of this monster who has destroyed an unknown number of planets.

Facing such a monster, no one would not be afraid, right?

Even if they gathered all the power of this planet, they would not be able to defeat such a monster!

But in such fear, there was a person who stood up out of place and walked towards one calmly. Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of many people.

During this period of time, although not everyone knew Godai Yusuke, his appearance was still very recognizable.

Someone recognized his appearance, and tremblingly asked Godai Yusuke.

"You...do you really want to meet that devil?"

Wudai Yusuke did not answer, but gave him a thumbs up.

The iconic action made the person who asked this question understand Godai Yusuke's will, and suddenly said nervously: "But...but that's Evolto! Will you die?"

Yusuke Goshidai still didn't answer, but he put up a little more force in the gesture of thumbs up.


"I've said it before! Uncle Blood Potential would never do such a thing!" Long Maiden was strangely angry, and shouted at the person on the other end of the phone.

The person communicating with her is someone from the headquarters of the countermeasure team.

Jiang He, who was sitting next to her, had a serious face, and did not stop Long Maiden's behavior.

In Jiang He's eyes, the headquarters obviously poked a huge hole this time. Although the intention was good, they wanted to take this opportunity to find out the monsters who had infiltrated them, but they underestimated Evolto's reaction.

Can they really bear the wrath of the star-destroying monster?

Obviously impossible!

So this time, is definitely the biggest crisis in the history of the earth?

Dragon level disaster?

How can a mere dragon-level disaster be compared with the current situation!

At this time, the quarrel between the dragon girl and the high-ranking officer had also ended.

"What an annoying guy!" Dragon Girl said angrily, "Obviously as long as I discuss it with Uncle Blood Dive at the beginning!"

This sentence made Jiang He a little ashamed.

Until now, he still doesn't know where the dragon girl's mysterious trust in Evolto comes from. Although judging from the results alone, the current situation will not happen after discussing with that Evolto, it is only based on the fact that Evolto has them. In case of resistance force, not out of trust like Dragon Maiden!

The current situation has gone beyond what the countermeasure team can solve, and the only person they can think of who can solve the current situation is Dragon Girl.

But such a request made Long Maiden very uncomfortable.

She's getting a little bored.

Obviously, as long as we communicate well from the beginning, this kind of thing will never happen. Even if we seek the help of Uncle Blood Diver to find out those monsters, Uncle Blood Diver will help!

She didn't want to help at first, because in her eyes, no matter what, there will be a good ending in the end, but when she heard that the Evol driver obtained by the headquarters of the countermeasure team was originally going to be handed over to her, she felt that she had something to do. Partial responsibility is inside.

So she agreed to help, but...

"This is the last time!" Long Maiden stared at Jiang He and said earnestly, "After I help you figure out the situation, I will quit the countermeasure team like Captain Li Xiu."

Although Jiang He had expected it long ago, when he heard Long Maiden's choice, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a difficult smile.

"I see, I will approve."

This time, everything is lost!

Not only did he lose the weakened version of the Evol driver, but he also failed to find out the inner ghost, and he also lost his current strongest combat effectiveness.

The only good thing is that Dragon Girl will not ignore the future just because she quit the countermeasure team, but chooses to become a lone ranger like Li Xiu. The countermeasure team only needs to provide intelligence support.

But maybe... this is already the best result, Jiang He sighed.

In their line of sight, they can already see the sky wall surrounding the entire Lujiang City. The black rock wall hundreds of meters high seems to isolate Lujiang City in another world. They are all blocked from the outside!

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