I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 442

He is also working hard!

Especially after seeing Mr. Wudai, he knew what he should do.


"Yes... yes..." Jiming said in a daze, "a person... smiled at me..."

"How does it feel?"

"feels good..."

"Yes, that would be great."

The communication between the two was carried out in a daze of Jiming. He thought it was his hallucinations before he died, but what puzzled him was that at the end, he felt that the voice he heard had become It became clearer and clearer, and the body that had lost all functions began to gradually return to normal.

what happened?

Ji Ming subconsciously opened his eyes, and then saw the scene of Godai Yusuke giving him a thumbs up.

"Since success makes people smile, please continue to work hard!"

Ji Ming's eyes widened in disbelief, he could feel that his body had completely returned to normal!

Did Mr. Godai do it? How did he do it?

The next second, he felt a colic in his abdomen. The pain made him almost faint, but the pain made him feel extremely real!

"Mr. Wudai..." Ji Ming stood up with difficulty, "Why do you help me?"

"Because I want to protect the smiles on everyone's faces." Yusuke Godai smiled at Jiming, "I can't stay here forever, so..."

He patted Jiming on the shoulder.

"I hope there is someone who can replace me in this world and protect the smiles on everyone's faces, can you?"

This is the wish of Yusuke Godai.

It's simple, but also heavy.

Ji Ming was stunned.

Can he really? Can you really be like Mr. Five Generations?

"Why..." he trembled, "Mr. Wudai, you are not from this world, why are you willing to do this!"

"Because... I'm a Kamen Rider." Yusuke Godai gave Jiming a thumbs up.

Kamen Rider, he likes the name he heard after coming to this world!

Chapter 410 Protecting Human Smiles! (Referring to Not Destroying the Earth) (3K4 monthly pass)

"Because... I'm a Kamen Rider."

When Wudai Yusuke's calm voice rang in the ears of the citizens of Lujiang City through the live broadcast, they were all stunned by coincidence.

Before Godai Yusuke appeared, they were afraid that the Kamen Rider who wanted to meet would not appear after being threatened by Jon with the lives of the citizens of the entire city, and even some people with dark minds were still cursing in their hearts, cursing why the other party would appear In Lujiang City, but when Wudai Yusuke really appeared, they discovered...

I found myself worrying that Yusuke Godai would die at the hands of Jon!

In the face of alien life forms capable of destroying planets, can this unknown Kamen Rider really defeat him?

The Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma who defeated the dragon-level monster that descended on Lujiang City has appeared before, but from the current point of view, she is only on par with the Kamen Rider who uses the Evol drive to transform.

In this way, can they really be saved?

Then, they heard Jon say, "I've been waiting for a long time, Kamen Rider from other worlds."

Standing up, Jon patted his palms lightly, then sighed in distress.

"It's really hard to see you, so I have to go against my conscience and use this method."

Jon was really distressed. What Yusuke Godai said just now was the reason he used to persuade Yusuke Godai to agree to his plan, but at this moment, Yusuke Godai said it, which is better than his proficient E language. up!

However, it doesn't matter.

"So, can you tell me your name?"

"Yusuke Godai, this is my name, and at the same time, I am also Kamen Rider Kuuga!" Yusuke Godai withdrew his gaze from Jiming and looked directly at Jon.

"What do you want to see me for?"

"Power." Jon said without hesitation, as if I was greedy for your toys, and he didn't hide it at all, "I hope to get your power from Wudai Yusuke, how about it? As long as you are willing to hand over the belt you just gave to that kid Give it to me, and I will let people in this city go, how about this deal?"

belt? !

Ji Ming was taken aback when he heard Jon's words, and then subconsciously lifted his clothes.

His abdomen was flushed red, but the shape of the belt could be vaguely discerned.

Was it really because of this belt that he regained the strength to stand up?


What qualifications does he have to accept such power?

Mr. Five Dynasties hopes to bring smiles to people, but what he brings to the people in this city is only disaster!

"Mr. Wudai!" He looked anxiously at Wudai Yusuke, hoping that he could take back this power, and then heard Wudai Yusuke's serious voice.

"If I hand over the belt to you, will you protect the smiles on everyone's faces?"

This sentence is not to Ji Ming, but to Jon.

"Guarding the smiles on human faces?" Jon said with a hint of surprise in his tone, and then shrugged: "Are you kidding, if there are only smiles on human faces, isn't it a robot? Joy, anger, Sadness, fear, and all the other emotions...isn't it interesting to be human when those things come together in humans and keep switching?"

After finishing speaking, Jon seemed to think of something funny, knocked on the table in front of him, and laughed loudly: "It is precisely because human beings make me feel very interesting that I have never thought of destroying the earth. If I come to a planet and find that the creatures on this planet always have smiles on their faces, I will destroy this planet without hesitation."

With that said, Jon patted Pandora's Box.

"How about this answer? I don't even intend to destroy this planet, so it can be regarded as another way to protect the smiles on human faces."

After finishing speaking, he nodded to himself, feeling that his reason was very convincing.

In the eyes of others, when Jon said this, everything seemed to have become a deadlock, but...

To everyone's surprise, Goshiro Yusuke rejected Jon's request.

"I understand..." Yusuke Godai took a deep breath, "You and I are not the same kind of people, maybe as you said, human beings are only human because they have many emotions, but ah..."

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