I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 443

His tone became serious.

"Even if you have many emotions, even if someone is sad and painful, I also hope that when everyone is sad and painful, someone can make them smile again, not just a smile on their face, but try to make people smile again! So ...My power will not be given to someone like you!"

This answer made Jon tap his face in distress.

"I didn't expect this answer."

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Judging from the information I have learned, you should be the kind of person who regards yourself as a hero. If you don't agree to my conditions, these monsters will come directly to this city. "Jon sat back in his seat and shook his finger towards the camera lens, "In this way, all the people in this city will be eaten, but don't worry, who told me to be so kind?"


Is doing such a thing considered kind?

What kind of...

"After all, the wall of the sky is prepared for this kind of thing." Jon interrupted the ordinary people's thoughts with a smile, and then said something that scared them.

"Otherwise, if those monsters are allowed to escape, it will be a little troublesome, so don't worry, even if all the people in this city are dead, none of these monsters can escape, how? Even if they are used , I also think about you humans in the same way, so I can be regarded as a good person."

This sentence made everyone feel a bone-chilling chill. At this moment, they felt that their souls were frozen.

At the same time... the poisoned spiritual power in the sky has also reached its peak to absorb fear, and the disaster is about to come!

When all the alarm systems in the whole city started to sound, everyone felt that they had come to hell!

The people in the countermeasure team slumped in their seats.

It's over! It's all over!

Lujiang City is about to be destroyed!

Is that the price? Is this the price they pay for trying to use Evolto? !


Is this Evolto's definition of kindness?

Ji Ming picked up the nebula smoke gun again, ready to fight, but what he didn't expect was that Godai Yusuke turned around and smiled at him.

"In the past, Yingzi said a word to me, don't let the sun be buried in darkness, I hope you will remember this sentence."

"Mr. Wudai..." Ji Ming's voice trembled, as if he wanted to cry.

"Sometimes it's a good realization to dare to take on responsibilities that don't belong to you. I think it's good." Godai Yusuke nodded towards him, smiling warmly.

"It was also a very good adventure for me to come to a whole new world."

Saying that, Godai Yusuke gave Jiming a thumbs up.

"This is the movement my teacher taught me. It is the movement given to those who can be satisfied and can do anything. I hope you will also become a man suitable for this."

Ji Ming's body was still trembling, and he wanted to imitate Yusuke Godai to make such movements.

But it was obviously just a simple movement, but it seemed to have taken all the strength out of his whole body.

Chapter 411: The Ultimate Red Eye Looks at You

Can Mr. Five Generations beat Evolto?

Ji Ming didn't know about this question.

But in his eyes, Godai Yusuke made such a choice purely to save ordinary people who have nothing to do with him!

Obviously everything in this world has nothing to do with him!

Obviously he can return to his own world at any time, without having to face such a terrifying monster as Evolto.

However, he chose to stand up!

And the reason is also very simple.

Just because he is a Kamen Rider!

At this moment, Ji Ming completely understood!

The will to revenge cannot make people go further, at least in Ji Ming's eyes, the current Wudai Yusuke has already stood in a field that he could not reach in his entire life before, not referring to power...

But it only refers to this will!

This will to protect the smiles on everyone's faces!

"I understand, Mr. Wudai!" Ji Ming took a deep breath, and the palm of his hand holding the Nebula smoke gun stopped shaking.

"I was so stupid in the past, so stupid that I thought everyone was the same as me. I was full of hatred for these monsters. I hoped that someone could kill all of these monsters, but..."

【Gear Engine! 】

The gear engine was inserted into the nebula smoke gun by Jiming, and then taken out.

"But I ignored another problem. It is because of fear that I hate!"

【Gear Remocon! 】

【Funky Match! 】

"If people's fear of these monsters cannot be eliminated, then such hatred will be passed on forever, and more people will become like me before, so..."

This time, Ji Ming didn't have any expression of bitterness and hatred on his face, only relief.

"As you said, Mr. Wudai, compared to hatred, smile is the strongest power in this world! As long as everyone has a smile on their faces, then these monsters will never appear in this world! Then my 'Revenge' is a success! So..."

Even though he knew that he might not be able to help much, Ji Ming still did not flinch.

"Please let me fight with you, Mr. Wudai, Rundong!"

[Fever! 】

The Nebula smoke gun was triggered, and a large amount of gray mist sprayed out, but the next second made Jiming unbelievable that the moment the gray mist touched his body, he felt a sharp pain from his body. From everywhere.

Transformation failed!

Obviously there was no abnormality before, but after his body returned to normal, he couldn't even transform himself!

The side effects of the failed transformation made Jiming feel like his body was falling apart, and he fell to the ground in pain.

The gear fell off the nebula smoke gun and fell in front of him.

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